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Category Health | Awaken your self-healing powers


Depending on age, the human body consists of between 50 - 80% water and for this reason it is very important to drink high quality water every day. Water has fascinating properties and can even have a healing effect on our organism. The problem in our world today, however, is that our drinking water has a very poor structural quality. Water has the special property of reacting to information, frequencies, etc., of adapting to them. Negativity of any kind or low vibration frequencies reduce the quality of the water enormously. ...


A person's state of consciousness has a completely individual frequency of vibration. Our own thoughts exert an enormous influence on this vibration frequency, positive thoughts increase our frequency, negative ones reduce it. In exactly the same way, the foods we eat influence our own frequented state. Energetically light foods or foods with an extremely high, natural vital substance content increase our frequency. On the other hand, energetically dense foods, i.e. foods with a low vital substance content, foods that have been chemically enriched, reduce our own frequency. ...


Self-healing is a topic that has become increasingly present in recent years. A variety of mystics, healers and philosophers repeatedly claim that one has the potential to heal oneself completely. In this context, the activation of one's own self-healing powers is often given priority. But is it really possible to heal yourself completely? To be honest, yes, every human being is able to break free from any ailment, to heal themselves completely. These self-healing powers lie dormant in the DNA of every person and are basically just waiting to be activated again in a person's incarnation. ...


Superfoods have been trending for some time now. More and more people are taking these and improving their own mental well-being. Superfoods are extraordinary foods and there are reasons for that. On the one hand, superfoods are foods/dietary supplements that contain a particularly high concentration of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, various phytochemicals, antioxidants and amino acids). Basically, they are vital substance bombs that you cannot find anywhere in nature. ...


Cancer has long been curable, but there are countless remedies and methods that can be used to effectively combat cancer. From cannabis oil to natural germanium, all of these natural substances target this unnatural cell mutation and could start a revolution in medicine. But this project, these natural remedies, are being specifically suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry. ...


Every single person has the potential to heal themselves completely. Hidden self-healing powers slumber deep inside every human being, just waiting to be lived by us again. There is no one who does not have these self-healing powers. Thanks to our consciousness and the resulting thought processes, every person has the power to shape their own life as they wish and every person has it ...


We feel so comfortable in nature because it doesn't judge us, said the German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche back then. There is a lot of truth in this quote because, unlike humans, nature does not judge other living beings. On the contrary, hardly anything in the universal creation radiates more peace and serenity than our nature. For this reason one can take an example from nature and much from this high-vibrating one ...


For centuries people believed that diseases were part of normality and that medication was the only way out of this misery. The pharmaceutical industry was trusted and all kinds of drugs were taken without questioning. In the meantime, however, this trend is clearly declining and more and more people understand that you don't need medication to get well. Everyone has unique ones ...


Thoughts form the basis of every human being and, as I have often mentioned in my texts, have an incredible creative potential. Every act committed, every word uttered, every sentence written, and every occurrence was first conceived before it was realized on a material plane. Everything that has happened, is happening and will happen existed first in thought form before becoming physically manifest. With the power of thought we therefore shape and change our reality, because we ...


Nowadays we live in a society in which nature or natural conditions are often destroyed instead of being cared for. Alternative medicine, naturopathy, homeopathic and energetic healing methods are often ridiculed by many physicians and other critics and labeled as ineffective. In the meantime, however, this negative basic attitude towards nature is changing and a huge rethink is taking place in society. More and more people ...