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Fear is something common in today's world. Many people are afraid of a wide variety of things. For example, one person is afraid of the sun and is afraid of getting skin cancer. Someone else may be afraid to leave the house alone at night. In the same way, some people are afraid of a third world war or even of the NWO, elitist families that stop at nothing and mentally control us humans. Well, fear is seemingly ever present in our world today and the sad thing is that this fear is even wanted. Ultimately, fear paralyzes us. It prevents us from living fully in the present, in the now, an eternally expanding moment that always existed, is and will be. The game with the [...]


In today's world, it is normal to get sick on a regular basis. For most people, for example, it's nothing unusual to occasionally get the flu, get a runny nose, or get a middle ear infection or a sore throat. In later life, secondary diseases such as diabetes, dementia, cancer, heart attacks or other coronary diseases become commonplace. It is completely convinced that almost every person gets sick with certain diseases in the course of their life and that this cannot be prevented (apart from a few preventive measures). But why do people keep falling ill with a wide variety of diseases? Why is our immune system seemingly permanently weakened and unable to actively deal with other pathogens? We humans are poisoning ourselves..!! Well, at the end of the day it looks like [...]


We humans are very powerful beings, creators who can create or even destroy life with the help of our consciousness. With the power of our own thoughts, we can act self-determinedly and are able to create a life that corresponds to our own ideas. It depends on each person what spectrum of thoughts he legitimizes in his own mind, whether he allows negative or positive thoughts to arise, whether we join the permanent flow of flourishing, or whether we live out rigidity/stagnation. In exactly the same way, we can choose for ourselves whether, for example, we harm nature, spread/act out unrest and darkness, or whether we protect life, treat nature and wildlife with dignity or, better yet, create life and keep it intact. Create or destroy?! At the end of the day, we humans all write our own [...]


We humans experience a wide variety of situations and events in our lives. Every day we experience new life situations, new moments that are in no way similar to previous moments. No two seconds are the same, no two days are the same, and so it is natural that in the course of our lives we repeatedly encounter a wide variety of people, animals or even natural phenomena. It is important to understand that every encounter should take place in exactly the same way, that every encounter or that everything that comes into our perception also has something to do with us. Nothing happens by chance and every encounter has a deeper meaning, a special meaning. Even seemingly inconspicuous encounters have a deeper meaning and should remind us of something. Everything has a deeper meaning Everything in a person's life should be exactly the same [...]


The power of our own thoughts is limitless. There is nothing, really nothing, in this world that cannot be realized, even if there are of course trains of thought whose realization we strongly doubt, thoughts that may seem completely abstract or even unreal to us. But thoughts represent our origin, the entire world in this context is just an immaterial projection of our own state of consciousness, our own world/reality that we can create/change with the help of our own thoughts. The entire existence is based on thoughts, the entire current world is the product of various creators, people who are constantly shaping/reshaping the world with the help of their consciousness. Everything that has ever happened in the universe we know, every action committed by human hands, is therefore due to the power of our imagination, to the power of our own thoughts. Magical abilities From this [...]


Consciousness is the origin of our life; there is no material or immaterial state, no place, no occurring product of creation that does not consist of consciousness or its structure and has a parallel consciousness. Everything has consciousness. Everything is consciousness and consciousness is therefore everything. Of course, in every existing state there are different states of consciousness, different levels of consciousness, but at the end of the day it is the power of consciousness that connects us on all levels of existence. Everything is one and one is everything. Everything is connected to one another, separation, for example a separation from God, from our divine source is just an illusion in this regard, caused by our own egoistic mind. The earth has a consciousness..!! Our planet Earth is more than just a huge planet, a piece of rock on which, over the course of time, [...]


Every person has different soul mates. This doesn't even apply to corresponding relationship partners, but also to family members, i.e. related souls who repeatedly incarnate into the same “soul families”. Every person has a soul mate. We have been meeting our soul mates for countless incarnations, or more precisely for thousands of years, but it was difficult to become aware of our own soul mates, at least in the past ages. In the past centuries, an energetically dense environment prevailed in our world Or rather, a circumstance that was characterized overall by a low frequency (low planetary frequency state) - which is why humanity was rather cool and materially oriented (too strong EGO expression). Low-frequency times In these times people hardly had a conscious connection to their divine source (it was clear that [...]