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Pluto Aquarius

Hello dear ones, after I haven't published any articles for a long time, today I have an article that is all the more important in terms of its message, because something extremely significant happened a week ago. Pluto, the planet of profound change, endings and rebirth, made its final change to the sign of Aquarius on November 19th. This constellation marks the beginning of a completely new era that will be of enormous importance both for us as individuals and for humanity as a whole. In this context, Pluto also stays in one sign of the zodiac for exceptionally long periods of time (around 20 years) and with each change of sign it always marks a new cycle that leads humanity to a new level. But in particular [...]

Pluto Aquarius

There are a variety of ways through which we can train and strengthen not only our own bodies, but also our minds. In exactly the same way, we have the ability to completely stimulate self-healing processes in our own cell environment, i.e. we can initiate countless regenerative processes in our organism through targeted actions. The main way we can achieve this is to improve the image we have of ourselves. The more harmonious our self-image is, the better the influence our mind has on our own cells. In addition, a more positive self-image ensures that we attract better or more fulfilling circumstances on the outside, because we are given the frequency circumstance that corresponds to our frequency state. One way to dramatically increase our frequency is to use the healing power of cold. The healing power of cold in [...]

Pluto Aquarius

The entire creation, including all its levels, is constantly moving in different cycles and rhythms. This fundamental aspect of nature can be traced back to the hermetic law of rhythm and vibration, which continuously affects everything and accompanies us throughout our lives. For this reason, every person, whether they are aware of it or not, moves in a wide variety of cycles. For example, there is a major interaction with the stars and transits (planetary movements), which directly affect us and, depending on our inner alignment and receptivity (energy type), significantly influence our lives. Everything always moves in cycles. For example, not only is the woman's menstrual cycle connected to the lunar cycle, but man himself is in direct connection with the moon and experiences [...]

Pluto Aquarius

In today's industrialized world, or more accurately, in today's world where our own minds are kept dense by innumerable harmful circumstances, there are many factors that have become burdensome to us due to unnatural occurrences. Be it, for example, the water that we drink every day, which, however, has no vitality and hardly any purity (in contrast to spring water, which is characterized by purity, a high energy level and a hexagonal structure), or the food that we eat every day take from us, which is largely materially or chemically contaminated and hardly has any vitality (machine manufacturing processes - without love) or even the air that we breathe every day. The air in cities As a rule, the topics of water and air are among the most underestimated factors, [...]

Pluto Aquarius

Human existence, with all its unique fields, levels of consciousness, mental expressions and biochemical processes, corresponds to an absolutely intelligent design and is more than fascinating. Essentially, each of us represents a completely unique universe that contains all information, possibilities, potential, abilities and worlds. Ultimately, we are creation itself. We consist of creation, are creation, are surrounded by creation and create the all-encompassing perceptible world every second based on our minds. This reality creation process is significantly influenced by our own vibration frequency. Our cells emit light. Seen in this way, we create what is outside, or rather we allow the possible reality to become visible, which in turn corresponds to the alignment and energy of our own field. A wealth of reality will therefore [...]

Pluto Aquarius

People have always talked about the seat of the soul or even the seat of our own divinity. Regardless of the fact that our entire being, including the field that represents everything and also contains everything within itself, could be understood as soul or divinity itself, there is a unique place within the human body that is often viewed as the seat of our divine blueprint is referred to as sacred space. In this context we are talking about the fifth chamber of the heart. The fact that the human heart has four chambers has recently been known and is therefore part of official teaching. However, the so-called “hot spot” (a modern term for the fifth chamber of the heart) receives little attention. It was not always like that. Not only did earlier advanced cultures know exactly about the fifth ventricle [...]

Pluto Aquarius

For what feels like a decade, humanity has been going through a strong ascension process. This process goes hand in hand with fundamental aspects through which we experience a drastic expansion and, above all, unveiling of our own state of consciousness. In doing so, we find our way back to our true self, recognize the entanglements within the illusory system, free ourselves from its shackles and accordingly not only experience a great expansion of our mind (increase in our self-image), but also a profound opening of our heart (the activation of our fifth ventricle). The healing power of the most original frequencies We feel an ever stronger pull towards nature. Rather than indulging in an unnatural lifestyle associated with circumstances permeated by discordant or even damaging frequencies, we want to re-absorb nature's healing primordial influences directly within us. Instead of leading a life in which [...]