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I have often spoken on this blog about the fact that there is no supposed “nothing”. Most of the time I took up this in articles that dealt with the subject of reincarnation or life after death, for as far as that is concerned, some people are convinced that after death they will enter a supposed "nothingness" and then their existence would "disappear" altogether.

The basis of existence

NothingOf course, everyone is allowed to believe what they want and that should be completely respected. Nevertheless, if you look at the basic structure of existence, which in turn is of a spiritual nature, then it becomes clear that there can be no supposed "nothing" and that such a state does not exist in any way. On the contrary, we ourselves should keep in mind that there is only existence and that existence is everything. Apart from the fact that we humans continue to live as a soul after death, which represents a change in frequency, and then prepare for a new incarnation, we are therefore immortal beings and exist forever (always in a different physical form), we should understand that the basis of everything is spiritual. Everything is based on mind, thoughts and sensations. A supposed "nothing" cannot therefore exist, because existence, based on spirit, permeates everything and is also expressed in everything. Even if we imagine a supposed "nothing", the core of this "nothing" would be thought/mental in nature due to our imagination. It would therefore not be "nothing", but much more a thought of a certain existence of a "nothing". Therefore, there was never "nothing" or a "nothing" and there will never be "nothing" or a "nothing", because everything is something, everything is based on mind and thoughts, "everything is". That is also what is special about creation. This has always existed, especially on an immaterial/mental level. The great spirit or an all-pervading consciousness characterizes the existence of everything. For this reason, this also invalidates, at least in a way, the Big Bang theory, because nothing can arise from nothing and if the Big Bang is supposed to have actually existed, then it arose out of a certain existence. How can something come out of nothing? All material forms of expression have therefore also not arisen from “nothing”, but much more from spirit.

The root of all existence, i.e. that which characterizes the entire creation and gives it form, is of a spiritual nature. Spirit is therefore the basis of everything and is also responsible for the fact that existence is everything and a supposed "non-existence" is not possible. Everything already exists, everything is anchored in the core of creation and can also never cease to exist. The situation is similar with thoughts, which we in turn legitimize in our own mind. For us these may have been newly conceived, but ultimately they are only mental impulses that we have drawn from the infinite spiritual sea of ​​life..!!

Everything is of a spiritual nature, that is the origin of all life. So there has always been something, namely spirit (leaving a mental basic structure aside). The creation, one could also say we as creation, because we embody the space and the original source itself, are therefore space-timeless and infinite beings (this knowledge eludes only the perception of a human being), because of their mental imagination and also because of their spiritual Qualities that will always represent the root cause. Our existence can never be extinguished. Our presence, i.e. our mental/energetic basic form, cannot simply dissolve into “nothing”, but it continues to exist. We will therefore continue to exist forever. Death is therefore only an interface and accompanies us into a new life, a life in which we develop further and approach a final incarnation. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

I am happy about any support 

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Wolfgang Wisbar 29. December 2019, 22: 57

      Existence means in our human understanding as an infinity of new creation of protons, atoms ect. that creates something new and we can perceive it with our senses.

      Nothing comes from nothing. At least that's what they say in every philosophy.

      You always ask yourself what was before the big bang and you definitely give some hypotheses that you can give a satisfied answer for yourself.

      What bothers me, however, is that there is an infinity of existence, but that "nothing" does not exist. It could, after all, be the end of everything that hasn't happened yet.

      Don't want to set anything, just think about it.

      The "nothingness" could also be a myth that may emerge as an afterlife, but there could also be certain mysterious events of reincarnation that supposedly exist, but neither are proven. A random event.

      In the end, the big bang is just the beginning of something new. so there could also have been life before the big bang that may not have been discovered yet or was devoured/compressed into “nothing” and thus caused a big bang.

      The "nothing" cannot be empty space because there can be no space. Otherwise there would be a space and nullify "nothing". A paradox would arise. But what if we are in the "nothing" where existence can reside. Where we find ourselves in a boundary between those of existence and "nothingness" in the paradox itself.

      I could write a science fiction, fantasy book... so many possibilities.

    • Catherine Weisskircher 16. April 2020, 23: 50

      I would like you to answer these questions

      Thank you

    Catherine Weisskircher 16. April 2020, 23: 50

    I would like you to answer these questions

    Thank you

    • Wolfgang Wisbar 29. December 2019, 22: 57

      Existence means in our human understanding as an infinity of new creation of protons, atoms ect. that creates something new and we can perceive it with our senses.

      Nothing comes from nothing. At least that's what they say in every philosophy.

      You always ask yourself what was before the big bang and you definitely give some hypotheses that you can give a satisfied answer for yourself.

      What bothers me, however, is that there is an infinity of existence, but that "nothing" does not exist. It could, after all, be the end of everything that hasn't happened yet.

      Don't want to set anything, just think about it.

      The "nothingness" could also be a myth that may emerge as an afterlife, but there could also be certain mysterious events of reincarnation that supposedly exist, but neither are proven. A random event.

      In the end, the big bang is just the beginning of something new. so there could also have been life before the big bang that may not have been discovered yet or was devoured/compressed into “nothing” and thus caused a big bang.

      The "nothing" cannot be empty space because there can be no space. Otherwise there would be a space and nullify "nothing". A paradox would arise. But what if we are in the "nothing" where existence can reside. Where we find ourselves in a boundary between those of existence and "nothingness" in the paradox itself.

      I could write a science fiction, fantasy book... so many possibilities.

    • Catherine Weisskircher 16. April 2020, 23: 50

      I would like you to answer these questions

      Thank you

    Catherine Weisskircher 16. April 2020, 23: 50

    I would like you to answer these questions

    Thank you
