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Hidden magical abilities lie dormant in every person and can be specifically developed under very special conditions. Whether telekinesis (moving or changing the location of objects using your own mind), pyrokinesis (lighting/controlling fire with the power of your mind), aerokinesis (controlling the air and wind) or even levitation (floating with the help of your mind), all of these abilities can be activated again and can be traced back to the creative potential of our own state of consciousness. Only with the power of our consciousness and the resulting thought processes, we humans are able to shape our reality as we wish. We all create our own reality with the help of our consciousness and can realize every thought, no matter how abstract, on a material level. The development of spiritual abilities Every person has the potential to fully develop magical abilities again. [...]

Our soul has been in a recurring cycle of life and death for thousands of years. This cycle, also called the reincarnation cycle, is an overarching cycle that ultimately places us in an energetic level based on our earthly stage of development after death. In doing so, we autodidactically learn new views from life to life, continually develop ourselves, expand our consciousness, resolve karmic entanglements and move forward in the process of reincarnation. In this context, every person has a pre-constructed soul plan that needs to be fulfilled again in life. Once you have managed to build a completely positive spectrum of thoughts, whereby you automatically create a positive reality again when you fulfill your own soul plan, this ultimately results in the end of the reincarnation cycle. The circle of life!! Nevertheless it is [...]

The state of consciousness of every human being has been in a process of awakening for several years. A very special cosmic radiation causes the planetary oscillation frequency to increase dramatically. This increase in vibrational frequency ultimately results in an expansion of the collective state of consciousness. The impact of this strong energetic increase in vibration can be felt on all levels of existence. Ultimately, this cosmic change also leads to humanity once again exploring its own origins and achieving groundbreaking self-knowledge. In this context, humanity is regaining a stronger connection to the intuitive mind and becoming aware that essentially everything in existence is made up of energetic states. Everything consists of energy, frequency, vibration!! The well-known electrical engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla said in his time that the concepts of energy, frequency and vibration [...]

Emotional problems, suffering and heartache are seemingly constant companions for many people these days. It often happens that you have the feeling that some people hurt you again and again and are therefore responsible for your own suffering in life. You don't think about how you could end this situation, that you yourself may be responsible for the suffering you experience, and because of this you blame other people for your own problems. Ultimately, this seems to be the easiest way to justify your own suffering. But are other people really responsible for your own suffering? Is it really the case that you are a victim of your own circumstances and the only way to end your heartache is for the people in question to change their behavior? Everyone [...]

Astral travel or out-of-body experiences (OBE) usually means consciously leaving one's own living body. During an astral journey, your mind separates from your body, which allows you to experience life again from a completely immaterial perspective. An out of body experience ultimately leads to us finding ourselves in a form of pure consciousness, where we are neither tied to space nor time and can therefore embark on a journey across the entire universe. What is special in this context is your own non-physical state, which you experience during an astral journey. You are then invisible to outside observers and can reach any location within a very short time. Places that one imagines in such a form of existence become immediately manifest and one can imagine oneself based on the [...]

Humanity is currently in a so-called ascension into the light. A transition into the fifth dimension is often spoken of here (the fifth dimension does not mean a place in itself, but rather a higher state of consciousness in which harmonious and peaceful thoughts/emotions find their place), i.e. a huge transition , which ultimately leads to each person dissolving their own egoistic structures and, as a result, regaining a stronger psychological connection. In this context, this is also an overarching process that firstly occurs on all levels of existence and secondly is unstoppable due to very special cosmic circumstances. This quantum leap into awakening, which allows us humans to rise to multidimensional, fully conscious beings at the end of the day (i.e. people who shed their own shadow/ego parts and then return to them).

Deep down, every human being consists exclusively of energetic states which in turn vibrate at frequencies. A person's current state of consciousness has a completely individual vibration frequency. This oscillation frequency changes almost every second and is constantly increasing or decreasing. Ultimately, these changes in one's own vibrational frequency are due to a person's mind. The mind basically means the interaction between consciousness and subconscious. Our reality arises from this unique interaction, which we can change/adjust at any time based on our mental powers. With the help of their consciousness, each person creates their own reality, a completely individual vibration frequency and you will find out why this is constantly changing in the following article. The change in your own vibration frequency!! Ultimately, the entire existence is just an expression of a gigantic consciousness. The whole thing is [...]