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The egoistic mind is the energetically dense counterpart to the psychic mind and is responsible for the generation of all negative thoughts. At the same time, we are currently in an age in which we are gradually dissolving our own egoistic mind in order to be able to create a completely positive reality. The egoistic mind is often strongly demonized here, but this demonization is only an energetically dense behavior. Basically, it's much more about accepting this mind, being grateful to it in order to be able to dissolve it. Acceptance and gratitude We often condemn our own egoistic mind, see it as something "evil", a mind that is solely responsible for generating negative thoughts, emotions and actions and only limits ourselves again and again, a mind through [. ..]


Thought is the fastest constant in existence. Nothing can travel faster than thought energy, even the speed of light is nowhere near faster. There are various reasons why thought is the fastest constant in the universe. On the one hand, thoughts are timeless, a circumstance that leads to them being permanently present and omnipresent. On the other hand, thoughts are completely immaterial and can achieve anything and anyone in a moment. This is also one of the reasons why we can permanently change/design our own reality at any time and in any place with the help of our thoughts. Our thoughts are omnipresent Our thoughts are omnipresent at all times. This presence is due to the spacetimeless structural nature that thoughts possess. In thoughts there is neither space nor time. Because of this, it is also possible [...]


Since the beginning of life, our existence has been constantly shaped and accompanied by cycles. Cycles are everywhere. There are known smaller and larger cycles. Apart from that, however, there are still cycles that elude the perception of many people. One of these cycles is also called the cosmic cycle. The cosmic cycle, also called the platonic year, is basically a 26.000 thousand year cycle that is bringing about significant changes for all of humanity. It is a period of time that causes the collective consciousness of humanity to rise and fall again and again. The knowledge about this cycle has already been taught to us by the most diverse earlier high cultures and is immortalized in the form of writings and symbolism all over our planet. The predictions of forgotten civilizations One of these civilizations [...]


There are what are known as the four Native American laws of spirituality, all of which explain different aspects of being. These laws show you the meaning of important circumstances in your own life and clarify the background of various aspects of life. For this reason, these spiritual laws can be very helpful in everyday life, because we often cannot see any meaning in certain life situations and ask ourselves why we have to go through a corresponding experience. Whether it is different encounters with people, various precarious or shadowy life situations or even phases of life that have come to an end, thanks to these laws you can understand some circumstances much better. #1 The person you meet is right The first law says that the person you meet in your life is right. This basically means that [...]


The transition to the fifth dimension is currently on everyone's lips. Many people say that our planet, along with all the people living on it, is entering the fifth dimension, which should result in a new peaceful age on our earth. Nevertheless, this idea is still ridiculed by some people and not everyone understands exactly what the fifth dimension or this transition is all about. What is meant by the fifth dimension, what is it all about and why this transition actually takes place, I try to bring you closer in this article. The truth behind the 5th dimension Due to very special cosmic circumstances, our solar system experiences a massive energetic increase every 26000 years, which means that mankind experiences a drastic increase in its own sensitive abilities. This [...]


Cancer has long been curable, but there are countless remedies and methods that can be used to effectively fight cancer. From cannabis oil to natural germanium, all of these natural substances target this unnatural cell mutation and could start a revolution in medicine. But this project, these natural remedies, are being specifically suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry. A healed patient is just a lost customer and no longer brings in sales, for this reason powerful propaganda is carried out and action is taken in a very targeted manner against these groundbreaking achievements. Every disease can be cured! It would be possible to free every cancer patient from his illness within a very short time. But not only cancer is curable, basically every existing disease can be successfully treated with the appropriate remedy. Nature has taken precautions and for [...]


Who am I? Countless people have asked themselves this question in the course of their lives and that's exactly what happened to me. I asked myself this question over and over again and came to exciting self-knowledge. Nevertheless, it is often difficult for me to accept my true self and to act from it. Especially in the last few weeks, the situations have led to me becoming more and more aware of my true self, my true heart's desires, but not living them out. In this article, I will reveal to you who I really am, what I think, feel and what characterizes my innermost being. Recognizing the true self - my heart's desire In order to find my own true self again, to become the true human being again [...]