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Current daily energy | Moon phases, frequency updates & more

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 13, 2017 stands for access to the core of things, stands for our connection with all of creation and consequently also for our own spiritual presence, which in turn can experience a power of initiation and inspiration. For this reason, today's daily energy embodies in a certain way a process of birth, basically represents a powerful new beginning that encompasses all aspects of our existence and also brings us a little closer ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 12th is accompanied by strong energetic fluctuations due to a portal day and can therefore have a lot of effect on us. For this reason, this day is also suitable for the creation of new life situations; it can be responsible for larger changes reaching us again or, better said, for us being literally forced to initiate them in order to subsequently change our own structures again can, - ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 11 represents our own urge to move, our urge to change, and is therefore in some ways an expression of the power of movement. For this reason, today's daily energy also stands for our own assertiveness, for our own urge to plan - which we may have been putting off for a long time, finally after all this ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 10 represents an exchange and balancing of energies. For this reason, today's daily energy can also, in particular, -if an energetic imbalance is imminent or is about to form, ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 09th, 2017 stands for our self-love and the associated acceptance of our own existence. In this context, loving yourself is also something that has been lost somewhere in today's world. So we humans are much more inclined to let our own ego mind dominate us, are materially oriented, ...

daily energy

Today's daytime energy, November 08th, is definitely positive in nature and may bring us some happy moments. On the other hand, today's influences can also be of a very changeable or strenuous nature, especially in the morning and in the evening it will be a little more stormy. Otherwise, today's daily energy is generally due to luck, ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 07th, 2017 is accompanied by a very intensive portal day and can therefore release some old structures, behaviors, beliefs and other anchored thoughts and transport them back into our daily consciousness or bring them to our attention. ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 06th stands for our own actions, for gaining new experiences, which gives us a better understanding of our own lives and ultimately understanding again what is conducive to our further development and what is not. In this context, it is often difficult for us humans to take action. Rather than actively reshaping our own reality (we are the creators of our own reality), we remain in a state of dreaming and mentally envisioning the effects of certain actions, ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 05th brings with it some stormy energies due to the exciting star constellation and could hit us as a result. On the other hand, today's daily energy also serves us as a mirror of our own inner state and makes it clear to us in a very special way that our own discrepancies, our mental blocks and other negative emotional reactions - ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 04th, 2017 is characterized by a powerful full moon in Taurus and the first portal day of this month. Because of this, we are also receiving a large increase in cosmic radiation today, which will definitely transport some sustainable programs/thought processes anchored in the subconscious into our daily consciousness in a very special way.

Live in harmony with nature

Full Moon in TaurusIn this context, it is currently also about a cleaning phase in which a lot of people find themselves. So in the current process of spiritual awakening we simply shake off a lot of shadow parts or other negative parts of ourselves in order to be able to stay in a high frequency again as a result. Ultimately, there are also various negative parts, i.e. lasting thoughts and emotions, destructive programs or rather low-frequency habits, behaviors, beliefs, convictions and views that keep lowering our own vibration frequency and prevent us from bathing in the power of our own self-love to be able to For this reason, it is currently also about the fact that we humans continue to develop ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually, so that we can stand in the power of our own self-love again. Due to the consequent increase in our own frequency (an increase that takes place every 26.000 years - cosmic cycle - 13.000 years low consciousness/ignorance/suffering/fear, 13.000 years high consciousness/knowledge/harmony/love), we are automatically prompted to loving ourselves are encouraged to live in harmony with nature again. Of course, this is an undertaking that is difficult for many people, especially in the beginning of the newly started "waking up phase", simply for the reason that the development of our own egoistic mind was encouraged from an early age (energetically dense system, meritocracy, material oriented world).

Due to today's full moon + portal day, we can definitely assume that the high incoming energies will stir up a lot in us. For this reason, use this circumstance and, if necessary, change the alignment of your own mental state in order to be able to become a bit freer again..!!

So we humans have simply forgotten how to live in harmony with nature again, have forgotten how to love ourselves, eat naturally and, above all, we have also forgotten how to legitimize unprejudiced thinking in our own mind (the more prejudiced people are , the more judgments we legitimize in our own mind, the more we close our own mind) . Nevertheless, this circumstance is currently changing again and more and more people are now feeling increasingly attracted to nature and other natural states. Well then, for this reason, today is also ideally suited to being able to initiate an increase in your own frequency again. Due to the very energetic full moon + the portal day, it is also very inspiring to go into nature today and simply be able to enjoy the peace and uniqueness of these living worlds. In this context, natural places - such as forests - also have a high frequency from the ground up and therefore simply have a very positive effect on our own mind/body/spirit system and favor the processing of high vibrational frequencies. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.