As has already been mentioned in detail, we are currently experiencing the disintegration of a world that has existed for countless centuries and was essentially designed to keep people in spiritual captivity. All structures and mechanisms within this world, implemented by actors, all of whom follow a profoundly dark agenda, are aimed solely at preventing people from developing their true being, i.e. it also becomes the manifestation of a high-frequency / sacred world suppressed by any means. ...
For the last few decades we have consciously found ourselves in a progressive process of awakening, which felt very slow, especially in the first few years, but has meanwhile taken on massively accelerated features, especially in the past decade and this decade. The ascension of all human civilization into an overarching perfection heal condition has become unstoppable and ultimately ensures that the old system or the ...
"If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping when there's a mosquito in the room." This quote comes from the Dalai Lama and basically makes it clear that we humans are not supposedly small creatures , which in turn is just about ...
In the current age of collective awakening, more and more people are fathoming the so-called matrix system, or the sham system built around our minds, i.e. a facade created by families, which in turn control the financial system, various industries, states and the mass media. In doing so, more and more people are being confronted with these topics in an inevitable way and are consequently immersing themselves deeper and deeper into a network, ...
This article is about a very explosive topic that has been mentioned more and more lately, at least the topic is being taken up more and more often by free media and countless website operators or people in general. This is such a precarious topic that it ...
This rather short article is about a video that explains exactly why we humans have been in slavery for our lifetime and, above all, why penetrating/recognizing this illusory world/slavery is a problem for many people. The fact is that we humans live in an illusory world that was built around our minds. Because of conditioned beliefs, beliefs, and inherited worldviews, we hold to a deeply exploitative and ...
In this article I go back to a topic that I addressed on my Facebook page last night and that is the progressive internet censorship. In this context, various system-critical content has been deleted or punished for a few months, yes, basically even for a few years. ...
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!