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Basically, the third eye means an inner eye, the ability to perceive immaterial structures and higher knowledge. In chakra theory, the third eye is also synonymous with the forehead chakra and stands for wisdom and knowledge. An open third eye refers to the absorption of information from higher knowledge that comes to us. If a person deals intensively with the immaterial universe, achieves strong enlightenment and insights and is able to intuitively interpret the root cause of true spiritual connections more and more, one can speak of an open third eye. Opening the third eye There are various influences that prevent us from opening our own third eye. On the one hand there are various negative environmental influences and food poisons that cloud our mind and ensure that we use our own intuitive abilities [...]

Cleaning your own mind means an energetic cleansing of your own consciousness in order to regain complete clarity and bring your own energetic foundation back into balance. Basically, this means the liberation of the body, mind and soul from dark, burdensome, disease-causing energies that are deeply anchored in our material shell. These energies block our inner flow and lead to our innermost being being thrown out of balance, energies that massively cloud our own spirit. How do these impurities arise? Any contamination of one's own mind always arises first in consciousness and the resulting thought processes. Everything in existence arises from thoughts, everything that we experience in life, every action taken and every event experienced is only derived from our own mental structures.

Everything in existence consists of consciousness and the thought processes that arise from it. Nothing can be created or even exist without consciousness. Consciousness represents the most powerful force in the universe because only with the help of our consciousness is it possible to change our own reality or to be able to manifest thought processes in the “material” world. Thoughts in particular have an enormous creative potential because all conceivable material and immaterial states arise from thoughts. Our universe alone is essentially just one thought. A projection of the mind! Basically, everything you perceive in your own life is just an immaterial projection of your own consciousness. For this reason, matter is also just an illusionary construct, a condensed energetic state identified as such by our ignorant mind. Ultimately, however, [...]

We all create our own reality with the help of our consciousness and the resulting thought processes. We can decide for ourselves how we want to shape our current life and what actions we commit, what we want to manifest in our reality and what not. But apart from the conscious mind, the subconscious still plays a crucial role in shaping our own reality. The subconscious is the largest and at the same time most hidden part that is deeply anchored in the human psyche. The greatest creative potential slumbers in it because the subconscious is the place where all conditioned thoughts and behaviors are stored. Anchored programming A main aspect that makes the subconscious so fascinating are so-called programming that is deeply rooted in this network and repeatedly comes to the surface of our consciousness. With programming you can [...]

What exactly happens when death occurs? Does death even exist and if so, where do we find ourselves again when our physical shells decay and our immaterial structures leave our physical bodies? Some people are convinced that even after life you enter something called nothing. A place where nothing exists and you no longer have any meaning. Some others believe in a principle of hell and heaven. That people who have done good in life enter paradise and that people who had evil in mind go to a dark, painful place. However, a large part of humanity believes in a reincarnation cycle (over 50% of the world's population, the largest proportion of which can be found in Far Eastern countries), that after death one [...]

A wide variety of philosophers have been puzzling over paradise for thousands of years. The question is always asked whether paradise really exists, whether one can reach such a place after death and, if so, what this place might look like. Now that death has occurred, you reach a place that is in a certain way closer to that. But that shouldn't be the topic here. Basically, there is much more to the term paradise and in this article I will explain to you why it is only a stone's throw away from our current life. Paradise and its realization If you imagine paradise then you are looking at a bright place where every person lives in peace [...]

Everyone strives to find love, joy, happiness and harmony in their life. Each being goes its own individual way to achieve this goal. We often accept many hurdles in order to be able to create a positive, joyful reality again. We climb the highest mountains, swim the deepest oceans and traverse the most dangerous terrains to taste this nectar of life. This is the inner drive that gives us meaning, a driving force that is anchored deep in the soul of every human being. In search of this happiness We are all constantly in search of this happiness and take the most diverse paths to find love in our own lives. However, it should be said that everyone has this goal for themselves [...]