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The Matrix is ​​everywhere, it surrounds us, it's even here, in this room. You see them when you look out the window or turn on the TV. You can feel them when you go to work, or to church, and when you pay your taxes. It is an illusionary world that is being fooled in order to distract you from the truth. This quote comes from the resistance fighter Morpheus from the film Matrix and contains a lot of truth. The film quote can be 1:1 on our world transmitted, for man too is kept in semblance every day, a prison built around our minds, a prison which cannot be touched or seen. And yet this apparent construct is constantly present.

We live in a make-believe world

Day by day man is kept in a semblance. This appearance is maintained by elite families, governments, secret services, secret societies, banks, media and corporations. It manifests itself in being held in a willed and controlled ignorance. Important knowledge is being withheld from us. Our mass media confront our consciousness daily with half-truths, lies and propaganda. We are ultimately only being used and kept in an artificially created state of consciousness. For the elites we are nothing more than human capital, slaves who have to function exclusively for them.

mind prisonA formed, conditioned worldview is passed down from generation to generation. Anyone who does not conform to this worldview, acts according to this worldview or does not conform to the norm is automatically smiled at or frowned upon. The word “conspiracy theorist” is usually used here, a word that was deliberately created by the mass media to condition the masses against people who think differently. To be precise, this term even comes from psychological warfare and was used by the CIA in a targeted manner to denounce critics who doubted John F. Kennedy's assassination theory.

For this reason, system critics are also often labeled as conspiracy theorists. The subconscious conditioned by the media and, as a result, by society, immediately speaks up for critics of the system and lets them act mercilessly against people who think differently. That's why you should always question things, deal with both sides of the coin, instead of immediately condemning another person's world of thought.

The "system guards"

mental manipulationIn the film Matrix, for example, there is the protagonist Neo, who in this way represents the awakened one, the chosen one who looks behind the veil of the matrix and recognizes the true connections. In return, Neo has the antagonist Smith, a "system guardian" who destroys anyone who opposes the system. If you transfer this construct to our world, then you have to realize that Neo and Smith are not fiction. Neo is a symbol for the people who rebel against the system and look behind the veil. They stand for a peaceful world, for equality and were able to catch a glimpse behind the facade of the world stage. Smith, in turn, embodies the system, i.e. the elites, the governments, the mass media, or more precisely, the ignorant citizen who acts according to the system and acts indirectly through judgment and slander against anyone who does not bow to the system who challenges it .

For example, as soon as a person draws attention to certain things that do not correspond to the norm or the ideas of the inherited world view, this is kept small and excluded directly by the controlled masses, the controlled "system guardians". The whole thing is somehow reminiscent of the time of National Socialism. Anyone who was not willing to join the NSDAP at the time was denounced, excluded, ridiculed and put down. Not only the film Matrix embodies this principle. Incidentally, the basic theme of many films deals with this construct, which is due to the fact that many directors have this knowledge and consciously express it in their films.

What should we do now?

The free spiritHow can you put an end to all this "hoax"? We can only achieve this by freeing our minds and forming an unprejudiced opinion. We should learn to question certain things in order not to wander blindly through life and accept everything that is offered to us. How can we create a clearer picture of the world? We all have free will; we are creators of our own reality and therefore very powerful beings.

We must no longer descend on a level that humiliates us and keeps us small. This does not correspond to the true abilities of the human individual. For this reason, it is my wish that you do not simply accept my opinion or my views that I have published in this text. It is not my intention that you believe what I write, but that you question what I write. Only in this way can we attain true spiritual freedom. At this point it should also be said that one should not blame the elitist powers for one's own life or the current planetary circumstance. Ultimately, we are responsible for our own lives and should not point fingers at others and demonize them for their actions. Instead, you should focus on your own environment, on love, harmony and inner peace, which you can legitimize in your own mind at any time, only then can we achieve true freedom. In the film Matrix, Neo Morpheus asks what is the truth? His answer to that is this:

That you're a slave, Neo. You were born into slavery like everyone else and you live in a prison that you cannot touch or smell. A prison for your mind. Unfortunately, it's hard to explain to anyone what the Matrix is. Everyone has to experience it for themselves. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a free life.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Bobbi 24. September 2019, 23: 50

      I totally agree with what is said here.....

      I've experienced all of this over and over again.

      Is there healthy thinking?

      • anna 30. October 2019, 13: 44

        I also think that this article is absolutely telling the truth and is supposed to show us that we are just the playthings of the people who have the power over what we are supposed to think.

        just like i think that a democracy here in austria or germany is no longer a democracy for a long time because we vote for the party but then this party then does what they want and if the party decides to cancel the unemployment benefit then ask them and – the people don't know whether we agree or not

    • Andrew Cleman 29. November 2019, 11: 28

      The redundancy in the resonance is surely a flaw in the matrix...

    Andrew Cleman 29. November 2019, 11: 28

    The redundancy in the resonance is surely a flaw in the matrix...

      • Bobbi 24. September 2019, 23: 50

        I totally agree with what is said here.....

        I've experienced all of this over and over again.

        Is there healthy thinking?

        • anna 30. October 2019, 13: 44

          I also think that this article is absolutely telling the truth and is supposed to show us that we are just the playthings of the people who have the power over what we are supposed to think.

          just like i think that a democracy here in austria or germany is no longer a democracy for a long time because we vote for the party but then this party then does what they want and if the party decides to cancel the unemployment benefit then ask them and – the people don't know whether we agree or not

      • Andrew Cleman 29. November 2019, 11: 28

        The redundancy in the resonance is surely a flaw in the matrix...

      Andrew Cleman 29. November 2019, 11: 28

      The redundancy in the resonance is surely a flaw in the matrix...

    • Bobbi 24. September 2019, 23: 50

      I totally agree with what is said here.....

      I've experienced all of this over and over again.

      Is there healthy thinking?

      • anna 30. October 2019, 13: 44

        I also think that this article is absolutely telling the truth and is supposed to show us that we are just the playthings of the people who have the power over what we are supposed to think.

        just like i think that a democracy here in austria or germany is no longer a democracy for a long time because we vote for the party but then this party then does what they want and if the party decides to cancel the unemployment benefit then ask them and – the people don't know whether we agree or not

    • Andrew Cleman 29. November 2019, 11: 28

      The redundancy in the resonance is surely a flaw in the matrix...

    Andrew Cleman 29. November 2019, 11: 28

    The redundancy in the resonance is surely a flaw in the matrix...
