With today's daily energy on April 24, 2024, the influences of a powerful super full moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio reach us. The climax took place at 01:49 a.m., but the entire day is still accompanied by this extremely strong energy quality, as was noticeably the case in the past few days. After all, full moons are generally very intense ...
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In the last few days the weather in Germany and even in the roof region has become significantly cooler. In keeping with the impending start of the first winter month of December, temperatures have dropped, there was snowfall in some regions and slippery conditions or frost appeared in the area, especially at night and in the early morning hours. This could be one ...

Today's daily energy on January 02nd, 2022, apart from the newly begun influences of the third year of the golden decade, is characterized by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Capricorn at 00:01 in the night and has been earthing us accordingly ever since ...

Today's daily energy on December 31, 2021 is primarily shaped by the powerful transitional influences that will in turn usher us into the next highly magical year of this golden decade. This transition will be extremely powerful and will truly lead us into a completely new quality of energy. We are therefore changing from an extremely stormy one ...

Today's daily energy on December 24, 2021 is characterized on the one hand by the last portal day of the ten-day series of portal days, i.e. we are going through the last big gate today and on the other hand the influence of Christmas Eve also has an effect on the collective. In this context, the energy of Christmas Eve is always a very special one, so it prevails within ...

Today's daily energy on November 19th is characterized by an extremely powerful event, because on the one hand a full moon in the zodiac sign Taurus will be manifest at 10:02 a.m., on the other hand a partial lunar eclipse will reach us at the same time, to be precise it is even the longest partial lunar eclipse for centuries, because the entire eclipse runs up to 6 hours, which is said to have last taken place around 600 years ago. ...

Today's daily energy on November 11, 2021 is characterized by a special frequency-raising quality, because on the one hand we are passing through the powerful annual 11•11 portal today, which stands completely for our own self-empowerment (special numerology – energetically strong combination of numbers), matching this, today is also generally a portal day and on the other hand, the ...

Today's daily energy on November 03, 2021 is accompanied by very strong impulses and influences, because on the one hand the first portal day in November is reaching us today (the others are as follows: On 8 |11. |16th|24th| and on the 27th) and on the other hand this portal leads us directly into tomorrow's super new moon in Scorpio. In this context, the zodiac sign Scorpio is always associated with the strongest energetic impact (why e.g. Medicinal plants, fruits and co. while Scorpio moons generally have higher energy and vital substance density). And since tomorrow's new moon is particularly close to Earth (therefore super moon) ...

With today's daily energy on November 01st, 2021, a new energy quality will be introduced, suitable for the beginning of the last autumn month. In this context, November stands like no other month for letting go of old structures, patterns and attachments. Just before winter sets in and we fully immerse ourselves in the months of introspection, ...

Today's daily energy on October 28, 2021 stands perfectly for an incipient manifestation of a state of deep harmony, because on the one hand the moon reaches its "crescent state" today (a circumstance that generally stands for maximum balance - yin/yang - two sides that add up to one - the inside=outside), at 22:04 p.m. to be precise and on the other hand everything is pointing towards the healing of our inner world right this October. Before or in the morning (11:03) the waning moon then changes to the zodiac sign Leo, whereby the half moon, like the last full moon, is accompanied by the element fire. In addition, the strong energies of another portal flow towards us (the last portal day of this month). An important mixture of energy is therefore reaching us ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!