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Current daily energy | Moon phases, frequency updates & more

daily energy

After the pretty strong energies yesterday, things are pretty quiet again today and so we are receiving daily energetic influences that are rather minor in intensity, i.e. pleasant in nature. We are mainly influenced by the moon, which changed to the zodiac sign Taurus yesterday at 06:03 a.m. and has since given us influences through security and demarcation ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on June 09th, 2018 is characterized by several different star constellations, to be precise by two disharmonious and two harmonious constellations. On the other hand, we can also reach you ...

daily energy

Before we start with today's daily energy: Yesterday someone pointed out to me that he liked the old design of the daily energy items much more, simply because more information and, above all, many personal influences were included, instead of a mostly pure list of various star constellations and geomagnetic influences. Of course you can't please everyone, but in a certain way I could understand him. Of course, as already mentioned at the time, I could no longer continue with the old-style daily energy articles, simply because it cost me too much energy in the long run and I sometimes worked on it until the night (my health and passion suffered as a result became less).  ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on June 07th, 2018 is characterized by three different star constellations, of which one disharmonious constellation in particular stands out. On the other hand, the moon changes to the zodiac sign Aries late in the evening, which means we could be in a pretty energetic mood from then on or in the next two to three days, because Aries moons generally represent ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on June 06th, 2018 is mainly characterized by seven different star constellations, which is why we get quite a lot of different influences overall. Three of the constellations were already effective in the morning. The other four constellations only become active in the afternoon/evening. Ultimately, it could therefore be a very changeable day, at least if you go by the influences, ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on June 05th, 2018 is mainly shaped by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Pisces at 12:53 p.m. and has since given us influences that can make us dreamy, sensitive and introverted. This would also allow us to have a fairly vivid imagination and dream expressively for the next 2-3 days. ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on June 04th, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by two different star constellations and on the other hand by the moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius. On the other hand, stronger influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency continue to reach us, i.e. things continue to be stormy overall. Of course, the portal day series is over and in that respect ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on June 03rd, 2018 is mainly shaped by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Aquarius at 00:06 a.m. and since then has given us influences that not only make us very open to new things, but also quite brotherly and could be socially minded. On the other hand, the lingering influences of yesterday's portal day also have an impact on us. ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on June 02nd, 2018 is mainly shaped by the strong influences of the tenth and final portal day. It should also be noted that this is the last portal day of this month. In that respect, things won't really start again until July, when we'll have another ten-day series of portal days. On the other hand, two different constellations are at work today, one of which is quite inspiring in nature. ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on o1. June 2018 will be characterized on the one hand by the strong influences of the ninth portal day and on the other hand by six different star constellations, one of which will be effective in the morning and all the remaining constellations in the afternoon/evening. On the other hand, the geomagnetic influences are a little more pronounced today. We also received several impulses regarding the planetary resonance frequency, one of which reached us during the night. ...