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Category Health | Awaken your self-healing powers


Spirulina (the green gold from the lake) is a superfood rich in vital substances that contains a whole wealth of different, high-quality nutrients. The ancient alga is mainly found in strongly alkaline waters and has been popular with a wide variety of cultures since time immemorial due to its health-promoting effects. Even the Aztecs used spirulina at the time and extracted the raw material from Lake Texcoco in Mexico. A long time ...


Some time ago, vaccinations were part of the norm and very few people doubted their supposedly disease-preventing effects. doctors and co. had learned that vaccinations cause active or passive immunization against certain pathogens. But in the meantime the situation has changed enormously and people are always understanding that vaccinations do not cause immunization, but instead cause enormous damage to their own bodies. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want to hear about it, because vaccinations bring the companies listed on the stock exchange ...


Turmeric or yellow ginger, also known as Indian saffron, is a spice obtained from the root of the turmeric plant. The spice originally comes from Southeast Asia, but is now also cultivated in India and South America. Due to its 600 potent healing substances, the spice is said to have countless healing effects and accordingly turmeric is often used in naturopathy. What healing effects turmeric exactly ...


Aspartame, also known as Nutra-Sweet or simply E951, is a chemically manufactured sugar substitute that was discovered in Chicago in 1965 by a chemist from a subsidiary of pesticide manufacturer Monsanto. Aspartame is now found in more than 9000 "foods" and is responsible for the artificial sweetness of many sweets and other products. In the past, the active ingredient was repeatedly sold to us by various corporations as a harmless additive, but since ...


Tea has been enjoyed by different cultures for thousands of years. Every tea plant is said to have special and above all beneficial effects. Teas such as chamomile, nettle or dandelion have a blood-cleansing effect and ensure that our blood count improves demonstrably. But what about green tea? Many people are currently raving about this natural treasure and say it has healing effects. But you can come with me ...


Some time ago I briefly touched on the topic of cancer and explained why so many people contract this disease. Nevertheless, I thought about taking up this topic again here, since cancer is a serious burden for many people these days. People don't understand why they get cancer and often sink unknowingly into self-doubt and fear. Others are very afraid of getting cancer ...


Sebastian Kneipp once said that nature is the best pharmacy. Many people, especially conventional doctors, often smile at such statements and prefer to place their trust in conventional medicine. What exactly is behind the statement by Mr. Kneipp? Does nature really offer natural remedies? Can you really heal your body or protect it from various diseases with natural practices and foods? why ...


More and more people are currently using superfoods and that's a good thing! Our planet Gaia has a fascinating and vibrant nature. Many medicinal plants and beneficial herbs have been forgotten over the centuries, but the situation is currently changing again and the trend is increasingly towards a healthy lifestyle and natural nutrition. But what exactly are superfoods and do we really need them? As superfoods are only allowed ...