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Jealousy is a problem that is very present in many relationships. Jealousy poses some serious problems that in many cases can even lead to relationships breaking up. It is often the case that both partners in a relationship suffer because of jealousy. The jealous partner often suffers from compulsive controlling behavior; he restricts his partner massively and keeps himself trapped in a lower mental construct, a mental construct from which he derives a great deal of suffering. In exactly the same way, the other party suffers from the partner's acting out jealousy. He is increasingly cornered, is deprived of his freedom and suffers from the pathological behavior of his jealous partner. Ultimately, long-term jealous behavior leads to one's own partner distancing themselves from [...]

More and more people have recently been dealing with the so-called dual soul process, are in it and are usually becoming painfully aware of their dual soul. Humanity is currently in a transition into the fifth dimension and this transition brings dual souls together, forcing both to deal with their primal fears. The dual soul serves as a mirror of one's own feelings and is ultimately responsible for one's own mental healing process. Especially in this day and age, when a new earth awaits us, new love relationships are emerging and the dual soul serves as an initiator for tremendous emotional and spiritual development. However, this process is usually perceived as very painful and many people can hardly imagine life without their dual soul. What it ultimately means [...]

Sacred geometry, also known as hermetic geometry, deals with the subtle primary principles of our existence and embodies the infinity of our being. Because of its perfectionistic and coherent arrangement, sacred geometry also illustrates in a simple way that everything in existence is interconnected. Ultimately, we are all just an expression of a spiritual force, an expression of consciousness, which in turn consists of energy. Deep down, every human being consists of these energetic states; they are ultimately responsible for the fact that we are connected to one another on an immaterial level. Everything is one and one is everything. A person's entire life can be traced back to the principles that embody sacred geometric patterns. Sacred Geometric Patterns As far as sacred geometry is concerned, there are various [...]

A person's entire existence is permanently shaped by 7 different universal laws (also called the hermetic laws). These laws have a huge influence on human consciousness and have an effect on all levels of existence. Whether material or immaterial structures, these laws affect all existing conditions and in this context characterize the entire life of a person. No living being can escape these powerful laws. Furthermore, these laws have always existed and always will exist. They explain life in a clear way and, when used consciously, can change your life for the better. 1. The Principle of Spirit – Everything is spiritual in nature! The principle of mind states that everything in existence is spiritual in nature. Spirit rules over material [...]

Letting go is currently a topic that many people are grappling with intensively. There are various situations/incidents/events or even people that you should definitely let go of in order to be able to move forward in life again. On the one hand, it's usually about failed relationships that you're trying with all your might to save, a former partner that you still love with all your heart and because of that you can't let go. On the other hand, letting go could also refer to deceased people who can no longer be forgotten. In exactly the same way, letting go can also apply to workplace situations or living conditions, daily situations that are emotionally stressful and are just waiting to be clarified. But this article is mainly about letting go of former life partners, how to accomplish such a project, what letting go really means.

The maca plant is a superfood that has been cultivated in the upper altitudes of the Peruvian Andes for around 2000 years and is often used as a medicinal plant due to its highly potent ingredients. In the past few decades, Maca was relatively unknown and only used by a few people. Nowadays the situation looks different and more and more people are making use of the beneficial and healing effects of the magic tuber. On the one hand, the tuber is used as a natural aphrodisiac and is therefore used in natural medicine for potency and libido problems, and on the other hand, maca is often used to improve the performance of athletes. In the following article you will find out why Maca is ultimately becoming more and more popular and why it is advisable to supplement it. The magic tuber superfoods, which are rich in vital substances, are foods or dietary supplements that have an extremely high spectrum [...]

Nowadays, most people are addicted to a wide variety of addictive substances. Whether from tobacco, alcohol, coffee, various drugs, fast food, or other substances, people tend to become dependent on pleasure and addictive substances. The problem is that all addictions limit our own mental abilities and, apart from that, dominate our own mind, our state of consciousness. You lose control over your own body, become less focused, more nervous, more lethargic and it is difficult to give up these stimulants. Ultimately, these self-imposed addictions not only limit our own consciousness, but also prevent a clear mental state and lower our own vibrational frequency. The lowering of one's own vibration frequency - clouding of consciousness Aside from various addictions, a main factor that clouds one's own state of consciousness is a poor or unnatural diet. In [...]