We all create our own reality with the help of our consciousness and the resulting thought processes. We can decide for ourselves how we want to shape our current life and what actions we commit, what we want to manifest in our reality and what not. But apart from the conscious mind, the subconscious still plays a crucial role in shaping our own reality. The subconscious is the largest and at the same time most hidden part that is deeply anchored in the human psyche. The greatest creative potential slumbers in it because the subconscious is the place where all conditioned thoughts and behaviors are stored.
Anchored Programming

A main aspect that makes the subconscious so fascinating are so-called programming that are deeply rooted in this network and repeatedly surface in our consciousness. Basically, programming means conditioned trains of thought, patterns of behavior, patterns of belief and actions that come up again and again and want to be lived. These are thoughts that are deeply rooted in our psyche, thoughts that appear again and again and shape our omnipresent reality. It can be positive and negative thought patterns that reach our consciousness. These thoughts have arisen over time through our experiences and views in life and have been burned into the subconscious. For this reason, the subconscious is the key to being able to create a completely positive and harmonious reality, because most of our negative thoughts have their origin in the subconscious and can only disappear if we manage to reprogram it again. The intensity of the stored programming varies greatly and as a result, a different amount of time is required for each anchored train of thought.
A programming of light intensity
I have a suitable example for this. I was a very judgmental person when I was young, and this behavior was programmed deep into my subconscious. At that time I was blinded by social and media conventions and because of this I smiled at people who had a world view that did not correspond to mine. Overnight, however, I came to the realization that judgments are wrong, that they only limit one's own spiritual horizon and that one has no right to judge the life of another person. This realization exerted a strong influence on me and led to it becoming my new belief. In the days that followed, my subconscious kept reminding me of the old programming of judgments, but now I didn't go into it anymore and told myself that judgments were of no use to me. Over time, I reprogrammed my subconscious with this new realization and it so happened that these deep, negative thought processes disappeared. So I was able to create a new reality, a reality in which I no longer judged. The intensity was rather low, meaning it was very easy for me to remove this judgmental train of thought.
The Intensity of Addiction
It is similar with addictions, which usually bring with them a greater intensity and are usually more difficult to remove from the subconscious (of course, the whole thing depends heavily on the corresponding addictive substance). I'll take smoking as an example here. In today's society, many people would like to stop smoking, but they often fail in this endeavor and that not only has something to do with the material aspect, i.e. with the nicotine that occupies our receptors and makes us dependent, but much more with the immaterial , subconscious side to do. The problem with smoking is that apart from the addictive substances and smoking burns into the subconscious. For this reason, a smoker is confronted with thoughts of smoking again and again, because the subconscious brings these thoughts to mind again and again. The bad thing about it is that the thoughts you think about always increase in intensity and when you smoke, as soon as you allow yourself to think about them, you give in to the programming, the feeling of desire then becomes too strong. For this reason, the desire only disappears if you reprogram your own subconscious in this regard over time. Over time, these thoughts become less and less and at some point you have nipped the conditioned thought of the cigarette in the bud.
High intensity programming
But then again there is anchored programming that requires a lot of strength to dissolve it. Up until a month ago, for example, I was still in a 1-year relationship. During the separation phase, strong feelings of guilt burned into my subconscious again and again and every day, almost every minute, I was confronted with these feelings of guilt. During this time I was very depressed and the intensity was so strong that I could hardly handle it. But the situation improved and so after a while I recognized the power of my subconscious again and started to reprogram it again. Whenever feelings of guilt came up or other negative thoughts related to this, I always tried to perceive the positive core. I tried to turn all the negative thoughts into positive ones and even though it was very difficult at first, over time I was able to turn my self-imposed suffering into joy. For example, I was very hurtful to her because of personal problems (I smoked weed every day) and so my subconscious made me live through the suffering I caused her over and over again. However, when such a situation occurred, I did the following from then on, and I always kept the positive aspects of these events in mind for myself. Instead of going through the suffering I told myself that everything should be exactly as it is, that it couldn't have been otherwise, that everything is perfect as it is at this moment and that I will be a good friend to her from now on and through that I managed to change this almost insurmountable programming into a positive one. The whole undertaking was of course very difficult and I often had to put up with setbacks, but after about 3 month these thoughts hardly came up and when they were presented to me, I focused directly on the positive opposite of the corresponding thought. So the negative thoughts are hardly present anymore and thoughts of joy and happiness appear in this regard. Even if it was a very intensive and serious reprogramming, I was still able to transform this strong suffering and joy and therefore this is the crux of the matter creating a perfectly happy life.
spiritual magnetism
In order to achieve this, it is necessary to break through all inner barriers, to reprogram all thoughts anchored in the subconscious that only harm oneself. You make sure that your subconscious only produces positivity, positive thoughts instead of negative ones. If you can do that, then your own being only resonates with positivity, joy, abundance, happiness and love and consequently you become thanks to that law of resonance only rewarded with this energy. One is then able to make every wish come true because the universe always responds to a person's wishes. But if you're sad, then the universe only gives you more sadness, your own spiritual magnet just pulls the thoughts / "desires?" into your own life with which you always resonate, that's an irreversible law. And since your own world of thoughts works like a magnet that draws everything into your life that you resonate with, it is therefore very important to be in resonance with joy and love in order to fulfill your dreams. If you love yourself and are completely happy, then you radiate this inner state to the outside and only attract situations, people and events into your life that vibrate on a similar frequency. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.
That's exactly the case, since my OPERATION (esophagus removed), I've had deep depressions again and again due to the severe pain, so much so that I've asked myself whether life still makes sense, but thanks to my dear husband and his unique approach with me, little by little I became more and more routine (visiting a doctor, nursing and care) and also the moodiness caused by the morphine because of the severe pain, so today I can say it's good, just like that everything is fine and these are the thoughts and feelings that have manifested themselves positively and I also think about it every morning that I was very lucky that I am still alive at all. So keep your head up, get up and say again and again ,I only have 1 life and I don't want to give it up to death until very late, when I'm old.mfG