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Current daily energy | Moon phases, frequency updates & more

daily energy

Today's daily energy on September 18th, 2018 is, on the one hand, shaped by the lingering influences of yesterday's portal day and, on the other hand, by the influences of the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Capricorn at 13:07 p.m. yesterday and has been giving us influences ever since , through which we could act quite dutifully and purposefully. ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on September 17, 2018 is influenced on the one hand by the fact that today is a portal day (the last one of this month) and on the other hand by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Capricorn at 13:07 p.m. and influences us from then on which in turn represent a more pronounced sense of duty, a certain determination, seriousness and thoughtfulness. In particular, increased creativity and persistent behavior ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on September 15, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by stronger impulses with regard to the planetary resonance frequency (which is currently the case every day - very "frequency-strong" phase) and on the other hand by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Sagittarius at 02:44 a.m and since then has given us influences that, on the one hand, give us a sharp mind could ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on September 13th, 2018 is shaped by the fact that today is a portal day, to be precise it is the third portal day this month (another one will reach us on September 17th). Ultimately, today is going to be pretty intense, at least from an energetic perspective, especially since we're in the last few days also strong solar winds and generally strong influences on the planetary resonance frequency. In combination, this also indicates a day that, on the one hand, can be quite strenuous and tiring, ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on September 12, 2018 is mainly shaped by the moon, which in turn changes into the zodiac sign Scorpio at 20:15 p.m. in the evening and from then on gives us influences that make us quite sensual, passionate, self-conquering, but also impulsive and thereby, at least if we currently remain in a disharmonious state of consciousness, ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on September 11, 2018 is still influenced by the influence of the moon in the zodiac sign Libra on the one hand and on the other hand by stronger influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency, at least ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on September 10, 2018 will be shaped on the one hand by the lingering influences of yesterday (new moon + very strong impulses regarding the planetary resonance frequency) and on the other hand still by the influences of the “Virgo Moon”. At least the “Virgo” influences mainly affect us in the first half of the day, after which, i.e. at 17:19 p.m., the moon changes again to the zodiac sign Libra.

Harmony & receptivity

Harmony & receptivity

From then on, the moon will give us completely different influences for the next 2-3 days. In this context, the moon in the zodiac sign Libra can strengthen you Trigger the desire for harmony, love, partnership and, above all, balance in us. On the other hand, Libra Moons can also make us very receptive to other people's feelings, i.e. we are (possibly) more sensitive in this respect and have more developed empathic abilities, at least this would be the case if we resonated with the fulfilled influences of the Libra Moon step. Otherwise, it should be said that the influences of a Libra Moon can also trigger a certain tendency towards self-discipline in us, which can benefit us in all situations in life, be it changing our own lifestyle, giving up various addictions or even working on various projects . At this point I would like to point out a section regarding the Libra Moon from the website astroschmid.ch:

“People with Moon in Libra sense exactly what others are thinking and feeling and needing about them. But they need a lot of harmony in all relationships, especially close ones, otherwise their emotional health suffers. In general, it is rather difficult for them to act spontaneously, because to a certain extent they always have to follow protocol and within conventions, which often makes them seem a bit fake, even though they are really friendly towards everyone. They are aesthetic and have artistic talent. Their need for contact and exchange is real and they only feel whole when they are in a relationship.

The full Moon in Libra is lively and expresses his feelings freely. He can understand the emotional state of others well and is receptive to the feelings of others, because these also enliven him. It is therefore communicative and binding. He is charming and sociable, has a real esthete to offer and actually just wants to please everyone with his pleasant manner. He dresses elegantly and tastefully and knows how to get compliments. Most people with a Moon in Libra have a good reputation.”

Well, apart from these influences, strong impulses continue to emerge regarding the planetary resonance frequency. As far as this is concerned, yesterday there was a ten-hour phase in which very strong influences reached us continuously. Only after this phase did these influences level off again. But apparently this calm was only short-lived, because after a few hours you could see the scale of the Russian Space Observing Center in Tomsk (sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7) notice the beginning of stronger rashes again. Planetary resonance frequencyFor this reason, there is a high probability that correspondingly strong influences will also reach us today. So it remains exciting. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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daily energy

Today's daily energy on September 09th, 2018 is mainly characterized by new moon energies, which in turn can have a very special effect on our own minds. This new moon will definitely give us quite inspiring and, above all, renewing influences, not only because new moons generally also represent renewal, new living conditions, ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on September 08th, 2018 is mainly shaped by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Virgo in the afternoon, at 16:29 p.m. to be precise, and from then on gives us influences, ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on September 07th, 2018 is still shaped by the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Leo, which is why a more pronounced dominance, self-confidence, optimism, an orientation ...