I have often spoken on this blog about the fact that there is no supposed “nothing”. Most of the time I took up this in articles that dealt with the subject of reincarnation or life after death, ...

Every human being or every soul has been in the so-called reincarnation cycle (reincarnation = reincarnation/re-embodiment) for countless years. This overarching cycle ensures that we humans are reborn again and again in new bodies, with the overriding goal that we continue to develop mentally and spiritually in each incarnation and so in the future ...

Since the beginning of our existence, we humans have philosophized about what exactly could happen after death. For example, some people are convinced that after death we enter something called nothing and then we would not continue to exist in any way. On the other hand, some people assume that after death we will ascend to a supposed heaven, ...

Life after death is unthinkable for some people. It is assumed that there is no further life and that one's own existence is completely extinguished when death occurs. One would then enter a so-called “nothingness”, a “place” where nothing exists and one’s existence completely loses meaning. Ultimately, however, this is a fallacy, an illusion, caused by our own egoistic mind, which keeps us trapped in the game of duality, or rather, by which we allow ourselves to be trapped in the game of duality. Today's world view is distorted, the collective state of consciousness is clouded and we are denied knowledge of fundamental questions. At least that was the case for a very long time. ...

Is there a life after death? What happens when our physical shells disintegrate, so-called death occurs, and we enter a seemingly new world? Is there actually a previously unknown world that we will then pass through, or does our own existence end after death and we then enter a so-called nothingness, a supposed “place” where nothing exists/can exist anymore and our own Life completely loses meaning? Well, in this context I can reassure you because there is no death, at least it is something completely different than what most people would assume. ...

Cycles and cycles are an integral part of our lives. We humans are accompanied by the most diverse cycles. In this context, these different cycles can be traced back to the principle of rhythm and vibration, and because of this principle, every human being also experiences an overarching, almost incomprehensible cycle, namely the cycle of rebirth. Ultimately, many people wonder if the so-called reincarnation cycle, or cycle of rebirth, exists. One often asks oneself what happens after death, whether we humans continue to exist in some way. ...

Every person has a so-called incarnation age. This age refers to the number of incarnations that a person has gone through in the course of their reincarnation cycle. In this regard, the age of incarnation varies greatly from person to person. While one soul of a person has already had countless incarnations and has been able to experience countless lives, there are souls on the other hand who have only lived through a few incarnations. In this context one also likes to speak of young or old souls. In the same way, there are also the terms mature soul or even infant soul. ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!