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Humanity is currently developing massively mentally. Many people report that our planet and all its inhabitants are entering the 5th dimension. That sounds very adventurous for many, but the 5th dimension is manifesting itself more and more in our lives. For many, terms such as dimensions, power of manifestation, ascension or the golden age sound very abstract, but there is far more to the terms than one would expect. Humans are currently evolving ...


Is there a life after death? What happens to our soul or our spiritual presence when our physical structures disintegrate and death occurs? The Russian researcher Konstantin Korotkov has dealt extensively with these and similar questions in the past and a few years ago he managed to create unique and rare recordings on the basis of his research work. Because Korotkov photographed a dying person with a bioelectrographic ...


Have you ever had that unfamiliar feeling at certain moments in life, as if the whole universe revolved around you? This feeling feels foreign and yet is somehow very familiar. This feeling has accompanied most people their entire lives, but only very few have been able to understand this silhouette of life. Most people only deal with this oddity for a short time, and in most cases ...