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Current daily energy | Moon phases, frequency updates & more

daily energy

Today's daily energy on December 04th, 2017 supports us in coming to terms with past life situations by practicing letting go. In this context, letting go is something very important, especially when it comes to freeing yourself from self-imposed conflicts. Above all, it is only when we let go that we are able to stay more in the presence of the present again and no longer because of ourselves ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on December 03rd, 2017 is accompanied by a powerful full moon in the zodiac sign Gemini. Due to its large appearance in the night sky, this full moon is often portrayed as the final supermoon of the year, so this fact also ensures that its powers are significantly stronger than with common full moons. So are various factors for his ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on December 02nd, 2017 provides us with energy to dissolve old karmic beliefs and entanglements. In this regard, we humans are often subject to negative beliefs, convictions and ideas about the world, which in turn cause friction and have a negative impact. In this context ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on December 01st, 2017 is accompanied by the first portal day of this month and therefore gives us a strong energetic start to the month (further portal days reach us on December 6th, 12th, 19th, 20th and December 27st). Due to the portal day, we are receiving a high frequency of circumstances that will certainly make us look inward again. As a rule, portal days also serve our own mental and spiritual development and keep us aware of our own inner life ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 30th, 2017 represents an activation of our sacral chakra and therefore supports us in the plan to bring our own emotional state back into balance. For this reason, today's daily energy also acts as a support for our lives, which we should take back into our own hands. Instead of surrendering to a supposed fate, we should become our own fate again ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 29, 2017 stands for our own appreciation, our self-acceptance and, above all, the importance of all the experiences we gain in life. At the end of the day, all the experiences we have are important for our own mental and emotional development and in this context they always reflect our own parts, ...

daily energy

As mentioned in my portal day article yesterday, today's daily energy is accompanied by a very special portal day. So, due to the last portal day this month - towards the end of the year, this portal day announces the end of certain phases of life, can mean the end of certain programming, i.e. sustainable behavior + other trains of thought and is therefore of important importance for our own realignment .

Pass through the Gate of Change - Portal Day

Pass through the Gate of Change - Portal DayOn the other hand, today's portal day also announces a new phase of life and subsequently represents the creation of a new phase, a realignment of our own spirit. An end always represents a new beginning and gives us new impulses for our lives. Ultimately, this is a very exciting portal day that definitely represents our structures, which are in transition. For example, separations and changes of all kinds could also take place, be it separations in relationships (relationships that are based on old patterns or even karmic entanglements/dependencies), changes in one's own job situation (liberation from a job that may just make one unhappy) , the abandonment of one's own behavior that was negative in nature or even general changes in life, i.e. taking a new path in life. Ultimately, I too will experience some changes to coincide with this portal day. For example, today, on this portal day, after more than a month, my girlfriend went home again. At the same time, my best friend separated from his girlfriend due to a very inappropriate and lasting situation. In addition, today, after what feels like years, I got up at 6 a.m. again (due to my “home work,” it is often difficult for me to get up so early), a project that I have wanted to realize again for a long time (It It is much more pleasant to get up in the morning, experience the morning, see how the sun rises and then go to sleep early in the evening - which also makes you feel much more rested - healthy biorhythm).

Today's portal day is all about change and can definitely be responsible for a change in certain life situations. For this reason, it is highly advisable to join this principle on today's portal day and step through the gate of change.!!

At the same time, I also went for a run 2 hours later, which I found to be much more pleasant (otherwise I always run in the evening, often even at 21 p.m., which is much too late).

There's a lot going on in the starry sky

There's a lot going on in the starry skyWell, for this reason, today's portal day definitely stands for change and a realignment of our own minds, which is why we should definitely join in with these energies again. Apart from that, today's portal day is also accompanied by various star constellations - in this regard, there is actually a lot going on in the starry sky. Since this morning, i.e. since 07:58, a conjunction between Mercury and Saturn has been affecting us, which can represent confrontations, materialism and pessimism (conjunction = can act as a harmonious or disharmonious aspect depending on the planetary constellation - 0 degrees). Since then, we could appear disinterested and dismissive in a certain way, and in the same way our interest can only be in things that express our own abilities. Since 10:41 a.m., a trine between the Pisces Moon and Venus has again been affecting us, which ultimately strengthens our own feelings of love, makes us adaptable + accommodating and reverses the tendency to pessism (trine = angular relationship 120 degrees | harmonious aspect) . From 12:55 p.m. a square between the Pisces Moon and Saturn takes effect again, which stands for restrictions, emotional depression, dissatisfaction, stubbornness and insincerity (square = angular relationship 120 degrees | hard tension aspect). From 13:08 p.m. the Pisces Moon also forms a square with Mercury, which on the one hand represents the use of our gifts, but on the other hand could also mean that we are using them incorrectly. In addition, this connection could also make us superficial, inconsistent and act rashly.

Due to today's very diverse star constellations in combination with the last portal day of this month, many different, but still highly effective cosmic influences are reaching us today, which could trigger, cleanse or even transform a lot of things in us..!!

Last but not least, the moon changes to the zodiac sign Aries in the late afternoon, at 17:30 p.m., transforming us into a bundle of energy, giving us confidence in our own abilities, making us spontaneous and, if necessary, even responsible. We approach new projects with enthusiasm and have great assertiveness. A good time to tackle difficult things. In summary, one can say that there is a lot going on today and that many different constellations and energetic influences are affecting us. But how we deal with these cosmic influences at the end of the day depends entirely on us and the use of our own mental abilities. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellation Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2017/November/28

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 27th represents a review of our lives, i.e. a review of whether we are currently in harmony with life and are attracting all the things into our lives that we would like to experience, or whether we are permanently creating a state of deficiency and have focused our mental state on negative circumstances. Ultimately, that's why it works ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 26th, 2017 will continue to be accompanied by stronger energetic influences and therefore also represents an invitation to set our lives in motion. In this context, countless structures have been changing for several months, especially since May. During this time, cosmic foundations were simply laid for massive collective further development and since then ...

daily energy

Today's daily energy on November 25th, 2017 is accompanied by a massive increase in energy and can therefore have a very consciousness-expanding or, better yet, cleansing influence on us. Due to these explosive increases, we also experience strong energetic fluctuations, which in turn can have a sometimes very changeable effect on us.

Explosive increase

Source: http://www.praxis-umeria.de/kosmischer-wetterbericht-der-liebe.html

Explosive increase

Explosive increaseDue to this highly energetic and very changeable circumstance, which is sometimes also influenced by very inspiring star constellations and one of the Sun ejected protuberance (Gas mass - violent flows of matter) is favored, we should definitely not hold back too much today or even look at everything from a negative perspective. The opposite is actually the case, due to the highly energetic circumstances that are literally flooding our state of consciousness today, it could definitely happen that we ourselves have a very active mind again and may even achieve an extremely high level of self-knowledge. Regarding this, I also had a similar experience last night. So last night I simply couldn't fall asleep, I lay awake in bed until 5 a.m., but my mind was extremely alert and I suddenly got a lot of ideas and new input regarding my future life and my self-realization.

Within a moment it came over me and my own mind was suddenly flooded with countless ideas regarding my future life..!!

Suddenly, within seconds, I received important inspiration, i.e. new ideas and approaches to realigning and redesigning my life - which I will now implement in the near future. Ultimately, the energetic increase that began this morning will have led to this sudden wealth of ideas.

Matching star constellations

Matching star constellations

For this reason, I strongly assume that today's daily energy will stir up a lot of things in us again and may even show us completely new directions in life. Such a circumstance is also favored by a positive connection between Uranus and Mercury (trigon - angle relationship 120 degrees | harmonious aspect), i.e. a very harmonious connection that makes us very communicative, imaginative, progressive, energetic, determined, unconventional and creative could do. Because of this constellation, today there will be sparks of spirit. On the other hand, from 16:05 p.m. a trine between the Moon and Mars will take effect, which can make us strong-willed, courageous, enterprising and active. From 19:11 we reach a square between the Moon and Venus, which means that our instinctual life and emotional actions are once again in the foreground. Ultimately, a square is also a hard element of tension, which then becomes noticeable in the way that inhibitions in love could arise and we have to struggle with emotional outbursts.

Take advantage of today's extreme energetic circumstances and benefit from the harmonious star constellations, which can now give us an open mind and countless ideas + self-knowledge..!!

Last but not least, a sextile between the Moon and Uranus reaches us at 23:34 p.m., which can give us great attention, persuasiveness, ambition, an original spirit, a great desire to travel, determination, ingenuity and a lucky hand in undertakings. Ultimately, we should embrace today's energetic circumstances and the mostly very harmonious star constellations in order to be able to benefit again from a lively spirit and completely new ideas and views regarding our lives. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellation Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2017/November/25