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Category Culture | Get to know the background of true world events


The fact that our press is not free, but rather belongs to a few rich families, who ultimately use various media instances to assert their own/Western interests, should no longer be a secret. In the last 4-5 years in particular, more and more people have dealt with our system + the mass media and have come to the sad realization that ...


As mentioned several times on my blog, humanity is in a complex and, above all, unavoidable “waking up process”. This process, which was primarily initiated by very special cosmic circumstances, leads to massive collective development and increases the spiritual quotient of humanity as a whole. For this reason, this process is also often referred to as a process of spiritual awakening, which is ultimately true, since we, as spiritual beings ourselves, experience "awakening" or an expansion of our state of consciousness.  ...


In some of my last articles I mentioned that I have recently been dealing with a wide variety of topics in a very intensive way. In doing so, I came to various self-knowledge again and was subsequently able to experience a change in my own worldview. Basically, for me personally, finding the truth reached a new level and I then realized that the extent of the lies on our planet, the extent of the make-believe world that was built around our minds, is significantly larger than previously assumed. ...


I have often addressed my articles about how the current system suppresses the uniqueness or the development of our own mental abilities and sometimes even does this through our society. Here one also likes to speak of so-called "human guardians", i.e. people who have been conditioned + programmed in such a way that they smile at and reject everything that does not correspond to their own conditioned and inherited world view. ...


Our planet has been a so-called punishment planet for thousands of years. In the process, powerful occult families set up an illusory world that ultimately serves to contain our own mind/state of consciousness. This illusory world is one based on disinformation, lies, half-truths, deception and energetically dense mechanisms. Ultimately, this illusory world is maintained with all its might, which worked perfectly for a while. In this context, it is also difficult to see through something, to recognize something as appearance, which has been our normality since our lifetime. ...


For some time now, particularly since December 21, 2012, humanity has been in an overarching process of awakening. This phase heralds the beginning of a tremendous change for our planet, a change that will ultimately lead to the fact that all structures based on lies, disinformation, deception, hatred and greed will gradually disintegrate. A free world will emerge from the ashes of these long-superfluous programs, a world in which global peace and, above all, justice will prevail again. Ultimately, this is not a utopia either, but a golden age that is being ushered in by a current collective awakening ...


Since the newly started Age of Aquarius (December 21, 2012) there has been a massive spiritual advancement in the world. People are again increasingly exploring their own origins, dealing with the big questions of life and, at the same time, recognizing the true background of the current chaotic planetary circumstances. The consciously produced grievances are being uncovered more and more and the synchronized system media are losing more and more trust. ...


After countless years, I came across a video again that I saw for the first time about 4 years ago. At that time I was not at all familiar with spirituality, nor was I aware of the creative/thought/mental abilities of my own state of consciousness and therefore tried to fit exclusively into socially prescribed conventions. Seen in this way, I acted exclusively from a conditioned and inherited world view, without even being remotely aware of it. For this reason, I didn't know anything about world politics. ...


For several years, the fatal effects of electrosmog on one's own health have been made public more and more. Electrosmog is closely linked to various illnesses, sometimes even to the development of serious illnesses. In exactly the same way, electrosmog also has a very negative influence on our own psyche. Excessive stress can even cause depression, anxiety, panic attacks and other mental disorders for that matter ...


The issue of chemtrails has been a controversial topic for a number of years, so there are many people who are convinced that our government is spraying us with a toxic chemical soup on a daily basis, while others argue against this and claim that all these preparing streaks in the sky, due to kerosene or even contrails. Ultimately, however, it appears that chemtrails are not fiction made up by any human being, but rather chemical streaks that are sprayed into our atmosphere to contain our own state of consciousness + to create disease. ...