Within today's density-based world, in which more and more people are finding their own true source and are experiencing a fundamental renewal of their own mind, body and soul systems (from the density into the light/light), it is becoming increasingly apparent to many that aging, illness and physical decay are symptoms of a permanent over-poisoning that we always intoxicate ourselves with ...
Exciting laws of nature & universal regularities
In the present time, human civilization is beginning to remember the most basic abilities of its own creative spirit. A constant unveiling takes place, i.e. the veil that was once laid over the collective spirit is about to be completely lifted. And behind that veil lies all our hidden potential. That we as creators ourselves have an almost immeasurable ...
While more and more people are finding their way back to their holy self in the current times and, whether consciously or unconsciously, more than ever follow the overarching goal of developing a life in maximum fullness and harmony, the inexhaustible power of the own creative spirit in the foreground. spirit rules over matter. We ourselves are powerful creators and we can ...
I have often spoken on this blog about the fact that there is no supposed “nothing”. Most of the time I took up this in articles that dealt with the subject of reincarnation or life after death, ...
I have often dealt with the seven universal laws, including the hermetic laws, in my articles. Whether the law of resonance, the law of polarity or even the principle of rhythm and vibration, these fundamental laws are largely responsible for our existence or explain elementary mechanisms of life, for example that the entire existence is of a spiritual nature and not just everything is driven by a great spirit, but that everything also arises from spirit, which can be seen in countless simple examples ...
The entire existence is continuously shaped + accompanied by 7 different universal laws (the hermetic laws/principles). These laws exert a massive influence on our own state of consciousness or, to put it better, explain the consequences of countless phenomena that we humans experience every day but often cannot interpret. Whether our own thoughts, the power of our own mind, supposed coincidences, different levels of existence (here/after), polaritarian states, different rhythms and cycles, energetic/vibrational states or even destiny, these laws pretty much explain the entire mechanisms of all ...
In today's world, we often doubt our own lives. We assume that certain things in our lives should have been different, that we may have missed great opportunities and that it shouldn't be the way it is now. We rack our brains about it, feel bad as a result and then keep ourselves trapped in self-created, past mental constructs. So we keep ourselves trapped in a vicious cycle every day and draw a lot of suffering, possibly also feelings of guilt, from our past. we feel guilty ...
The law of resonance is a very special topic that more and more people have been dealing with in recent years. Put simply, this law states that like always attracts like. Ultimately, this means that energy or energetic states that oscillate at a corresponding frequency always attract states that oscillate at the same frequency. If you're happy, you'll only attract more things that make you happy, or rather, focusing on that feeling will make that feeling amplify. ...
We live in a world that is still viewed by many people from a materially oriented mind (3D - EGO mind). Accordingly, we are also automatically convinced that matter is ubiquitous and comes along as a solid rigid substance or as a solid rigid state. We identify with this matter, align our state of consciousness with it and, as a result, very often identify with our own body. Man would supposedly be an accumulation of mass or a purely physical mass, consisting of blood and flesh - to put it simply. Ultimately, however, this assumption is simply wrong. ...
The big is reflected in the small and the small in the big. This phrase can be traced back to the universal law of correspondence or also called analogies and ultimately describes the structure of our existence, in which the macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm and vice versa. Both levels of existence are very similar in terms of structure and structure and are reflected in the respective cosmos. In this regard, the outer world that a person perceives is merely a mirror of one's own inner world and one's mental state is in turn reflected in the outer world (the world is not as it is but as one is). ...
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!