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Current daily energy | Moon phases, frequency updates & more

daily energy

Today's daily energy on May 23, 2018 is shaped by countless different star constellations. Mercury in particular stands out and gives us a much more pronounced intuition, a richer one ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on May 22, 2018 is mainly shaped by the moon, which in turn switches to the zodiac sign Virgo at 04:02 a.m. and can subsequently make us analytical and critical. This also means a greater awareness of health, increased productivity and a certain sense of duty. Otherwise, we also get the influences of three different harmonious constellations. Last but not least, even stronger impulses regarding the planetary resonance frequency are also very worth mentioning. ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on May 21, 2018 is mainly characterized by two different constellations. On the one hand, the moon moved into the zodiac sign Leo yesterday, which could make us feel more dominant and self-confident than usual. The “Lion Moon” also increases our creativity and gives us an increased desire for pleasure and enjoyment. If we allow ourselves to be dominated too strongly by the influences of the “Leo Moon”, then we could have a strong outward orientation. ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on May 19, 2018 is characterized by six different star constellations. Among them there is also a very special constellation: Venus changes to the zodiac sign Cancer at 15:10 p.m. This situation could make us feel a strong need for affection. This connection could also make us quite sensitive and have a more developed imagination. Otherwise reach us ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on May 18, 2018 is mainly shaped by the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Cancer, which could make us feel a longing for home, peace and security within us. On the other hand, the focus could be on developing the pleasant aspects of life. The Cancer Moon also offers a wonderful opportunity to develop new soul powers. ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on May 17, 2018 is shaped on the one hand by three different star constellations and on the other hand by the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Gemini, which stands for communication and thirst for knowledge. In the late evening, the moon switches again to the zodiac sign Cancer, which is why the development of the pleasant aspects of life can be in the foreground in the next three days. ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on May 16, 2018 is mainly shaped by the moon in the zodiac sign Gemini, which in turn stands for all kinds of communication, thirst for knowledge and new experiences. On the other hand, Mars enters Aquarius at 06:54 a.m., where it will stay until August 13th, allowing us to remain fairly independent during this time. We could too ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on May 15, 2018 is shaped on the one hand by the new moon influences and on the other hand by four different star constellations. The new moon in particular stands out, which can certainly make us emotional and let our feminine sides express themselves (due to the Taurus connection), but on the other hand also stands for renewal, new beginnings and cleansing. Otherwise one will reach us too ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on May 14, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by two different lunar constellations and on the other hand by the pure influences of the Taurus Moon. For this reason, influences reach us that still focus on security, demarcation and an orientation towards our family or our home. On the other hand, we could also stick to habits and indulge in various pleasures. Otherwise, other influences reach us that could make us feel quite conscientious and, if necessary, pursue goals with deliberation. Towards the late evening ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on March 13, 2018 is characterized by countless star constellations, seven different constellations to be exact, which is why there is a lot going on in the starry sky. On the other hand, the moon also changes to the zodiac sign Taurus at 20:14 p.m., which is why from then on or in the next two to three days,  ...