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Is there a life after death? What happens when our physical shells disintegrate, so-called death occurs, and we enter a seemingly new world? Is there actually a previously unknown world that we will then pass through, or does our own existence end after death and we then enter a so-called nothingness, a supposed “place” where nothing exists/can exist anymore and our own Life completely loses meaning? Well, in this context I can reassure you because there is no death, at least it is something completely different than what most people would assume. Behind the supposed death there is a complex and fascinating world into which our soul fully enters after physical death. Death - A change in frequency Death on [...]


Negative thoughts and belief patterns are commonplace in our world today. Many people allow themselves to be dominated by such long-term mental patterns and thereby prevent their own happiness. It often goes so far that some negative belief patterns that are deeply rooted in our own subconscious can cause more harm than one might imagine. Apart from the fact that such negative thoughts or belief patterns can lower our own vibration frequency in the long term, they also weaken our own physical condition, put a strain on our psyche and limit our own mental/emotional abilities. Apart from that, negative thoughts and belief patterns prevent something essential and ultimately lead to us resonating with lack and preventing our own happiness. You attract into your life what corresponds to your vibration frequency Our spirit (the interaction [...]


Letting go is an important topic that almost every person will inevitably be confronted with at some point in their lives. However, this topic is usually completely misinterpreted, is associated with a lot of suffering/heartbreak/loss and can even accompany some people their entire lives. In this context, letting go can also refer to a wide variety of life situations, events and strokes of fate or even to people with whom you once had an intense bond, and perhaps even former partners who you can no longer forget in this sense. On the one hand, it's often about failed relationships, former love affairs that you just couldn't get over with. On the other hand, the topic of letting go can also refer to deceased people, former life situations, living situations, workplace situations, one's own past youth, [...]


In various spiritual circles, protective techniques are often presented with which one can protect oneself from negative energies and influences. Various techniques are always recommended, for example the visualization of a protective shield, a golden ray that enters your own energetic body via the crown chakra, flows through all chakras and is intended to protect us from negative influences. In this context, there are countless techniques that are intended to provide protection. However, these protective techniques are often misunderstood, and the negative influences are also usually misunderstood. In this context, I am also writing this article because a young man contacted me some time ago who no longer dared to go out for fear that people and other unknown beings could make him sick with negative energies. For this reason [...]


In this high-frequency age, more and more people are meeting their soul mates or becoming aware of their soul mates, whom they have met again and again for countless incarnations. On the one hand, people encounter their dual soul again, a complex process that is usually associated with a lot of suffering, and they usually then meet their twin soul. I explain the differences between the two soul connections in detail in this article: “Why dual souls and twin souls are not the same (dual soul process – truth soul partner)”. Nevertheless, it is precisely the dual soul process that causes many people a lot of grief and usually leads to us going through a phase of life of deep depression and heartache. It's all about your inner healing process Many people believe that the dual soul process is a process that is ultimately responsible for you meeting a soul mate with [...]


The first detoxification diary ends with this diary entry. For 7 days I tried to detoxify my body with the goal of freeing myself from all addictions that burden and dominate my current state of consciousness. This project was anything but easy and I repeatedly had to suffer small setbacks. Ultimately, the last 2-3 days in particular were really difficult, but that was again due to a broken sleep rhythm. We always created the videos late in the evening and then always went to sleep in the middle of the night or towards the end early in the morning. For this reason, the last few days have been extremely difficult. You can find out exactly what happened on the sixth and seventh days in the following diary entry! My detoxification diary day 6-7 The sixth day of [...]


The world as we know it is changing completely. We are in the midst of a cosmic shift, a massive upheaval that is dramatically increasing the spiritual level of human civilization. In this context, people also change their view of the world, revise their own, materially oriented worldview and increasingly explore their own origins, recognizing again that spirit/consciousness represents the highest authority in existence. In this regard, we also gain new insights into the external world and learn again, autodidactically, to look at life from a more sensitive perspective. In doing so, we also recognize again what matter or material states are really all about, why matter ultimately represents condensed energy and the entire world is merely an immaterial projection of our own state of consciousness. Everything is spiritual in nature. For thousands of [...]