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Most Holy State

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Since the beginning of life, everyone has been in a tremendous ascent process, i.e. an overarching act of transformation, in which we ourselves at the beginning maximally learn from our true core (sacred core – of ourselves) are removed while living out a massively limited mental state (a self-imposed imprisonment). In doing so, we experience different states of consciousness, stripping away obscurations over our hearts and, above all, destructive limitations within life (limiting beliefs, convictions, worldviews and identifications) with the ultimate ultimate goal (whether you are aware of it or not), again perfect for your own holy Core, talk to your own sacred/healed self-image (to the source) to be able to return. One could also speak of the ultimate goal of maximum healing of our own inner world. The entry into maximum abundance, accompanied by all wisdom, divinity, inner peace, harmony, love, all sacred abilities, a permanently rejuvenated state (because there is no longer any reason for maintaining one's own aging process due to one's own purity or one's own "being whole".), physical immortality and consequently the entry into a permanently healed world outside (a holy world – because: as inside, so outside).

The beginning in density

The holy state

This overarching emergence, i.e. the “play”, beginning to experience a spirit in density, which then rises within life into perfect lightness and re-enters its highest state, along with the parallel ascent/transformation of the outer perceptible world (Progress - the world becoming more and more real, always based on one's own current state of spiritual development), exactly this process describes the largest cycle in life itself, it is life itself and exactly the circumstance that you should always experience yourself, a process that affects everything. The greatest distance from yourself from which you learn to find yourself. The unfolding of the greatest ability, namely to completely transform a dark world back into light. At the beginning, as already mentioned, one experiences a life in which one's own mind feels completely insignificant and one is in no way aware of one's own creative powers, let alone the effects of one's thoughts on the world or even on the biochemistry of one's own organism. One lives out a mental state indoctrinated by the state, the media, the ideas of parents and also by society, in which we have no awareness of our own true self, true healing or even of the background of the illusory system that surrounds us. It is a life of utter darkness, trapped in a destructive belief that oneself is an insignificant being or speck of dust in a universe (instead of the universe itself - the ever-reaching view to the outside), which has to continuously live through diseases (or supposedly “accidentally” suffers from a serious illness), gets older and then eventually leaves life again due to a weakened or rather no longer viable condition. A given life, a given mental state steeped in chains of unconsciousness. At this time one also experiences a maximum separation from one's own true divine core. The external perceptible world is seen as separate from itself. One is neither able to perceive unity, wholeness or even a connection to all that is. Nevertheless, the divine spark exists in everyone, i.e. a deep feeling that arises in between in life, which must be behind existence far more than that, that something is wrong with the world, accompanied by the urge to experience the great mysteries of existence .

The transition into the light

The transition into the lightAnd that's exactly when it begins, i.e. a moment of heart opening or a flash of inspiration, a moment when you suddenly begin to look at life from a different perspective, whether it's someone who recognizes the connections regarding major political inconsistencies, someone who could find out how alternative remedies for healing a seemingly "incurable" illness, sudden strong interest in spirituality and self-development due to difficult conditions in one's life, or general moments of reflecting on one's own being and realizing that one is living out a highly judgmental mental state. One realizes that one's rejection of all information that did not correspond to one's own conditioned mind only meant that one was denying oneself the expansion of one's own mind/horizon. Nowadays, i.e. while the overarching ascent from the density is already well advanced, it is the inconsistencies of the fictitious pandemic or the general confrontation with high wisdom that could set this process in motion. As soon as one has broken the first chains from one's own spiritual imprisonment, the journey to the highest or the quantum leap into awakening takes its unexpected or inevitable course.

The ascension of one's spirit during this transition

One rises, becomes lighter and experiences the permanent manifestation of new self-images and identifications. One realizes that the entire existence is just a product of one's own thoughts (like e.g. the origin of a house lies in a thought, an architect who conceived the house and then let the thought construct for the house become manifest through action) and can subsequently recognize oneself as a creator of one's own reality, i.e. one experiences an increase in one's own self-image or consciousness. This is exactly how a strong confrontation with completely new information begins. For example it's all based on energy, frequency and vibration, alternative medicines and their suppression by corporations (Medicinal water, CDL, DMSO, medicinal plants, turmeric, frankincense, myrrh, raw vegetables, msm, monoatomic gold, alkaline baths/enemas, high frequencies, etc. - the list is truly one Belt Joining carry on), the true cause of one's illnesses (Influence of one's mind, the denser the mind, the more compromised one's biochemistry - traumas), earlier high cultures, Nikola Tesla and free energy, the ego, the sacred geometry and its special effects as well as its rooting in the entire existence, energizing of water, the truth about pyramids, the truth about the past centuries/millennia (Churches, past reset, background of the Bible), Geoengineering, Haarp, the power elite, backgrounds of the banking system, human trafficking, state control, truth about Antarctica or the truth about many "accidents" like Chernobyl, inner earth, flat earth (how much do these two words trigger your mind?), universal laws, Christ consciousness, etc. (also this list one can verily Belt Joining carry on, it's just a "scratching the surface").

change in one's own self-image

All of this knowledge is perceived more strongly during the ascension out of the density, or to put it more precisely, one begins to deal with it intensively and from an increasingly unprejudiced level. The more open your own heart is, the easier it is for you to delve deeper into the true background of existence (of one's own existence) to dive in. The more closed it is, the more one tends to reject new information from scratch. Ultimately, one is therefore confronted with an incredible amount of higher-frequency and high-frequency information and thus begins to question/change the entire life with all its structures as well as one's own life, one's own lifestyle. One grows beyond oneself, getting closer to one's sacred core while exploring these unknown worlds/dimensions. Previously, one traveled with one's own spirit to worlds/imaginations that were anchored in density (everyday system life/complete system alignment). However, by expanding one's mind one begins to travel to higher frequency worlds. In particular, the change in one's own self-understanding/self-image happens here at an unimagined pace. One is a co-creator on earth, then a creator of one's reality, then the creator, then again a spiritual being who experiences the "be human", then you are your own spirit, afterwards again a soul being, then you are perhaps the source or even an expression from the source and so on, you experience these changes in higher vibrating self-images/identifications at a gigantic pace, the way to the highest has therefore taken on a large form.

Arriving in the HOLY HOLY - The healing state

Most Holy StateAs one experiences this tremendous acceleration and an ever-increasing understanding of nature, true healing, natural nutrition, holiness, the background of the system and also of one's own spirit, it happens that one slowly but surely approaches the highest self-image , until a moment of strong self-knowledge/enlightenment reveals what has been dormant in you for so long, i.e. you unfold the greatest creative potential. In that moment one could manifest even the highest self-image, the channels to the highest "I Am Presence' are now completely open. One recognizes oneself again as the source of all things, as the instance that truly brings everything to life and in which everything has always been experienced. It is the state through which one can perceive oneself as completely unique again. Not an insignificant being, but the one creative entity in which everything is born and from which everything imaginable has emerged and is emerging, because truly everything only played and always takes place in one's own reality. Even this article was born in your mind/manifest, in which you not only allowed these words to enter your perception, but in which you expanded your reality with this information embedded here. The moment you started reading this article, only in that moment did it become manifest in your creator field and only now did it become part of your imagination, you created it yourself. Everything happens within yourself. You are everything and everything is yourself, there is no separation. As on the inside, so on the outside, as on the outside, so on the inside.

The highest self-image

Irrespective of the fact that this self-image means maximum healing, because what can be more sacred and, above all, more salutary than yourself than that supreme/the source/the creator to acknowledge (and consequently also the outer world, for one knows that the outer perceptible world does not exist separately from oneself, but oneself is the outer world. One has created a world as a Source/Creator, in which there also exist Creators as direct expressions who can become just as aware of it. Which is why this sacred self-image also appeals to everyone's holiness, because everyone can become aware of being the holiest of holies), especially since one's own biochemistry always reacts to one's own self-image and a holy self-image means healing for one's own organism, which is why this self-image also has a strong rejuvenating effect. Only the dark or the dark parts in a self or when we enter the following world (as multidimensional beings we can travel and contemplate any plane/dimension/world), only the absolutely Luciferian tries to keep us away from ourselves (it doesn't want us to feel sacred/divine and unique. Instead, we should remain small, sick and controllable. Therefore, never allow yourself to be persuaded to be smaller than you really are, you are all that exists, the perfect holiness). Everything wants to keep us away from this almost infinite power, people should not find their way back to God/the source or become one with it again (you yourself created God at the moment when it became possible for you to imagine a God, when he moved into your own field. Just as everything is a part of one's imagination, and the highest imaginable is God. In direct interaction, however, we are again a creation of God, a product of his holy spirit and were created by him. This is exactly how you created the outer world, you encompass it, but your counterpart can experience this 1:1 and also perceive/understand that he encompasses everything and created the outer world - that is the highest and most sacred interaction). As said, as inside, so outside, as outside, so inside, there is no separation, everything is one and one is everything. Within this phase there is no turning back and the process of awakening therefore inevitably leads back to this highest expression. And as soon as you let this highest state become manifest, when you can acknowledge yourself as a true image of God and let this energy come alive, then the greatest change of all begins.

Christ, the Holy Spirit and God

For untold years one has lived out a mental state of being far removed from oneself, suffering from countless problems and also manifesting countless dark programming/conditionings. One always attracts that into one's own life, which in turn corresponds to one's own self-image (Law of Attraction). Through the divine self-image, matter or the outer world now adapts to this holy state and afterwards or in the subsequent time everything is lived through and stripped off, i.e. every deeply hidden pain, every conflict, every "unholy" Behaviors, i.e. non-healing behaviors/lifestyles/habits that no longer resemble one's highest divine spirit. One is then on the way to letting the divine/holy/healing manifest itself completely on all levels of existence, with the result at some point the full spectrum of wisdom, self-love (unconditional love for self and consequently for the world) and to be able to experience extraordinary abilities (a sometimes difficult process, because the accepted holy of holies consciousness, as I said, wants us to clean up everything dark for frequency adjustment). One now knows that the world only becomes whole/holy when one has become whole/holy. As the creator himself, the power to change the entire existence always rests within himself and exactly this potential then becomes fully noticeable. One is then on the way to bringing the world into harmony by finding oneself again and bringing oneself into harmony. And this is exactly what is happening on Earth right now. We have come to the point where the Most Holy Consciousness (the divine kingdom) want to completely match (viewed at a collective level) and the entire world changes accordingly. The Dark System is being dissolved and a true golden world hidden behind all the shadows is about to rise. This process is inevitable and takes place in all of us or in everything that exists. And through our inner ascension, this quantum leap is completed. The return to divinity is irreversible. It is the essence of life, a transformative process that is life itself. Born in the dark and then returned to the sacred. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Beirut 14. November 2021, 22: 42

      Wow, and THANK YOU, 1000 THANKS

    • Franzxaver Ott 16. November 2021, 5: 46

      Thank you in a poem that is allowed to flow through you into the world.

      Open your heart and breathe deeply
      you man I called
      and who hears the call
      you who are not bothered by the consequences.

      Because you have truly accomplished great things,
      in this time of the long night
      where everything was getting darker
      and yet the light at the end bears the dignity of kings.

      Open your heart, let your light shine,
      for healing of all is at hand.
      You man who renounces everything,
      to work for the light, report to the light.

      But through the darkness you had to go
      impenetrable she seems now, but you always knew
      that now at the end your reward is ready,
      for all the renunciations through all this time.

      Open your heart and accept the gifts
      let them come to you and enjoy it.

      Yes, even now you need patience
      but don't blame anyone else.
      You are such an enlightened being
      you've always been like this, you've always been.

      Your own will has not made you realize that
      your own will told you to hate yourself.
      In very fine forms, very subtle,
      that's how it became for you, and it's too much for you.

      Recognize the Great Goddess in her femininity,
      She has come, the time has come.
      Acknowledge her, because she is already in you,
      because she has wanted to show herself for a long time, open the door.

      Nothing can hinder your way from the outside
      everything is already within you.

      Wait no more, because whoever waits can
      and will be disappointed
      be goddess, so comes the light on earth.

      Be the feminine power to be now
      because you are already her, paint a different picture of yourself now.

      now see yourself in the divine sense,
      live now, momentarily as the Divine "I AM"

      Copyright 2012 Franz Xaver Ott
      All Rights Reserved - International Copyright Secured

    Franzxaver Ott 16. November 2021, 5: 46

    Thank you in a poem that is allowed to flow through you into the world.

    Open your heart and breathe deeply
    you man I called
    and who hears the call
    you who are not bothered by the consequences.

    Because you have truly accomplished great things,
    in this time of the long night
    where everything was getting darker
    and yet the light at the end bears the dignity of kings.

    Open your heart, let your light shine,
    for healing of all is at hand.
    You man who renounces everything,
    to work for the light, report to the light.

    But through the darkness you had to go
    impenetrable she seems now, but you always knew
    that now at the end your reward is ready,
    for all the renunciations through all this time.

    Open your heart and accept the gifts
    let them come to you and enjoy it.

    Yes, even now you need patience
    but don't blame anyone else.
    You are such an enlightened being
    you've always been like this, you've always been.

    Your own will has not made you realize that
    your own will told you to hate yourself.
    In very fine forms, very subtle,
    that's how it became for you, and it's too much for you.

    Recognize the Great Goddess in her femininity,
    She has come, the time has come.
    Acknowledge her, because she is already in you,
    because she has wanted to show herself for a long time, open the door.

    Nothing can hinder your way from the outside
    everything is already within you.

    Wait no more, because whoever waits can
    and will be disappointed
    be goddess, so comes the light on earth.

    Be the feminine power to be now
    because you are already her, paint a different picture of yourself now.

    now see yourself in the divine sense,
    live now, momentarily as the Divine "I AM"

    Copyright 2012 Franz Xaver Ott
    All Rights Reserved - International Copyright Secured

    • Beirut 14. November 2021, 22: 42

      Wow, and THANK YOU, 1000 THANKS

    • Franzxaver Ott 16. November 2021, 5: 46

      Thank you in a poem that is allowed to flow through you into the world.

      Open your heart and breathe deeply
      you man I called
      and who hears the call
      you who are not bothered by the consequences.

      Because you have truly accomplished great things,
      in this time of the long night
      where everything was getting darker
      and yet the light at the end bears the dignity of kings.

      Open your heart, let your light shine,
      for healing of all is at hand.
      You man who renounces everything,
      to work for the light, report to the light.

      But through the darkness you had to go
      impenetrable she seems now, but you always knew
      that now at the end your reward is ready,
      for all the renunciations through all this time.

      Open your heart and accept the gifts
      let them come to you and enjoy it.

      Yes, even now you need patience
      but don't blame anyone else.
      You are such an enlightened being
      you've always been like this, you've always been.

      Your own will has not made you realize that
      your own will told you to hate yourself.
      In very fine forms, very subtle,
      that's how it became for you, and it's too much for you.

      Recognize the Great Goddess in her femininity,
      She has come, the time has come.
      Acknowledge her, because she is already in you,
      because she has wanted to show herself for a long time, open the door.

      Nothing can hinder your way from the outside
      everything is already within you.

      Wait no more, because whoever waits can
      and will be disappointed
      be goddess, so comes the light on earth.

      Be the feminine power to be now
      because you are already her, paint a different picture of yourself now.

      now see yourself in the divine sense,
      live now, momentarily as the Divine "I AM"

      Copyright 2012 Franz Xaver Ott
      All Rights Reserved - International Copyright Secured

    Franzxaver Ott 16. November 2021, 5: 46

    Thank you in a poem that is allowed to flow through you into the world.

    Open your heart and breathe deeply
    you man I called
    and who hears the call
    you who are not bothered by the consequences.

    Because you have truly accomplished great things,
    in this time of the long night
    where everything was getting darker
    and yet the light at the end bears the dignity of kings.

    Open your heart, let your light shine,
    for healing of all is at hand.
    You man who renounces everything,
    to work for the light, report to the light.

    But through the darkness you had to go
    impenetrable she seems now, but you always knew
    that now at the end your reward is ready,
    for all the renunciations through all this time.

    Open your heart and accept the gifts
    let them come to you and enjoy it.

    Yes, even now you need patience
    but don't blame anyone else.
    You are such an enlightened being
    you've always been like this, you've always been.

    Your own will has not made you realize that
    your own will told you to hate yourself.
    In very fine forms, very subtle,
    that's how it became for you, and it's too much for you.

    Recognize the Great Goddess in her femininity,
    She has come, the time has come.
    Acknowledge her, because she is already in you,
    because she has wanted to show herself for a long time, open the door.

    Nothing can hinder your way from the outside
    everything is already within you.

    Wait no more, because whoever waits can
    and will be disappointed
    be goddess, so comes the light on earth.

    Be the feminine power to be now
    because you are already her, paint a different picture of yourself now.

    now see yourself in the divine sense,
    live now, momentarily as the Divine "I AM"

    Copyright 2012 Franz Xaver Ott
    All Rights Reserved - International Copyright Secured
