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In the current age of collective awakening, more and more people are fathoming the so-called matrix system, or the sham system built around our minds, i.e. a facade created by families, which in turn control the financial system, various industries, states and the mass media. In doing so, more and more people are being confronted with these topics in an inevitable way and are consequently immersing themselves deeper and deeper into a network, from which increasingly abstract deceptions and disinformative or historical concealments emerge.

Decoding the matrix system

Decoding the matrix systemIn doing so, we humans are inevitably confronted again with topics that, on the one hand, seem only minimally abstract to ourselves, for example 9/11 by the US government and secret services to enforce various geopolitical goals (creating an enemy image, expanding the surveillance apparatus, destabilization and looting). corresponding regions, obtaining legitimacy for war, exercising control, etc.) and on the other hand with larger issues that in no way fit into our own world view and are consequently massively ridiculed by us. For this reason, we tend to adopt a certain defensive posture and instinctively act against such ideas. Ultimately, this is a huge paradox. Especially in this time of unveiling, in which many people uncover/understand part of the deception and want to be listened to, people who are convinced of a seemingly very abstract theory are met with great hostility. But in order to expand our own horizons, it is important that we maintain a certain freedom from prejudice. If we ourselves go and expose ideas to ridicule, and only because it does not in any way conform to our own convictions and beliefs, then we keep our own mind closed and as a result are subject to a self-imposed blockage that we ourselves previously had (regarding... some other topics). For this reason, it is very important in today's world that we respect the uniqueness of our fellow human beings and listen to their inner truth instead of frowning upon it for no reason. Ultimately, we all go our completely individual path and also have our completely individual truth. Ultimately, this is also a fundamental principle in order to be able to guarantee peaceful coexistence, otherwise we will legitimize an internally accepted exclusion from other people in our own mind and only because a person's ideas do not fit into our worldview.

What a dreary era in which it is easier to smash an atom than a prejudice – Albert Einstein..!!

At this point it should also be said again that the extent of the deception or the illusionary world that has been built around our minds is gigantic. For many people it is difficult to imagine how big this scale actually is and into which areas it flows. Keeping an overview can therefore often be difficult, but if we go our own way and trust it and at the same time remain receptive and do not close our minds in any way to unknown terrain, then completely new realities can reveal themselves to us. Only an unprejudiced, calm, unbiased and open mind can lay the foundations for a new reality. In this context, I would like to introduce you to my latest video, in which I go into detail about this topic. I discussed various aspects and seemingly abstract topics and explained why we should not reject corresponding ideas. If you're interested then take a look, I definitely put a lot of effort into creating it. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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