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Current daily energy | Moon phases, frequency updates & more

daily energy

After yesterday's intensive new moon and the associated, renewing energies, which were partly able to provide a lot of new input regarding our future path in life, things are a little calmer in comparison - even if the energetic milieu as a whole is still more stormy nature is. Today's daily energy also stands for the power of the community, the power of the family and is therefore also an expression of cohesion. For this reason, we shouldn't take on too much today, instead trust our inner voice and devote ourselves to our families. ...

daily energy

Today's daytime energy continues to be of greater intensity, preparing us for the upcoming New Moon tomorrow. As far as that is concerned, the 23th new moon will reach us on July 7rd this year and thus give us an energetic daily event again, which in turn can be very beneficial for our own mental + spiritual development. Overall, new moons also stand for building something new, for realizing one's own thoughts, ...

daily energy

With a very long delay, the latest daily energy article is back. For that matter, I personally couldn't sleep at all last night. Whether it was related to the portal day and the strong energies that came with it, or to Haarp, who like to create storms + cloud carpets on such days, generate strong frequencies to stem the inflowing energies, I don't know. Anyway, I haven't experienced anything like this for a long time and so last night my mind was over the top and I couldn't fall asleep until around 6am, ...

daily energy

Due to today's portal day, the daily energy is significantly more intense than on other days, which is ultimately also very noticeable on the outside. There is a severe weather alert for some parts of the country and strong thunderstorms + floods reach some areas. That's exactly how I was woken up this morning by a thunderstorm that was very impressive in terms of intensity/discharges, but also partly frightening. Normally I am fascinated by such natural spectacles, ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on July 19, 2017 favors the creation of our own new structures, can ensure that we are more communicative, more disciplined and, above all, more creative. In this context, the planet Mercury is also favorable to Saturn, which in turn strongly promotes structured thinking and self-discipline. Ultimately, this can therefore also have a very positive effect on our own job or other activities. Apart from that, today it is still about our own being, about our own personal needs, ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy stands for our urge for freedom and the associated realization of a state of consciousness, which in turn is permanently in resonance with the feeling of freedom. As a result, it is also about our own goals, reorientation and striving for balance. In this context, balance is also something that almost everyone strives for. The phenomenon of balance or the striving for balance, for freedom, can also be observed on all levels of existence. Whether micro or macrocosm, ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy article is coming with a slight delay. As far as that is concerned, today's daily energy is also characterized by personal responsibility. It's about that we now take responsibility for our own actions and become aware that no other person is responsible for our own problems, but everything that happens in our lives, ...

daily energy

For a long time I had planned to report on the daily energetic influences. Ultimately, there is a different energetic vibratory milieu every day. Different energetic influences reach us every day, whereby our state of consciousness is repeatedly fed with the most diverse energies. In this context, the daily energy has a strong effect on our own state of mind and can be responsible for the fact that we are more motivated, more euphoric, more sociable or even more confident overall. ...

daily energy

March was a rather stormy month overall. The last few weeks in particular have been accompanied by an energetic high, which in turn transported many inconsistencies, mental traumas and spiritual problems into our daily consciousness and specifically made them clear to us. Arguments were therefore in the air and massive arguments could often break out. Times in which our planet is accompanied by high vibrational frequencies simply bring about such circumstances, because our frequency adjustment to that of the Earth automatically transports internal conflicts to our surface. For this reason, March was a very busy month. On the other hand, this month could also provide a lot of clarification and self-discovery, especially towards the end. ...