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sacred geometry

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Sacred geometry, also known as hermetic geometry, deals with the subtle primary principles of our existence and embodies the infinity of our being. Because of its perfectionistic and coherent arrangement, sacred geometry also illustrates in a simple way that everything in existence is interconnected. Ultimately, we are all just an expression of a spiritual force, an expression of consciousness, which in turn consists of energy. Deep down, every human being consists of these energetic states; they are ultimately responsible for the fact that we are connected to one another on an immaterial level. Everything is one and one is everything. A person's entire life can be traced back to the principles that embody sacred geometric patterns.

Sacred Geometric Patterns

flower of LifeAs far as sacred geometry is concerned, there are various sacred patterns, each of which embodies our existence along with the primal principles. The source of our life, the highest authority in existence, is consciousness. In this context, all material conditions are only an expression of an intelligent creative spirit, an expression of consciousness and the resulting thought processes. One could also make the claim that everything that has ever come into being, that every act committed, every event, is a consistent result of human imagination. No matter what happens, no matter what you will realize in your life, all of this will only be possible because of your mental imagination. Without thoughts you would not be able to live, could not imagine anything and would not be able to change/shape your reality (You are the creator of your own reality). Sacred geometric patterns illustrate this principle and, due to their harmonious arrangement, also represent an image of the spiritual foundation. There are a wide variety of sacred geometric patterns. Whether the flower of life, the golden ratio, the Platonic solids or even Metatron's cube, all of these patterns have one thing in common and that is that they come directly from the heart of a divine convergence, from the soul of an immaterial universe.

Sacred geometry has been immortalized all over our planet..!!

Sacred geometry can be found everywhere on our planet. The Flower of Life, for example, is found in Egypt on the pillars of the Temple of Abydos and is estimated to be around 5000 years old in its perfection. The golden ratio is in turn a mathematical constant with the help of which pyramids and pyramid-like buildings (Mayan temples) were built. The Platonic solids, named after the Greek philosopher Plato, represent the five elements earth, fire, water, air, ether and, due to their symmetrical arrangements, form the structures of our lives.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Stefan 22. May 2022, 23: 48

      I wonder why the topic is missing here, whether one or two circles have been drawn around the flower of life.
      Greetings Stefan

    Stefan 22. May 2022, 23: 48

    I wonder why the topic is missing here, whether one or two circles have been drawn around the flower of life.
    Greetings Stefan
