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lightbody process

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Mankind is currently in a so-called ascension into the light. A transition into the fifth dimension is often spoken of here (the 5th dimension does not mean a place in itself, but rather a higher state of consciousness in which harmonious and peaceful thoughts/emotions find their place), i.e. a tremendous transition , which ultimately leads to the fact that every person dissolves their own egoistic structures and subsequently regains a stronger emotional connection. In this context, this is also an overarching process that firstly occurs on all levels of existence and secondly due to all special cosmic circumstances, is unstoppable. This quantum leap into awakening, which at the end of the day lets us humans rise to become multidimensional, fully conscious beings (i.e. people who shed their own shadow/ego parts and then embody their divine self, their spiritual aspects again) is referred to as the light body process . The light body process is a process that is responsible for us humans fully developing our own light body (Merkaba). This process is divided into different stages, all of which involve different mental and emotional developments.

Basics and important information about changing your own frequency!!!

lightbody process

Before I begin with the explanation and, above all, the individual stages of the light body process, I would like to give you a few important basics and tips. First of all, it should be said that every person has an individual light body. This light body has the potential to expand energetically. This expansion occurs primarily through the absorption of light. In this context, light stands for energy, which in turn oscillates at a very high frequency. One could also speak of positive thoughts here, i.e. thoughts of love, harmony, happiness, peace, etc., because all of these would be thoughts that would be charged with a positive feeling/emotion, i.e. thoughts that have a very high vibration frequency exhibit. Apart from that, every person is ultimately an expression of consciousness, a product of their own mind. As far as this is concerned, the entire existence, or rather the source of the entire existence, is a gigantic consciousness (a great spirit) that flows through everything in existence and gives form to all existing states. Seen in this way, we humans have a part of this consciousness and experience the creation of our own lives with the help of this spirit. We are an expression of our own state of consciousness and the entire external world is therefore merely an immaterial/mental projection of our own state of consciousness. Mind or consciousness also has the fascinating property of being made of energy - energy, which in turn oscillates at a corresponding frequency (everything is energy/information/frequency/vibration/movement - keyword: morphogenetic fields). The more positively our own thought spectrum is aligned, the higher our own state of consciousness vibrates and, as a result, of course our own physical body and our entire existence. Negative thoughts or a negative spectrum of thoughts (negative beliefs, convictions, habits, behaviors, thoughts and emotions) lower the vibration frequency of our own state of consciousness, our own energetic foundation becomes more compact and the expansion of the light body is inhibited. In this context, there are various factors that massively lower your own vibration level and cause a so-called oscillation in the light body process.

Reduction of your own vibration frequency:

  • The main reason for a lowering of one's own vibration level is usually always negative thoughts (our world is also a product of our own thoughts). This includes thoughts of hate, anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, greed, sadness, self-doubt, envy, judgments of any kind, blaspheme, etc.
  • All forms of fears, including fear of loss, fear of existence, fear of life, fear of being abandoned, fear of the dark, fear of illness, fear of social contacts, fear of the past or the future (lack of spiritual presence in the present ), fear of rejection. Otherwise, this also includes any form of neuroses and obsessive-compulsive disorders, which in turn can be traced back to fears that are legitimized in one's own mind.
  • Acting from the egoistic mind, 3-dimensional behavior, production of energetic density, generation of low frequencies (EGO mind produces negative thoughts, experiences and, as a result, negative actions/frequencies), materially oriented action, exclusive fixation on money or material goods, no identification with one's own soul, lack of self-love, contempt/disregard for other people, nature and the animal world.
  • Other real "vibration frequency killers" would be any form of addiction and habitual abuse, including cigarettes, alcohol, drugs of any kind, coffee addiction, drug abuse or the regular intake of painkillers, antidepressants, sleeping pills and co. Money addiction, gambling addiction, which should not be underestimated, anabolic steroids, consumption addiction, all eating disorders, addiction to unhealthy food or heavy food/gluttony, fast food, sweets, convenience products, soft drinks, etc. (Primarily this section refers to a permanent or regular Consumption)
  • Chaotic living conditions, chaotic lifestyles, constant stays in untidy/dirty rooms, avoiding natural environments 
  • Spiritual arrogance or a general arrogance that one shows, pride, arrogance, narcissism, selfishness, etc.

On the other hand, there are extremely many factors that can massively increase your own vibration level and massively promote an increase in your own vibration frequency. These factors de-densify your own energetic foundation, have a very positive effect on your own physical and psychological constitution and subsequently strengthen your own mind-body-spirit system.

Raising your own vibration frequency:

  • The main reason for raising your own frequency of vibration are always positive thoughts that you legitimize in your own mind. These include thoughts of love, harmony, self-love, joy, charity, caring, trust, compassion, humility, mercy, grace, abundance, gratitude, bliss, peace and healing.  
  • A natural diet always results in an increase in your own vibration level. This includes avoiding animal proteins and fats (especially in the form of meat, as meat contains negative information in the form of fear and death, otherwise animal proteins contain acid-forming amino acids, which in turn damage our cell environment), and eating whole grain products (whole grain rice/pasta ), quinoa, chia seeds, apple cider vinegar, sea salt (especially Himalayan pink salt), lentils, all vegetables, all fruits, legumes, fresh herbs, fresh water (primarily spring water or energized water, Energize water with thoughts, or with healing stones - fine shungite), tea (no bagged tea and only enjoy fresh tea in moderation), superfoods (barley grass, turmeric, coconut oil and co.) etc. 
  • Identification with one's own soul or acting from this 5-dimensional structure, production of energetic light - of high vibration frequencies, positive thinking, respecting nature, the animal world, 
  • High-vibrational, pleasant or soothing music, music in a 432Hz frequency
  • Orderly living conditions, orderly way of life, spending time in nature and, above all, staying in tidy/clean rooms
  • Sporting activities, walking for hours, exercise in general, yoga, meditation, etc.
  • Consciously living in the present, drawing strength from this eternally expanding moment, not losing yourself in negative past and future scenarios, creating positive beliefs, convictions and life ideas
  • The consistent renunciation of all pleasures and addictive substances (the more you abstain, the higher your own energetic foundation vibrates and the stronger your own willpower becomes)

What is the Lightbody Process and what is it all about?

What is the light bodyBasically, the light body process is a completely individual process that can also be viewed from different perspectives. On the one hand, this is a process that leads to the fact that we humans become significantly more spiritual and identify with our own lost divine aspect again. Old, 3-dimensional thought processes and behaviors begin to dissolve (be transformed/redeemed) and are replaced by higher emotions, thoughts, behaviors and habits. Your own 3-dimensional, egoistic mind (here one also likes to speak of our materially oriented mind) is increasingly vibrated/changed and negative mental patterns/entanglements, which in turn are deeply anchored in the subconscious of every human being, are reprogrammed/changed. Furthermore, this process also leads to us humans fully developing our own light body again. This circumstance is made possible by a significant and continuous increase in one's own vibration frequency. At the same time, the light body process can also be equated with a process of spiritual awakening. Old belief patterns and structures, sustainable habits and beliefs experience a radical change and one's own worldview experiences a drastic change. On the other hand, the light body process can also be equated with the rediscovery of our own divinity. In this context, every human being is also a mental/spiritual expression, represents an image of a divine convergence and is therefore the creator of his own circumstances (we are the designers of our own fate). One is surrounded by God, consists of God, emerges from this divine/mental structure and explores one's own life with the help of this inexhaustible power. This process can also be compared with a conscious discovery of creation, a process in which one studies one's own origins again and gets to know the true background of life. Of course, this discovery is also necessarily linked to the understanding of true global circumstances. Humanity is once again understanding what is really going on on our planet, is coming to terms with the chaotic planetary circumstances and is subsequently experiencing a massive discovery of the truth. Political, economic and industrial intrigues are being uncovered again and people can no longer identify with the energetically dense system due to the increased planetary vibrational frequency.

12 stages of development for the formation of the light body  

The light body process is divided into 12 different stages, all of which represent different stages of development. At this point it should be said that the individual stages in the light body process can take place in parallel. Different levels can be activated at the same time and there is no set order. Furthermore, this process is completely individual for each person. While one person is well advanced in this process, another may be just beginning the process. While a person has just come into contact with spiritual issues but is unaware of the make-believe world that has been constructed around their mind, it may very well be that another person is in turn exploring the system and its enslaving mechanisms, albeit at the same time has not yet come into contact with spiritual topics. Well then, in the following I will illuminate the individual stages of the light body process in more detail. It should be said at this point that there are many texts on the light body process on the Internet. Most of these articles are very similar and mostly come from the same source. For this reason, I thought that I would always first present you with the classic or well-known explanation/variant and then add my personal thoughts and explanations to it.

The Lightbody Process and its stages

Lightbody level 1

First physical changes. Sudden interest in spirituality, etc. One has the feeling of being energized. It comes to flu attacks, fever, body aches and pinpricks, fatigue, headaches, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and indigestion, acne, skin rashes, burning and heat on certain parts of the body and weight changes.

  • DNS encoding is activated
  • Cell metabolism accelerates, which results in old traumas, toxins, thoughts and feelings being activated
  • The brain chemistry changes and new synapses form

Lightbody Process Stage 1Seen in this way, the process of spiritual awakening begins with the first stage in the light body process. This process starts with the fact that you suddenly deal more with spiritual and other mystical topics. Various situations and events lead to a sudden awakening of spiritual interest and the smothering of prejudices that one had beforehand about this knowledge. In today's world, many people still act out of their egoistic mind. In this context, things are often smiled at that do not correspond to one's own conditioned and inherited world view. Due to certain media and social instances, we are often biased and judge other people's worlds of thought. As soon as certain knowledge or the thoughts of other people appear inexplicable or even abstract for oneself, we point the finger at these people and discredit them. But how are you supposed to expand your own intellectual horizon if you smile at knowledge that does not correspond to your own world view from the ground up and, in this sense, do not study both sides of the same coin. For this reason, many people usually open their minds at the beginning of the process and can therefore deal with spiritual topics again without prejudice (spirituality = the teaching of the mind - mind = interaction of consciousness and subconscious, or also - the space in which where everything happens, the power through which we humans can create or realize/manifest thoughts). This sudden change of heart can also make us feel very tired and down at first. The whole new knowledge and above all the own frequency adjustment to these new topics can be quite exhausting and put a strain on your own physical and mental constitution, especially at the beginning.

Our daily consciousness is increasingly confronted with sustainable mental patterns! 

Furthermore, in this beginning phase, one's own cell metabolism accelerates, whereby old traumas, poisons, negative thoughts/emotions, karmic entanglements, old, sustainable habits, beliefs and behaviors are activated/revealed. These negative patterns are deeply anchored in our own subconscious and repeatedly find their way into our day-to-day consciousness (this is also often referred to as shadow parts that keep appearing). Especially at the beginning of the awakening process, these lower structures are really activated for the first time and as a result you experience an increased confrontation with these self-imposed mental problems. This can also include early childhood trauma or even karmic baggage, i.e. self-created karmic patterns that we may have carried around with us for countless incarnations.

Lightbody level 2

More physical changes. One deals with questions of meaning, with being. Karma structures begin to dissolve, the chakras are activated. In addition, there are the same physical symptoms as in the 1st stage, plus disorientation.

  • The etheric body receives light
  • The crystals begin to dissolve (blockages break open)

Lightbody level 2In the second light body stage you begin to ask yourself about the meaning of life again. Your own existence is really questioned for the first time and you deal with some of life's big questions again. Who or what am I? Why do I exist and where do I actually come from? Does God exist and if so, what is God? What is the meaning of my life and what is my task? Is there life after death, if so what happens when death occurs? All of these questions concern a person from time to time in life, but especially today, especially in the beginnings of the light body process, these questions are increasingly coming back into one's daily consciousness. An intensive search for the truth begins, which in turn can involve studying countless sources and philosophizing for hours. You simply feel that you are on the right path, that something completely new is happening and that you are about to enter a new phase of your life. Nevertheless, it is difficult for oneself to classify the whole thing correctly. You try to find answers to these questions, but initially you realize that there is still a long way to go until you get/find answers to all of these questions. Furthermore, karma structures are slowly beginning to dissolve. Karma means the principle of cause and effect. One understands again that every action produces a corresponding effect and that one is accordingly responsible for everything that one experiences in one's own life. As soon as you become aware of past karmic patterns again, when you understand again why certain things (mostly negative events) happened to you in life, then you automatically start to dissolve/work through karma structures. In addition, the activation of one's own inactive chakras begins in this stage. In this context, chakras are eddy mechanisms that are responsible for our energetic basis being able to condense or decompress (chakras, which are incidentally connected to meridians/energy channels, also ensure a continuous flow). Negative thoughts/beliefs/habits close chakras and ensure that the energy in this area can no longer flow properly. As soon as one becomes aware of various spiritual knowledge again, that consciousness expands accordingly, if one discards one's own shadow parts and karmic structures, then this can ultimately lead to some of our chakras opening again. Exactly this phenomenon can come into force in the second stage.

Political, economic, industrial and media authorities are being questioned!

In the second stage, we humans begin to question the current political system again. The current political system is also, for that matter, an energetically dense system, a system that oppresses people's minds and intentionally keeps us trapped in a daze, in a low-frequency circumstance. In this process, people begin to question this system again and can no longer identify in any way with all the injustice that they have now become aware of. Furthermore, in this stage our so-called etheric body or life body is now significantly more supplied with light. Simply put, the etheric body means our energetic presence, which supplies us humans with life energy. Due to the new self-knowledge and the increased state of consciousness, this body is now increasingly supplied with light or positive thoughts/high-vibration energy.

Lightbody level 3

More physical changes. The sensory perceptions intensify. clairvoyance sets in. It comes to the first descent of the soul. Physical symptoms include sensitivity to noise and light, a sensitive sense of taste, and increased sexual stimulation.

  • A bioconverter process begins: One is able to transmit frequencies
  • The mitochondria absorb light (cell organelles inside the cell that are important for energy metabolism) and produce more ATP (adenosine triphosphate = substance that is produced in the mitochondria during energy metabolism)

3-light body stageIn the third Lightbody level, more physical changes await us. Due to the development or expansion of the etheric body, the performance of our energy metabolism increases. This accelerated process also improves the performance of our own cell environment, which means that our own appearance appears younger/youthful again. In addition, the third stage leads to the fact that you develop a more sensitive sense of taste and smell. Nowadays, most people's sense of taste is due to all the ready meals, all the fast food, all the addictive substances and co. disturbed by many people. You have become so used to chemically contaminated food/food that you no longer have a natural sense of taste. At this stage, however, it begins again that one suddenly no longer tastes these foods due to increased sensitivity. You develop a more keen sense of taste and suddenly feel drawn to a natural diet. Sweet dishes, fast food, ready meals and sweets in general lose their appeal and over time you realize how stressful these "foods" were for your own organism all the time. Furthermore, there are the first clairvoyant moments. Clair-sensibility refers to the ability to consciously perceive feelings, frequencies and, above all, intuitive promptings, to feel/interpret them. The connection to one's own intuitive mind therefore becomes stronger and one becomes more receptive to higher knowledge. The increased connection to the intuitive mind ultimately also improves our sensory perceptions. You develop a certain sensitivity to noise and light, which primarily refers to an artificial or energetically dense noise + light backdrop. For example, noise from cars, airplanes, lawn mowers, smartphones, etc. suddenly strains your own auditory perception, it can even happen that you get real ears and headaches from such a background noise. The same applies to artificial light sources. Strong neon lights, permanent lighting, LED light, artificial UV light, etc. suddenly exert a consciously perceptible, negative influence on one's own psyche. Nowadays, all these artificial light sources that are everywhere seem normal, but basically these light sources represent so-called light pollution (light smog), which can definitely make itself felt in the third stage.

The integration of the first aspects of the soul begins!

This light body level also leads to a first soul descent. In this context, a soul descent or a part of the soul that descends back into one's own consciousness simply means an aspect of the soul that wants to live again. At this point it should be said that the soul represents our 5 dimensional, high vibration, positively oriented mind of every human being. A soul part can also be equated with a positive behavior, a positive belief or a positive train of thought. If someone suddenly gets the inspiration or acquires the attitude overnight that they don't have the right to judge another person's life, then this new positive insight can most likely be traced back to an aspect of the soul, a part of our soul has become manifest in one's own reality. 

Lightbody level 4

Physical-mental changes. You have your first super-sensory experiences, telepathic experiences, clairvoyant moments and new thoughts. The physical symptoms are neurological and affect the sensory organs. There is a feeling of a "cast" head, frequent and severe headaches, eye and ear problems, ringing in the ears (like tinnitus) and sudden hearing loss, temporary numbness, blurred vision and the feeling of electrical energy flowing through the head and spine.

  • The electromagnetic and chemical states in the brain change
  • New brain functions are activated and new synapses are formed
  • Both hemispheres of the brain gradually connect with each other

lightbody level-4In the fourth light body level, the first super-sensory experiences, telepathic experiences and, above all, increasingly clairvoyant moments occur. Supersensory experiences are moments in which completely new worlds open up to you, you suddenly gain extraordinary self-knowledge, i.e. knowledge that can fundamentally change your life, smaller enlightenments that can shake your entire existential foundation and you give yourself new insights into life. These powerful mind-expanding moments also make you feel sluggish and overloaded. Especially moments in which one achieves an expansion of consciousness that is very noticeable to one's own mind usually results in a subsequent feeling of heaviness. Your own head feels very heavier, all the new insights are raining down on your mind and your state of consciousness is overloaded. At the same time, you suddenly see things with completely different eyes and can interpret events better due to the increased connection to your intuitive mind. You also become aware of your first telepathic moments. You suddenly know what the other person is thinking, you can interpret their thoughts much better, and you can see through lies and other dark people's behavior. Furthermore, you can then understand people much better in general. You suddenly get a better understanding of how to feel energies. You can perceive increases or decreases in vibration much better and generally achieve a much more sensitive state.

Lightbody level 5

Physical-mental changes. You ask yourself questions about the meaning (of life), ask yourself who you actually are, start looking through your childhood and examining yourself. Previous ideas about yourself and reality begin to waver. You start to process your past, analyze it and gain insights. You start to give up old habits. The first inklings that there are other dimensions than the ones we can see appear. More and more people are having supernatural experiences and experiencing telepathic thought transfer. The dreams become noticeably more intense and you have lucid dreams. Sleep patterns change. It is a time with many challenges. One is now euphoric about the new spiritual knowledge, but the mind is still analyzing it.

lightbody level-5The fifth Lightbody level is accompanied by further physical-mental changes. The questions about the meaning of life, one's own existence, death and also about God come to the fore very strongly and one finds more and more answers to these questions. These answers also reflect knowledge about one's own spirit, the divine/mental ground, space-time, love and consequently also one's own soul + nature. One understands again that our material existence is merely a mental projection of our own state of consciousness, that everything in existence is spiritual in nature, and that God is basically a gigantic, all-pervasive consciousness from which all existing states have arisen. In addition, you suddenly get a much better overview of spiritual connections and gain completely new views and ideas about life. Old belief patterns are therefore completely discarded and a new worldview emerges. You get a bigger look behind the scenes and experience a drastic change in your own state of consciousness. Suddenly things become clearer. One now understands the extent to which spirituality is related to current world events and why this knowledge has been suppressed or made ridiculous by various authorities since one's lifetime (keyword: the lords of the planet). Furthermore, one now begins to review one's own past or one's own past life more strongly. You suddenly understand why your current life is the way it is and recognize the meaning or necessity of past conflicts. In addition, there is still an increased dissolution of old karmic structures. Past events that have always weighed on you in life, old programming that has been transported into day-to-day consciousness are now experiencing a transformation. Sustainable behaviors with which one can no longer identify oneself, be it for example smoking, judging other people, poor nutrition or other negative behaviors, can no longer be accepted by oneself and are therefore gradually dissolved or eliminated .Transformed into positive thoughts and behaviors.

Lucid dreaming is back!

At this stage, lucid dreams also become noticeable and, in general, one's own dreams are characterized by an unprecedented intensity. During this time, many people also gain the ability to lucid dream. You are suddenly able to shape your own dreams as you wish and can become master of your own dream worlds. This stage also often leads to increased euphoria. You are happy about all the new self-knowledge and, for the first time in life, you really feel how your own state of consciousness is constantly expanding, even if your own mind is still analyzing and critically examining this newly gained knowledge.

Lightbody level 6

Physical-mental changes. You now sort out old images of reality. Appropriate external changes are now also taking place: previous friendships break up, the job situation changes, you get to know people who you feel are like-minded people. The law of resonance is now becoming more and more obvious: Everywhere you come across references and publications that bring you deeper into the new. The supernatural experiences increase and you now also have your own spiritual experiences. But there is also an identity crisis and even a loss of identity. It is a difficult time with great challenges. You always tend to give up. Some choose death because they can't make it that far. Those who survive this time will also achieve more. At the end, another part of the soul descends.

lightbody level-6In the sixth stage of the light body process, drastic external changes await us humans. On the one hand, previous friendships can break up, the current job changes and, in general, things disappear from one's life that do not correspond to one's own vibration frequency. It is more difficult for you to deal with situations and people that have now become alien to you because of your lifestyle. Basically, as already mentioned, this is only due to the change in one's own vibration frequency. Since one experiences a drastic increase in one's own frequented state, one simultaneously attracts things into one's life that correspond exactly to this frequency (law of resonance, energy always attracts energy of the same intensity - one attracts into one's life what you are and what you radiate). For example, imagine that you have been working in a butcher shop for years and suddenly you completely change your own way of life. Suddenly you can no longer identify with this work, which would burden you more and more over time. The frequency of the corresponding profession would no longer correspond to your own frequency in this regard, which in turn would inevitably lead to a change of profession. You can no longer identify with this job in any way, you may have now developed a love for nature and the animal world and as a result you are changing your job situation. Ultimately, this frequency adjustment also means that we attract situations, events and people into our own lives that correspond to our own vibrational frequency. This could be, for example, people who display similar thinking and are in the same process of spiritual awakening. You automatically attract like-minded people into your own life and thus change your own social environment. Since you have dealt intensively with spiritual and other topics yourself, and have increasingly focused on them, you also discover publications that deal with these topics everywhere outside. One becomes even more receptive to these sources and is repeatedly confronted with this knowledge in one's own reality. Apart from that, an identity crisis can also occur in this light body level. You may be confused yourself, you don't really know who you really are.

A temporary loss of identity, confusion and disorientation!

Are you the body, a material existence consisting entirely of flesh and blood? Are you the mind/consciousness that rules your body? Or is one in turn the soul, that consciousness or even a complex interaction, consisting of different material and immaterial bodies. This loss of identity can even go so far that one loses oneself completely for a short time, feels alien or even has the feeling of no longer being master of one's own mind. It is a very difficult phase in which many people even give up and possibly take their own lives. This effect is due to the fact that you can no longer identify with the current system or society and only focus on the misery and the consciously produced chaos. Nevertheless, if you survive this phase you will be rewarded with progress in the light body process, you will gain inner strength and you can expect further very formative, spiritual and spiritual descents.

Lightbody level 7

Physical-emotional changes. Emotional blockages are now emerging. One feels confronted with unworthiness, incompetence, shame and guilt. Emotional outbursts occur. It is a period of awakened spiritual awareness with enthusiasm while emotional inconsistencies persist, which is why one lifts oneself and has the compensating idea of ​​being special in the spiritual. You emphasize this with rituals, fasting, etc. But you also become more spontaneous, live in the here and now. The emotional and karmic ties begin to dissolve. One listens to the inner voice and follows the inner guidance. But fears of life flare up again and again. A love for nature and for the whole develops. One discovers divinity. You become calmer and more relaxed. The heart chakra now opens, and with it all the other chakras. Former interests and inclinations gradually disappear. You only feel attracted to like-minded people and no longer have any resonance with "lower" characters. At the same time, the charisma becomes cooler and more distant. Connections to others become more transpersonal. One also becomes aware of one's co-incarnations and parallel selves. Physically, there is now chest and heart pain, which can feel like angina. There is pressure on the sternum, forehead and back of the head and pain on the top of the head because the endocrine system is developing. The face changes and you look younger, with fewer wrinkles.

  • The heart chakra opens, the forehead and crown chakras are activated
  • The thymus, pituitary and pineal glands begin to grow
  • The increased cellular metabolism with energy reduces the aging process

lightbody level-7The seventh light body stage begins with various physical-emotional changes. On the one hand, strong emotional blockages become noticeable. For example, you are aware of how much you have developed spiritually, but on the other hand you still display behaviors that are not at all in line with this knowledge. For example, imagine that you know exactly what things raise your own vibrational frequency, you have made it your goal to do all of those things, but you still do things that contradict that, things that you know very well about know that these lower your own vibratory level or rather put a strain on your own mind/body/spirit system. This inner conflict is also often referred to as a conflict between the egoistic and spiritual mind. A constant change between 3 dimensional and 5 dimensional actions. This inner conflict can also lead to massive emotional outbursts and has a very stressful effect on one's own mental constitution. In this phase, spiritual arrogance can also spread. You feel chosen and believe that only you are destined for this knowledge. The whole thing can even go so far that one falls back into old EGO patterns and judges other people's lives based on this, that one considers oneself to be something better or even spiritually developed. Ultimately, this can only be traced back to your own egoistic mind, which deceives you even in such moments. You mentally cut yourself off from the whole and legitimize strong self-centered thinking in your own mind. Nevertheless, in this phase you have already built up a strong connection to your spiritual mind and, due to this fact, you are increasingly listening to your own inner voice. It is a battle between the soul and the ego that is getting more and more intense, just waiting to end. Activating this Lightbody level also leads to developing a love of nature and all, which in turn is due to an opening of the heart chakra. Nature and its wildlife in particular are now greatly valued, respected and honored. In today's energetically dense world, animals are treated as second-class creatures on almost all levels of existence. Whether factory farming, hunting wild animals or even all the animal experiments to research medicines, cosmetics and other things. If you are in this phase and develop a corresponding bond with animals and nature, you can no longer identify with these procedures of the "modern world". Furthermore, in this light body level one discovers the divinity of life again. One knows again what God is, recognizes oneself in it and, above all, sees the divine spark in other living beings. We now know that everything in existence is essentially just an expression of God, or is an expression of a divine consciousness. A gigantic consciousness that is reflected in all material and immaterial states. In addition, one becomes aware of other soul incarnations during this time. This also refers to the dual soul. At this point it should be said that almost every person has a corresponding dual soul.

Becoming aware of your own dual soul!

Due to the reincarnation cycle, these 2 overarching parts of the soul then incarnate in different bodies over thousands of years and just wait for a new union/merging. Usually twin souls are 2 people who understand each other very well, who know each other's lives completely or 2 people who have a unique bond with each other. In this hot phase of the light body process one becomes aware of the twin soul again and because of this strives for a healing and complete connection to this twin soul or rather the corresponding person/partner (which does not require a partnership relationship with this person!!). This is exactly how your own charisma and, above all, your facial features change at this stage. Ultimately, it has to be said at this point that everything you experience in life, all thoughts, emotions and actions, have an impact on your own physique. The more negative our own thought spectrum is, the more negative/worse/unbalanced our external appearance appears. Conversely, a harmonious spectrum of thoughts has a very positive effect on one's external appearance. You look younger, more dynamic, there are fewer wrinkles and your eyes look much healthier and more cheerful. At this point I also have a small, simple example: Someone who always lies and only says negative words in that sense is only feeding their mouth with negative energy/low frequencies, the result is a mouth that is exposed to this negativity externally similar and therefore appears less attractive. Of course, this phenomenon applies to all areas of the body.

Lightbody level 8

Physical-emotional changes. Clearing emotional and mental blockages brings a time of great challenge in which a lot of strength is needed. The aura cleanses itself of blockages. The superphysical chakras are partially activated so that one can tap into the unified chakra and receive information from all dimensions and incarnations and light language becomes possible. You can tell by the fact that you see light writings flashing or energetic movements, and information reaches you from which you don't know where it came from. The clairsentience is great and you absorb all the energies from the environment. Now you are controlled by your own oversoul. You see the spiritual being in other people, and the interest is spiritual rather than personal. Sexual interest also declines. If so, you experience a new sexuality cosmic  Orgasm. There is no need to enter into a relationship with an unlikely partner. You now seem even more impersonal to others. If you are without a partner, you may know that your soul mate is waiting for you in the 5th dimension. Physically there is pressure in the head, forehead, back of the head and the feeling that the head is growing. You experience severe headaches and even worse blurred vision, sleep disorders, memory disorders up to loss of memory, thinking disorders, disorientation, dizzy spells, difficulty concentrating, unclear thinking, difficulty planning and making decisions, heart palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias and burning above the right ear. You can see flame writings and other light phenomena flashing (light language).

  • The pineal and pituitary glands continue to grow
  • The brain structure changes, the brain uses up to 100% of its potential use, the head grows
  • The heart rate temporarily increases
  • The out-of-body chakras 8, 9 and 10 are activated and you connect to the united chakra
  • An etheric receiving crystal is activated (hence the burning above the right ear) and information is downloaded, you receive information from the spiritual world (hence light language)

8 light body levelThe eighth light body level is accompanied by physical and emotional changes and leads to a consistent clearing of emotional and mental blockages. Therefore, this time requires a lot of strength, because the purification of one's own subtle clothing is not an easy task. This is exactly how the superphysical chakras are activated during this phase. Contrary to the belief of many people, there are a number of secondary chakras apart from the 7 main chakras. Some of these are below and some are above our physical presence. Above all, some superphysical chakras are connected in this context with the so-called Christ consciousness. Here one also likes to speak of cosmic consciousness. This refers to a level of consciousness in which one begins to act exclusively from one's own oversoul (a state of consciousness in which only positive thoughts and emotions are legitimized, i.e. thoughts of harmony, love, peace, etc.). In such a state of consciousness one always has good intentions and no longer acts in one's own interest. It is a state in which one completely respects the lives of other living beings and one shows love and respect to every creature. A state of consciousness in which only higher thoughts and emotions find their place. In the eighth stage, due to the extremely high vibration frequency, one also has a remarkable perception. Due to the increased vibration frequency, you suddenly perceive things that were previously denied to you. This also includes seeing energetic states (aura seeing), the flashing of light writings or, better said, the mental flashing of higher knowledge. At this point I emphasize again that everything in existence has its own vibrational frequency. At the same time, all knowledge vibrates at an individual frequency. In this context, there is knowledge that has such a high vibrational frequency that one can only become aware of this knowledge again by aligning one's own frequented state with this knowledge. This in turn requires a complete cleansing of one's own existential basis with high-vibrating knowledge.

Desires and physical dependencies that bind the mind to the body are dissolved!

Furthermore, your own sexuality experiences tremendous development in this stage. One learns self-taught how to stay abstinent, does this automatically and thereby recognizes how positive this sexual abstinence has on one's own physical and psychological constitution (dramatic increase in one's own willpower - overcoming the addiction to masturbation - ending one's own sexual overstimulation). Accordingly, you gain a completely new understanding of sexuality. Touching a partner also gains massively in intensity and sex is no longer practiced to satisfy one's own urges, but much more to experience a divine state. In this context, one often speaks of cosmic orgasms, which one can now experience in this regard. In this stage the brain begins to develop its full 100% potential again. In this regard, one also experiences further growth of the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which in turn results in an increased release of the "divine hormone" dimethyltryptamine (DMT).

Lightbody level 9

Physical-emotional changes. Old, lower character traits dissolve. You realize that you no longer need control. The identity, values ​​and self-image change through a further descent of the soul. You surrender to your own soul and have the experience of creating everything in life yourself. One integrates parallel selves and in doing so may feel temporarily alien or possessed, with behaviors that seem unfamiliar to oneself, as if one is observing oneself from the outside. It is a difficult time that requires courage and bravery. You often feel exhausted and depressed. And there are also residual existential fears. You are guided by your higher self and are always in the right place at the right time and always do and experience the right thing. One begins to merge with the multidimensional self with the goal of manifesting all of oneself. You get information from other dimensions. One begins to embody divine wisdom and love. The ego dissolves. Physically, there is pain in the lower back and hips, a feeling of pressure and tightness in the abdomen and pelvic floor, weight gain or loss, possibly a growth spurt, pressure on the forehead, exhaustion and (in women) hormonal and menstrual disorders.

  • You receive coded messages from other dimensions (light language)
  • The pineal gland continues to grow and produce more growth hormones
  • Chakras 9 and 10 open, chakras 11 and 12 begin to open

lightbody level-9The ninth lightbody level is of utmost importance and involves some profound changes in one's state of consciousness. For one thing, more soul parts are now descending into one's own reality, which can once again drastically change one's own self-image. This is exactly how you begin to be guided by your higher self throughout. You are always at the right time, in the right place and constantly experience things that are of a positive nature for your own mind. Your own connection to the spiritual mind now solidifies/completes and you yourself begin to create a completely positive circumstance. This is exactly how complete identification with the divine self begins. You now embody divine values ​​or love, wisdom, tolerance, balance and inner peace at all times. This in turn is also very noticeable in your own external appearance. Your overall charisma appears healthier, more natural, more harmonious, more angelic and you have the impression that you are becoming younger. Nevertheless, the last residual ego still clings to one's own mind and makes itself felt in the form of minimally emerging existential fears. Nevertheless, this uncertainty will subside again over time and the last lower character traits or 3-dimensional/material-oriented structures will begin to completely dissolve. It also happens that you no longer identify with your own egoistic mind in any way, no longer act from this energetically dense structure and ultimately completely dissolve this 3-D mind. Since in the ninth light body level you completely dissolve your own egoistic mind, the end of this light body level is also equated with passing through the so-called gate of awakening. The connection to the soul exists at every second and your own spectrum of thoughts is completely positive. In addition, this section can be equated with the end of one's own reincarnation cycle.

Mastering your own incarnation 

You have made it and mastered the game of duality excellently. One is then free from negative thoughts, free from self-imposed burdens and now lives a life of absolute love and devotion. One acts solely from 5-dimensional patterns and begins to merge with one's own multidimensional self. One has now freed oneself from all physical desires/addictions and has become the master of one's own incarnation. Nothing can shake you anymore, and you have now also reached a state in which your own existential foundation vibrates so high that you could have the feeling of entering a completely light state.

Lightbody level 10

Physical-spiritual changes. You feel connected to everything. The higher chakras open, the aura is a single field of light. You develop the extrasensory abilities of a galactic person: clairvoyance, teleportation, aportation, materialization and dematerialization, among other things, travel through space and time and into other dimensions become possible.

Lightbody level 10The 10th light body level is accompanied by physical-spiritual changes. Now you feel completely connected to your entire existence and therefore experience a permanent feeling of inner balance and joy. Due to the extremely high vibrational frequency that this level requires, you now also have an extremely light energetic foundation. Your own vibration frequency is then so enormously high that magical abilities manifest themselves in your own reality again. Ultimately, this is because our own Merkaba is now very well developed. In this context, our light body represents an interstellar vehicle with the help of which materialization and dematerialization are made possible. You are then able to teleport to any place imaginable. This circumstance is also made possible by increasing your own vibration frequency. Your own energetic foundation then has such a light state that you can materialize and dematerialize your own body using the power of your thoughts alone. One's own physical body can then assume a completely light/subtle state, a state in which one continues to exist as a pure light consciousness. This also explains the phenomenon of the angel. Angels are, or rather were, people who became masters of their own incarnation through pure self-sacrifice, love for the whole and, above all, the completion of the light body process. If such an angel then dematerializes in the physical world and then materializes, then it could seem to the viewer like a light figure that appears out of nowhere and takes on a physical/human form again. Furthermore, you then gain abilities that completely correspond to a galactic human being. Magical abilities such as levitation, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, telepathy and teleportation are then fully developed.

Lightbody level 11

Physical-Spiritual Development. All higher chakras are now open. The light body is almost complete and already beginning to vibrate high. Interdimensional travel, perception and communication are now possible. Planet Earth will no longer be in its current space-time configuration at this point, and linear time will no longer exist. It is "heaven on earth". Now one decides whether one remains on earth as a helper, as the lightworkers are reshaping life on earth, or whether one ascends as a pure form of energy.

Lightbody level 11In the eleventh light body level, all higher or superphysical chakras are now open. The entire body is constantly flooded with light and has an extremely high vibration frequency. Ultimately, one's own light body is almost fully formed at this stage and begins to vibrate due to the high level of vibration. It is becoming harder to continue to manifest as physical beings on Earth and interdimensional travel is now fully enabled. You are then also in a state in which time no longer has any effect on you. On the contrary, you are now able to completely control/manipulate time and design it as you wish. Linear time no longer exists and you can now rejuvenate your own body with the help of your own thoughts. In this context, this state is also often referred to as heaven on earth, which is due to various reasons. On the one hand you experience a permanent feeling of joy and happiness due to your own positive thought spectrum. On the other hand, body, mind and soul are completely in harmony and through the complete dissolution/integration of one's own egoistic mind, one can no longer be mentally dominated by negative trains of thought etc. In addition, this feeling of happiness also results from mastering one's own reincarnation cycle. You no longer have to be subject to physical laws and you achieve an immortal state due to the end of your own aging process.

The immediate mental manifestation on all levels of existence! 

You can now choose for yourself whether you want to remain immortal, how long you want to stay on the planet, what external state you want to adopt, whether you want to reincarnate again and you are able to realize every thought on all levels of existence within a very short time. It is a phase in which we have come very close to completing the light body process and have almost fully developed our own creative potential. A time of eternal life and bliss is now upon us.

Lightbody level 12

Physical-spiritual change. One has a semi-etheric body and feeds on light and air. You have all level 11 skills integrated. Now your body vibrates so high that you can walk through or grab hold of things. You can also consciously condense yourself physically again if you want to. The fully activated light body is then a semi-ethereal, so-called galactic one Adam Kadmon body, which not only feeds primarily on light and air, but also allows multidimensional perception and communication. It is then also connected to a certain inter-dimensional electromagnetic light structure, the so-called merkabah, which enables interdimensional travel.

Lightbody level 12The twelfth and final Lightbody level coincides with the final physical-spiritual changes. One's own material and immaterial presence is now so highly developed, possesses such a highly frequented state, that one can or is only nourished by light and air (light food). Basically everything in existence consists of energy and this high-vibrational energy/light can now be used continuously to feed your own light body. Your own light body is then completely formed and activated again. There is nothing more that could limit you and your own galactic body has fully unfolded. Interdimensional travel will now be part of the norm and one's outward appearance has assumed the highest possible, purest state. One now has an angelic appearance and acts like a being of divine nature. One could also say that one has now become one with creation again and permanently experiences and embodies the 2 highest vibrating states of the entire creation (light and love). Your own light body process is completed with the last step and you have mastered the earth game.

Final words on the light body process

Finally, it should be said again that every person is currently in the light body process. We humans have been going through the reincarnation cycle again and again for countless incarnations or hundreds of thousands of years. We are born into the game of duality, experience life, constantly develop from incarnation to incarnation and strive, whether consciously or subconsciously, to complete our own reincarnation cycle. Due to the current, newly begun Platonic year, humanity is currently experiencing a drastic increase in its own vibration frequency. We are currently living in a time in which our light body process has been activated again and there are the best conditions to finally be able to complete this process. Of course, not every person will complete the light body process in this incarnation, but some people will progress very far in this process. Nevertheless, especially in the coming years, more and more people will appear who have completed this process and in this context have risen to become galactic, multidimensional people. For this reason, an exciting time awaits us, a period (the golden age) in which humanity will completely change. The ascension into the light is unstoppable and ultimately we can count ourselves lucky that we have been incarnated at a time in which we can go through the light body process again and develop our complete divine potential. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Leave a Comment

    • Becci 7. April 2020, 10: 26

      Thanks for this post! Thank you for your light.
      A smile for you, which arrives with you immediately 🙂


      • Uta Naumer-Hotz 20. September 2020, 9: 01

        thanks for the knowledge

    • Kirsten 16. April 2020, 13: 24

      Your article has been with me for almost a year now and I feel the strong need to finally want to say thank you. This article has given me so much confidence and encouragement, I wish I could describe exactly how grateful I am. With this comment I would also like to venture out of cover. In the spring of 2019, a friend sent me the link to this article because she "just rediscovered it". At this point, unbeknownst to me, I was at the beginning of the light body process. I read the article with very conflicting feelings: curiosity, fear and rejection. "What nonsense," my ego shouted at me. Because I can confirm one thing: the process is intense. Really intense. Without this guide, I most likely would have given up. Because I wouldn't have understood the sometimes severe physical and psychological changes. The first phases were particularly bad because I hardly knew my body at that point. I was constantly afraid. Today I know that these inner resistances (What's the matter with me? What's happening here?) made everything worse. At some point, thanks to the article, I gave up such thoughts. I had something to read and I can confirm almost all the characteristics of the individual levels (up to the tenth). When I look back today, the whole thing actually makes sense to me: In September 2018, I no longer had the strength to live. I know what dying feels like and when there's nothing you can do about it. I came into a clinic and immediately saw my opportunity. At that time, only one thing drove me: I didn't want to continue my mother's unhappy life. Please don't get me wrong: I love her and we have a better relationship today than ever before. I immediately felt at the time that this was finally the chance to get out of this incredibly deep and black hole. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But the more I worked up (I was so often on the brink), the deeper I got to the sick roots in me, the brighter, "lighter" it became in me. Today I find that very understandable. All the high and thick protective walls inside me gradually dissolved. I hardly spared myself the 1,5 years (I didn't really have a choice either). My body went through severe changes with pain in various regions that sometimes lasted for weeks. I still have acne all over my upper body. I was exposed to some of the most unpleasant energy experiences (in public), occasionally had visions (which were true - I just had to check them to see if I wasn't having one after all) and out-of-body experiences. The moments were particularly bad when I felt like I wasn't right in my body, sometimes for days. Seeing things somehow slightly double and blurry. Horrible. I went through all of this alone because I didn't dare talk to anyone about it. Especially not with my doctor and my therapist. Anyone who has also gone through all these changes can probably guess what I am talking about. This process is really NOT a walk in the park. And unfortunately I have seen people who have lost themselves in it. Today I feel increasingly more stable within myself (i.e. my ego and my self), I go through life much more calmly and relaxed, and I deal with other people and nature much more calmly, lovingly and consciously. So much inner darkness, so many shadows and dependencies have dissolved. I'm still scared of some things inside me. Sometimes I feel such strength within me, such brightness that I feel like dying. I'll cover that immediately. But there is one thing I have learned in all this time: to trust. Also, and especially, thanks to this article. I really wish that people who are going through similar developments will persevere. Don't give up, even if you want to.

    • othmar 17. May 2020, 14: 03

      i love the way i forgive and let go and then say thank you to father spirit and mother earth

    • genovefa 2. September 2020, 14: 19

      Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. Vefa

    • Jeannette Alisha Blankensee 21. February 2021, 19: 37

      Testing people's light bodies and
      it is so much fun. I am currently in the 11th light body level and have several wonderful resources about the LK process. Thank you for this fantastic resource. Good job.
      Lovingly Alisha ‍♀️

    • Sibylla 14. June 2021, 20: 26

      Very interesting. I can perceive and confirm a lot of things about myself. But honestly, the fact that “every person” is in the light body process is not true at all. You can see that, right? There are so many dark figures in politics, “science” and business in the world who can never rise. They're stuck together like bad luck. Something like that can't come into the light. They belong to the darkness and are here for destruction. But well, in a certain sense they aren't people, they just look that way.

    • Jessica Schliederman 1. September 2022, 18: 24

      I wanted to briefly write something about the topic of the light body process! Humanity here completely ignores an important aspect! Because we live in a dual value system and that stands for the duality of positive and negative! There is therefore a great light-full side and a negative spiritual side! And unfortunately the negative spiritual side makes us live in a nasty illusion! There is no ego at all! But a spiritual portal through which all people (souls) are controlled and manipulated by negative spiritual beings! In addition, all people (souls) are afflicted with negative spiritual beings! And that from a young age. These negative spiritual beings pretend to be human to us and represent our lower nature! Spiritual mastery therefore means freeing yourself from your negative spiritual attachments! Our other selves are lower beings from the lower spiritual spheres. The supposed obsession that one feels during the master stage comes from the lower beings who can no longer satisfy their lower being with the ascendants. They then express their entire displeasure through us!... This is a very important aspect that must be taken into account! The negative association with beings of the lower spiritual spheres affects all people (souls). Unless you have a sufficiently high level of consciousness (spiritual master level) and the spiritual portal is closed! The full extent of this negative connotation is gigantic and deeply shocking. But they (still) belong to our dual value system! The dual value system represents a special type of purification for us souls, unfortunately it has been expanded into a very negative system in the last millennia!...

    • Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

      Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
      Thank you thank you thank you

    Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

    Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
    Thank you thank you thank you

      • Becci 7. April 2020, 10: 26

        Thanks for this post! Thank you for your light.
        A smile for you, which arrives with you immediately 🙂


        • Uta Naumer-Hotz 20. September 2020, 9: 01

          thanks for the knowledge

      • Kirsten 16. April 2020, 13: 24

        Your article has been with me for almost a year now and I feel the strong need to finally want to say thank you. This article has given me so much confidence and encouragement, I wish I could describe exactly how grateful I am. With this comment I would also like to venture out of cover. In the spring of 2019, a friend sent me the link to this article because she "just rediscovered it". At this point, unbeknownst to me, I was at the beginning of the light body process. I read the article with very conflicting feelings: curiosity, fear and rejection. "What nonsense," my ego shouted at me. Because I can confirm one thing: the process is intense. Really intense. Without this guide, I most likely would have given up. Because I wouldn't have understood the sometimes severe physical and psychological changes. The first phases were particularly bad because I hardly knew my body at that point. I was constantly afraid. Today I know that these inner resistances (What's the matter with me? What's happening here?) made everything worse. At some point, thanks to the article, I gave up such thoughts. I had something to read and I can confirm almost all the characteristics of the individual levels (up to the tenth). When I look back today, the whole thing actually makes sense to me: In September 2018, I no longer had the strength to live. I know what dying feels like and when there's nothing you can do about it. I came into a clinic and immediately saw my opportunity. At that time, only one thing drove me: I didn't want to continue my mother's unhappy life. Please don't get me wrong: I love her and we have a better relationship today than ever before. I immediately felt at the time that this was finally the chance to get out of this incredibly deep and black hole. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But the more I worked up (I was so often on the brink), the deeper I got to the sick roots in me, the brighter, "lighter" it became in me. Today I find that very understandable. All the high and thick protective walls inside me gradually dissolved. I hardly spared myself the 1,5 years (I didn't really have a choice either). My body went through severe changes with pain in various regions that sometimes lasted for weeks. I still have acne all over my upper body. I was exposed to some of the most unpleasant energy experiences (in public), occasionally had visions (which were true - I just had to check them to see if I wasn't having one after all) and out-of-body experiences. The moments were particularly bad when I felt like I wasn't right in my body, sometimes for days. Seeing things somehow slightly double and blurry. Horrible. I went through all of this alone because I didn't dare talk to anyone about it. Especially not with my doctor and my therapist. Anyone who has also gone through all these changes can probably guess what I am talking about. This process is really NOT a walk in the park. And unfortunately I have seen people who have lost themselves in it. Today I feel increasingly more stable within myself (i.e. my ego and my self), I go through life much more calmly and relaxed, and I deal with other people and nature much more calmly, lovingly and consciously. So much inner darkness, so many shadows and dependencies have dissolved. I'm still scared of some things inside me. Sometimes I feel such strength within me, such brightness that I feel like dying. I'll cover that immediately. But there is one thing I have learned in all this time: to trust. Also, and especially, thanks to this article. I really wish that people who are going through similar developments will persevere. Don't give up, even if you want to.

      • othmar 17. May 2020, 14: 03

        i love the way i forgive and let go and then say thank you to father spirit and mother earth

      • genovefa 2. September 2020, 14: 19

        Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. Vefa

      • Jeannette Alisha Blankensee 21. February 2021, 19: 37

        Testing people's light bodies and
        it is so much fun. I am currently in the 11th light body level and have several wonderful resources about the LK process. Thank you for this fantastic resource. Good job.
        Lovingly Alisha ‍♀️

      • Sibylla 14. June 2021, 20: 26

        Very interesting. I can perceive and confirm a lot of things about myself. But honestly, the fact that “every person” is in the light body process is not true at all. You can see that, right? There are so many dark figures in politics, “science” and business in the world who can never rise. They're stuck together like bad luck. Something like that can't come into the light. They belong to the darkness and are here for destruction. But well, in a certain sense they aren't people, they just look that way.

      • Jessica Schliederman 1. September 2022, 18: 24

        I wanted to briefly write something about the topic of the light body process! Humanity here completely ignores an important aspect! Because we live in a dual value system and that stands for the duality of positive and negative! There is therefore a great light-full side and a negative spiritual side! And unfortunately the negative spiritual side makes us live in a nasty illusion! There is no ego at all! But a spiritual portal through which all people (souls) are controlled and manipulated by negative spiritual beings! In addition, all people (souls) are afflicted with negative spiritual beings! And that from a young age. These negative spiritual beings pretend to be human to us and represent our lower nature! Spiritual mastery therefore means freeing yourself from your negative spiritual attachments! Our other selves are lower beings from the lower spiritual spheres. The supposed obsession that one feels during the master stage comes from the lower beings who can no longer satisfy their lower being with the ascendants. They then express their entire displeasure through us!... This is a very important aspect that must be taken into account! The negative association with beings of the lower spiritual spheres affects all people (souls). Unless you have a sufficiently high level of consciousness (spiritual master level) and the spiritual portal is closed! The full extent of this negative connotation is gigantic and deeply shocking. But they (still) belong to our dual value system! The dual value system represents a special type of purification for us souls, unfortunately it has been expanded into a very negative system in the last millennia!...

      • Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

        Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
        Thank you thank you thank you

      Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

      Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
      Thank you thank you thank you

    • Becci 7. April 2020, 10: 26

      Thanks for this post! Thank you for your light.
      A smile for you, which arrives with you immediately 🙂


      • Uta Naumer-Hotz 20. September 2020, 9: 01

        thanks for the knowledge

    • Kirsten 16. April 2020, 13: 24

      Your article has been with me for almost a year now and I feel the strong need to finally want to say thank you. This article has given me so much confidence and encouragement, I wish I could describe exactly how grateful I am. With this comment I would also like to venture out of cover. In the spring of 2019, a friend sent me the link to this article because she "just rediscovered it". At this point, unbeknownst to me, I was at the beginning of the light body process. I read the article with very conflicting feelings: curiosity, fear and rejection. "What nonsense," my ego shouted at me. Because I can confirm one thing: the process is intense. Really intense. Without this guide, I most likely would have given up. Because I wouldn't have understood the sometimes severe physical and psychological changes. The first phases were particularly bad because I hardly knew my body at that point. I was constantly afraid. Today I know that these inner resistances (What's the matter with me? What's happening here?) made everything worse. At some point, thanks to the article, I gave up such thoughts. I had something to read and I can confirm almost all the characteristics of the individual levels (up to the tenth). When I look back today, the whole thing actually makes sense to me: In September 2018, I no longer had the strength to live. I know what dying feels like and when there's nothing you can do about it. I came into a clinic and immediately saw my opportunity. At that time, only one thing drove me: I didn't want to continue my mother's unhappy life. Please don't get me wrong: I love her and we have a better relationship today than ever before. I immediately felt at the time that this was finally the chance to get out of this incredibly deep and black hole. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But the more I worked up (I was so often on the brink), the deeper I got to the sick roots in me, the brighter, "lighter" it became in me. Today I find that very understandable. All the high and thick protective walls inside me gradually dissolved. I hardly spared myself the 1,5 years (I didn't really have a choice either). My body went through severe changes with pain in various regions that sometimes lasted for weeks. I still have acne all over my upper body. I was exposed to some of the most unpleasant energy experiences (in public), occasionally had visions (which were true - I just had to check them to see if I wasn't having one after all) and out-of-body experiences. The moments were particularly bad when I felt like I wasn't right in my body, sometimes for days. Seeing things somehow slightly double and blurry. Horrible. I went through all of this alone because I didn't dare talk to anyone about it. Especially not with my doctor and my therapist. Anyone who has also gone through all these changes can probably guess what I am talking about. This process is really NOT a walk in the park. And unfortunately I have seen people who have lost themselves in it. Today I feel increasingly more stable within myself (i.e. my ego and my self), I go through life much more calmly and relaxed, and I deal with other people and nature much more calmly, lovingly and consciously. So much inner darkness, so many shadows and dependencies have dissolved. I'm still scared of some things inside me. Sometimes I feel such strength within me, such brightness that I feel like dying. I'll cover that immediately. But there is one thing I have learned in all this time: to trust. Also, and especially, thanks to this article. I really wish that people who are going through similar developments will persevere. Don't give up, even if you want to.

    • othmar 17. May 2020, 14: 03

      i love the way i forgive and let go and then say thank you to father spirit and mother earth

    • genovefa 2. September 2020, 14: 19

      Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. Vefa

    • Jeannette Alisha Blankensee 21. February 2021, 19: 37

      Testing people's light bodies and
      it is so much fun. I am currently in the 11th light body level and have several wonderful resources about the LK process. Thank you for this fantastic resource. Good job.
      Lovingly Alisha ‍♀️

    • Sibylla 14. June 2021, 20: 26

      Very interesting. I can perceive and confirm a lot of things about myself. But honestly, the fact that “every person” is in the light body process is not true at all. You can see that, right? There are so many dark figures in politics, “science” and business in the world who can never rise. They're stuck together like bad luck. Something like that can't come into the light. They belong to the darkness and are here for destruction. But well, in a certain sense they aren't people, they just look that way.

    • Jessica Schliederman 1. September 2022, 18: 24

      I wanted to briefly write something about the topic of the light body process! Humanity here completely ignores an important aspect! Because we live in a dual value system and that stands for the duality of positive and negative! There is therefore a great light-full side and a negative spiritual side! And unfortunately the negative spiritual side makes us live in a nasty illusion! There is no ego at all! But a spiritual portal through which all people (souls) are controlled and manipulated by negative spiritual beings! In addition, all people (souls) are afflicted with negative spiritual beings! And that from a young age. These negative spiritual beings pretend to be human to us and represent our lower nature! Spiritual mastery therefore means freeing yourself from your negative spiritual attachments! Our other selves are lower beings from the lower spiritual spheres. The supposed obsession that one feels during the master stage comes from the lower beings who can no longer satisfy their lower being with the ascendants. They then express their entire displeasure through us!... This is a very important aspect that must be taken into account! The negative association with beings of the lower spiritual spheres affects all people (souls). Unless you have a sufficiently high level of consciousness (spiritual master level) and the spiritual portal is closed! The full extent of this negative connotation is gigantic and deeply shocking. But they (still) belong to our dual value system! The dual value system represents a special type of purification for us souls, unfortunately it has been expanded into a very negative system in the last millennia!...

    • Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

      Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
      Thank you thank you thank you

    Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

    Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
    Thank you thank you thank you

    • Becci 7. April 2020, 10: 26

      Thanks for this post! Thank you for your light.
      A smile for you, which arrives with you immediately 🙂


      • Uta Naumer-Hotz 20. September 2020, 9: 01

        thanks for the knowledge

    • Kirsten 16. April 2020, 13: 24

      Your article has been with me for almost a year now and I feel the strong need to finally want to say thank you. This article has given me so much confidence and encouragement, I wish I could describe exactly how grateful I am. With this comment I would also like to venture out of cover. In the spring of 2019, a friend sent me the link to this article because she "just rediscovered it". At this point, unbeknownst to me, I was at the beginning of the light body process. I read the article with very conflicting feelings: curiosity, fear and rejection. "What nonsense," my ego shouted at me. Because I can confirm one thing: the process is intense. Really intense. Without this guide, I most likely would have given up. Because I wouldn't have understood the sometimes severe physical and psychological changes. The first phases were particularly bad because I hardly knew my body at that point. I was constantly afraid. Today I know that these inner resistances (What's the matter with me? What's happening here?) made everything worse. At some point, thanks to the article, I gave up such thoughts. I had something to read and I can confirm almost all the characteristics of the individual levels (up to the tenth). When I look back today, the whole thing actually makes sense to me: In September 2018, I no longer had the strength to live. I know what dying feels like and when there's nothing you can do about it. I came into a clinic and immediately saw my opportunity. At that time, only one thing drove me: I didn't want to continue my mother's unhappy life. Please don't get me wrong: I love her and we have a better relationship today than ever before. I immediately felt at the time that this was finally the chance to get out of this incredibly deep and black hole. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But the more I worked up (I was so often on the brink), the deeper I got to the sick roots in me, the brighter, "lighter" it became in me. Today I find that very understandable. All the high and thick protective walls inside me gradually dissolved. I hardly spared myself the 1,5 years (I didn't really have a choice either). My body went through severe changes with pain in various regions that sometimes lasted for weeks. I still have acne all over my upper body. I was exposed to some of the most unpleasant energy experiences (in public), occasionally had visions (which were true - I just had to check them to see if I wasn't having one after all) and out-of-body experiences. The moments were particularly bad when I felt like I wasn't right in my body, sometimes for days. Seeing things somehow slightly double and blurry. Horrible. I went through all of this alone because I didn't dare talk to anyone about it. Especially not with my doctor and my therapist. Anyone who has also gone through all these changes can probably guess what I am talking about. This process is really NOT a walk in the park. And unfortunately I have seen people who have lost themselves in it. Today I feel increasingly more stable within myself (i.e. my ego and my self), I go through life much more calmly and relaxed, and I deal with other people and nature much more calmly, lovingly and consciously. So much inner darkness, so many shadows and dependencies have dissolved. I'm still scared of some things inside me. Sometimes I feel such strength within me, such brightness that I feel like dying. I'll cover that immediately. But there is one thing I have learned in all this time: to trust. Also, and especially, thanks to this article. I really wish that people who are going through similar developments will persevere. Don't give up, even if you want to.

    • othmar 17. May 2020, 14: 03

      i love the way i forgive and let go and then say thank you to father spirit and mother earth

    • genovefa 2. September 2020, 14: 19

      Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. Vefa

    • Jeannette Alisha Blankensee 21. February 2021, 19: 37

      Testing people's light bodies and
      it is so much fun. I am currently in the 11th light body level and have several wonderful resources about the LK process. Thank you for this fantastic resource. Good job.
      Lovingly Alisha ‍♀️

    • Sibylla 14. June 2021, 20: 26

      Very interesting. I can perceive and confirm a lot of things about myself. But honestly, the fact that “every person” is in the light body process is not true at all. You can see that, right? There are so many dark figures in politics, “science” and business in the world who can never rise. They're stuck together like bad luck. Something like that can't come into the light. They belong to the darkness and are here for destruction. But well, in a certain sense they aren't people, they just look that way.

    • Jessica Schliederman 1. September 2022, 18: 24

      I wanted to briefly write something about the topic of the light body process! Humanity here completely ignores an important aspect! Because we live in a dual value system and that stands for the duality of positive and negative! There is therefore a great light-full side and a negative spiritual side! And unfortunately the negative spiritual side makes us live in a nasty illusion! There is no ego at all! But a spiritual portal through which all people (souls) are controlled and manipulated by negative spiritual beings! In addition, all people (souls) are afflicted with negative spiritual beings! And that from a young age. These negative spiritual beings pretend to be human to us and represent our lower nature! Spiritual mastery therefore means freeing yourself from your negative spiritual attachments! Our other selves are lower beings from the lower spiritual spheres. The supposed obsession that one feels during the master stage comes from the lower beings who can no longer satisfy their lower being with the ascendants. They then express their entire displeasure through us!... This is a very important aspect that must be taken into account! The negative association with beings of the lower spiritual spheres affects all people (souls). Unless you have a sufficiently high level of consciousness (spiritual master level) and the spiritual portal is closed! The full extent of this negative connotation is gigantic and deeply shocking. But they (still) belong to our dual value system! The dual value system represents a special type of purification for us souls, unfortunately it has been expanded into a very negative system in the last millennia!...

    • Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

      Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
      Thank you thank you thank you

    Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

    Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
    Thank you thank you thank you

    • Becci 7. April 2020, 10: 26

      Thanks for this post! Thank you for your light.
      A smile for you, which arrives with you immediately 🙂


      • Uta Naumer-Hotz 20. September 2020, 9: 01

        thanks for the knowledge

    • Kirsten 16. April 2020, 13: 24

      Your article has been with me for almost a year now and I feel the strong need to finally want to say thank you. This article has given me so much confidence and encouragement, I wish I could describe exactly how grateful I am. With this comment I would also like to venture out of cover. In the spring of 2019, a friend sent me the link to this article because she "just rediscovered it". At this point, unbeknownst to me, I was at the beginning of the light body process. I read the article with very conflicting feelings: curiosity, fear and rejection. "What nonsense," my ego shouted at me. Because I can confirm one thing: the process is intense. Really intense. Without this guide, I most likely would have given up. Because I wouldn't have understood the sometimes severe physical and psychological changes. The first phases were particularly bad because I hardly knew my body at that point. I was constantly afraid. Today I know that these inner resistances (What's the matter with me? What's happening here?) made everything worse. At some point, thanks to the article, I gave up such thoughts. I had something to read and I can confirm almost all the characteristics of the individual levels (up to the tenth). When I look back today, the whole thing actually makes sense to me: In September 2018, I no longer had the strength to live. I know what dying feels like and when there's nothing you can do about it. I came into a clinic and immediately saw my opportunity. At that time, only one thing drove me: I didn't want to continue my mother's unhappy life. Please don't get me wrong: I love her and we have a better relationship today than ever before. I immediately felt at the time that this was finally the chance to get out of this incredibly deep and black hole. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But the more I worked up (I was so often on the brink), the deeper I got to the sick roots in me, the brighter, "lighter" it became in me. Today I find that very understandable. All the high and thick protective walls inside me gradually dissolved. I hardly spared myself the 1,5 years (I didn't really have a choice either). My body went through severe changes with pain in various regions that sometimes lasted for weeks. I still have acne all over my upper body. I was exposed to some of the most unpleasant energy experiences (in public), occasionally had visions (which were true - I just had to check them to see if I wasn't having one after all) and out-of-body experiences. The moments were particularly bad when I felt like I wasn't right in my body, sometimes for days. Seeing things somehow slightly double and blurry. Horrible. I went through all of this alone because I didn't dare talk to anyone about it. Especially not with my doctor and my therapist. Anyone who has also gone through all these changes can probably guess what I am talking about. This process is really NOT a walk in the park. And unfortunately I have seen people who have lost themselves in it. Today I feel increasingly more stable within myself (i.e. my ego and my self), I go through life much more calmly and relaxed, and I deal with other people and nature much more calmly, lovingly and consciously. So much inner darkness, so many shadows and dependencies have dissolved. I'm still scared of some things inside me. Sometimes I feel such strength within me, such brightness that I feel like dying. I'll cover that immediately. But there is one thing I have learned in all this time: to trust. Also, and especially, thanks to this article. I really wish that people who are going through similar developments will persevere. Don't give up, even if you want to.

    • othmar 17. May 2020, 14: 03

      i love the way i forgive and let go and then say thank you to father spirit and mother earth

    • genovefa 2. September 2020, 14: 19

      Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. Vefa

    • Jeannette Alisha Blankensee 21. February 2021, 19: 37

      Testing people's light bodies and
      it is so much fun. I am currently in the 11th light body level and have several wonderful resources about the LK process. Thank you for this fantastic resource. Good job.
      Lovingly Alisha ‍♀️

    • Sibylla 14. June 2021, 20: 26

      Very interesting. I can perceive and confirm a lot of things about myself. But honestly, the fact that “every person” is in the light body process is not true at all. You can see that, right? There are so many dark figures in politics, “science” and business in the world who can never rise. They're stuck together like bad luck. Something like that can't come into the light. They belong to the darkness and are here for destruction. But well, in a certain sense they aren't people, they just look that way.

    • Jessica Schliederman 1. September 2022, 18: 24

      I wanted to briefly write something about the topic of the light body process! Humanity here completely ignores an important aspect! Because we live in a dual value system and that stands for the duality of positive and negative! There is therefore a great light-full side and a negative spiritual side! And unfortunately the negative spiritual side makes us live in a nasty illusion! There is no ego at all! But a spiritual portal through which all people (souls) are controlled and manipulated by negative spiritual beings! In addition, all people (souls) are afflicted with negative spiritual beings! And that from a young age. These negative spiritual beings pretend to be human to us and represent our lower nature! Spiritual mastery therefore means freeing yourself from your negative spiritual attachments! Our other selves are lower beings from the lower spiritual spheres. The supposed obsession that one feels during the master stage comes from the lower beings who can no longer satisfy their lower being with the ascendants. They then express their entire displeasure through us!... This is a very important aspect that must be taken into account! The negative association with beings of the lower spiritual spheres affects all people (souls). Unless you have a sufficiently high level of consciousness (spiritual master level) and the spiritual portal is closed! The full extent of this negative connotation is gigantic and deeply shocking. But they (still) belong to our dual value system! The dual value system represents a special type of purification for us souls, unfortunately it has been expanded into a very negative system in the last millennia!...

    • Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

      Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
      Thank you thank you thank you

    Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

    Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
    Thank you thank you thank you

    • Becci 7. April 2020, 10: 26

      Thanks for this post! Thank you for your light.
      A smile for you, which arrives with you immediately 🙂


      • Uta Naumer-Hotz 20. September 2020, 9: 01

        thanks for the knowledge

    • Kirsten 16. April 2020, 13: 24

      Your article has been with me for almost a year now and I feel the strong need to finally want to say thank you. This article has given me so much confidence and encouragement, I wish I could describe exactly how grateful I am. With this comment I would also like to venture out of cover. In the spring of 2019, a friend sent me the link to this article because she "just rediscovered it". At this point, unbeknownst to me, I was at the beginning of the light body process. I read the article with very conflicting feelings: curiosity, fear and rejection. "What nonsense," my ego shouted at me. Because I can confirm one thing: the process is intense. Really intense. Without this guide, I most likely would have given up. Because I wouldn't have understood the sometimes severe physical and psychological changes. The first phases were particularly bad because I hardly knew my body at that point. I was constantly afraid. Today I know that these inner resistances (What's the matter with me? What's happening here?) made everything worse. At some point, thanks to the article, I gave up such thoughts. I had something to read and I can confirm almost all the characteristics of the individual levels (up to the tenth). When I look back today, the whole thing actually makes sense to me: In September 2018, I no longer had the strength to live. I know what dying feels like and when there's nothing you can do about it. I came into a clinic and immediately saw my opportunity. At that time, only one thing drove me: I didn't want to continue my mother's unhappy life. Please don't get me wrong: I love her and we have a better relationship today than ever before. I immediately felt at the time that this was finally the chance to get out of this incredibly deep and black hole. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But the more I worked up (I was so often on the brink), the deeper I got to the sick roots in me, the brighter, "lighter" it became in me. Today I find that very understandable. All the high and thick protective walls inside me gradually dissolved. I hardly spared myself the 1,5 years (I didn't really have a choice either). My body went through severe changes with pain in various regions that sometimes lasted for weeks. I still have acne all over my upper body. I was exposed to some of the most unpleasant energy experiences (in public), occasionally had visions (which were true - I just had to check them to see if I wasn't having one after all) and out-of-body experiences. The moments were particularly bad when I felt like I wasn't right in my body, sometimes for days. Seeing things somehow slightly double and blurry. Horrible. I went through all of this alone because I didn't dare talk to anyone about it. Especially not with my doctor and my therapist. Anyone who has also gone through all these changes can probably guess what I am talking about. This process is really NOT a walk in the park. And unfortunately I have seen people who have lost themselves in it. Today I feel increasingly more stable within myself (i.e. my ego and my self), I go through life much more calmly and relaxed, and I deal with other people and nature much more calmly, lovingly and consciously. So much inner darkness, so many shadows and dependencies have dissolved. I'm still scared of some things inside me. Sometimes I feel such strength within me, such brightness that I feel like dying. I'll cover that immediately. But there is one thing I have learned in all this time: to trust. Also, and especially, thanks to this article. I really wish that people who are going through similar developments will persevere. Don't give up, even if you want to.

    • othmar 17. May 2020, 14: 03

      i love the way i forgive and let go and then say thank you to father spirit and mother earth

    • genovefa 2. September 2020, 14: 19

      Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. Vefa

    • Jeannette Alisha Blankensee 21. February 2021, 19: 37

      Testing people's light bodies and
      it is so much fun. I am currently in the 11th light body level and have several wonderful resources about the LK process. Thank you for this fantastic resource. Good job.
      Lovingly Alisha ‍♀️

    • Sibylla 14. June 2021, 20: 26

      Very interesting. I can perceive and confirm a lot of things about myself. But honestly, the fact that “every person” is in the light body process is not true at all. You can see that, right? There are so many dark figures in politics, “science” and business in the world who can never rise. They're stuck together like bad luck. Something like that can't come into the light. They belong to the darkness and are here for destruction. But well, in a certain sense they aren't people, they just look that way.

    • Jessica Schliederman 1. September 2022, 18: 24

      I wanted to briefly write something about the topic of the light body process! Humanity here completely ignores an important aspect! Because we live in a dual value system and that stands for the duality of positive and negative! There is therefore a great light-full side and a negative spiritual side! And unfortunately the negative spiritual side makes us live in a nasty illusion! There is no ego at all! But a spiritual portal through which all people (souls) are controlled and manipulated by negative spiritual beings! In addition, all people (souls) are afflicted with negative spiritual beings! And that from a young age. These negative spiritual beings pretend to be human to us and represent our lower nature! Spiritual mastery therefore means freeing yourself from your negative spiritual attachments! Our other selves are lower beings from the lower spiritual spheres. The supposed obsession that one feels during the master stage comes from the lower beings who can no longer satisfy their lower being with the ascendants. They then express their entire displeasure through us!... This is a very important aspect that must be taken into account! The negative association with beings of the lower spiritual spheres affects all people (souls). Unless you have a sufficiently high level of consciousness (spiritual master level) and the spiritual portal is closed! The full extent of this negative connotation is gigantic and deeply shocking. But they (still) belong to our dual value system! The dual value system represents a special type of purification for us souls, unfortunately it has been expanded into a very negative system in the last millennia!...

    • Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

      Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
      Thank you thank you thank you

    Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

    Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
    Thank you thank you thank you

    • Becci 7. April 2020, 10: 26

      Thanks for this post! Thank you for your light.
      A smile for you, which arrives with you immediately 🙂


      • Uta Naumer-Hotz 20. September 2020, 9: 01

        thanks for the knowledge

    • Kirsten 16. April 2020, 13: 24

      Your article has been with me for almost a year now and I feel the strong need to finally want to say thank you. This article has given me so much confidence and encouragement, I wish I could describe exactly how grateful I am. With this comment I would also like to venture out of cover. In the spring of 2019, a friend sent me the link to this article because she "just rediscovered it". At this point, unbeknownst to me, I was at the beginning of the light body process. I read the article with very conflicting feelings: curiosity, fear and rejection. "What nonsense," my ego shouted at me. Because I can confirm one thing: the process is intense. Really intense. Without this guide, I most likely would have given up. Because I wouldn't have understood the sometimes severe physical and psychological changes. The first phases were particularly bad because I hardly knew my body at that point. I was constantly afraid. Today I know that these inner resistances (What's the matter with me? What's happening here?) made everything worse. At some point, thanks to the article, I gave up such thoughts. I had something to read and I can confirm almost all the characteristics of the individual levels (up to the tenth). When I look back today, the whole thing actually makes sense to me: In September 2018, I no longer had the strength to live. I know what dying feels like and when there's nothing you can do about it. I came into a clinic and immediately saw my opportunity. At that time, only one thing drove me: I didn't want to continue my mother's unhappy life. Please don't get me wrong: I love her and we have a better relationship today than ever before. I immediately felt at the time that this was finally the chance to get out of this incredibly deep and black hole. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But the more I worked up (I was so often on the brink), the deeper I got to the sick roots in me, the brighter, "lighter" it became in me. Today I find that very understandable. All the high and thick protective walls inside me gradually dissolved. I hardly spared myself the 1,5 years (I didn't really have a choice either). My body went through severe changes with pain in various regions that sometimes lasted for weeks. I still have acne all over my upper body. I was exposed to some of the most unpleasant energy experiences (in public), occasionally had visions (which were true - I just had to check them to see if I wasn't having one after all) and out-of-body experiences. The moments were particularly bad when I felt like I wasn't right in my body, sometimes for days. Seeing things somehow slightly double and blurry. Horrible. I went through all of this alone because I didn't dare talk to anyone about it. Especially not with my doctor and my therapist. Anyone who has also gone through all these changes can probably guess what I am talking about. This process is really NOT a walk in the park. And unfortunately I have seen people who have lost themselves in it. Today I feel increasingly more stable within myself (i.e. my ego and my self), I go through life much more calmly and relaxed, and I deal with other people and nature much more calmly, lovingly and consciously. So much inner darkness, so many shadows and dependencies have dissolved. I'm still scared of some things inside me. Sometimes I feel such strength within me, such brightness that I feel like dying. I'll cover that immediately. But there is one thing I have learned in all this time: to trust. Also, and especially, thanks to this article. I really wish that people who are going through similar developments will persevere. Don't give up, even if you want to.

    • othmar 17. May 2020, 14: 03

      i love the way i forgive and let go and then say thank you to father spirit and mother earth

    • genovefa 2. September 2020, 14: 19

      Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. Vefa

    • Jeannette Alisha Blankensee 21. February 2021, 19: 37

      Testing people's light bodies and
      it is so much fun. I am currently in the 11th light body level and have several wonderful resources about the LK process. Thank you for this fantastic resource. Good job.
      Lovingly Alisha ‍♀️

    • Sibylla 14. June 2021, 20: 26

      Very interesting. I can perceive and confirm a lot of things about myself. But honestly, the fact that “every person” is in the light body process is not true at all. You can see that, right? There are so many dark figures in politics, “science” and business in the world who can never rise. They're stuck together like bad luck. Something like that can't come into the light. They belong to the darkness and are here for destruction. But well, in a certain sense they aren't people, they just look that way.

    • Jessica Schliederman 1. September 2022, 18: 24

      I wanted to briefly write something about the topic of the light body process! Humanity here completely ignores an important aspect! Because we live in a dual value system and that stands for the duality of positive and negative! There is therefore a great light-full side and a negative spiritual side! And unfortunately the negative spiritual side makes us live in a nasty illusion! There is no ego at all! But a spiritual portal through which all people (souls) are controlled and manipulated by negative spiritual beings! In addition, all people (souls) are afflicted with negative spiritual beings! And that from a young age. These negative spiritual beings pretend to be human to us and represent our lower nature! Spiritual mastery therefore means freeing yourself from your negative spiritual attachments! Our other selves are lower beings from the lower spiritual spheres. The supposed obsession that one feels during the master stage comes from the lower beings who can no longer satisfy their lower being with the ascendants. They then express their entire displeasure through us!... This is a very important aspect that must be taken into account! The negative association with beings of the lower spiritual spheres affects all people (souls). Unless you have a sufficiently high level of consciousness (spiritual master level) and the spiritual portal is closed! The full extent of this negative connotation is gigantic and deeply shocking. But they (still) belong to our dual value system! The dual value system represents a special type of purification for us souls, unfortunately it has been expanded into a very negative system in the last millennia!...

    • Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

      Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
      Thank you thank you thank you

    Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

    Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
    Thank you thank you thank you

    • Becci 7. April 2020, 10: 26

      Thanks for this post! Thank you for your light.
      A smile for you, which arrives with you immediately 🙂


      • Uta Naumer-Hotz 20. September 2020, 9: 01

        thanks for the knowledge

    • Kirsten 16. April 2020, 13: 24

      Your article has been with me for almost a year now and I feel the strong need to finally want to say thank you. This article has given me so much confidence and encouragement, I wish I could describe exactly how grateful I am. With this comment I would also like to venture out of cover. In the spring of 2019, a friend sent me the link to this article because she "just rediscovered it". At this point, unbeknownst to me, I was at the beginning of the light body process. I read the article with very conflicting feelings: curiosity, fear and rejection. "What nonsense," my ego shouted at me. Because I can confirm one thing: the process is intense. Really intense. Without this guide, I most likely would have given up. Because I wouldn't have understood the sometimes severe physical and psychological changes. The first phases were particularly bad because I hardly knew my body at that point. I was constantly afraid. Today I know that these inner resistances (What's the matter with me? What's happening here?) made everything worse. At some point, thanks to the article, I gave up such thoughts. I had something to read and I can confirm almost all the characteristics of the individual levels (up to the tenth). When I look back today, the whole thing actually makes sense to me: In September 2018, I no longer had the strength to live. I know what dying feels like and when there's nothing you can do about it. I came into a clinic and immediately saw my opportunity. At that time, only one thing drove me: I didn't want to continue my mother's unhappy life. Please don't get me wrong: I love her and we have a better relationship today than ever before. I immediately felt at the time that this was finally the chance to get out of this incredibly deep and black hole. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But the more I worked up (I was so often on the brink), the deeper I got to the sick roots in me, the brighter, "lighter" it became in me. Today I find that very understandable. All the high and thick protective walls inside me gradually dissolved. I hardly spared myself the 1,5 years (I didn't really have a choice either). My body went through severe changes with pain in various regions that sometimes lasted for weeks. I still have acne all over my upper body. I was exposed to some of the most unpleasant energy experiences (in public), occasionally had visions (which were true - I just had to check them to see if I wasn't having one after all) and out-of-body experiences. The moments were particularly bad when I felt like I wasn't right in my body, sometimes for days. Seeing things somehow slightly double and blurry. Horrible. I went through all of this alone because I didn't dare talk to anyone about it. Especially not with my doctor and my therapist. Anyone who has also gone through all these changes can probably guess what I am talking about. This process is really NOT a walk in the park. And unfortunately I have seen people who have lost themselves in it. Today I feel increasingly more stable within myself (i.e. my ego and my self), I go through life much more calmly and relaxed, and I deal with other people and nature much more calmly, lovingly and consciously. So much inner darkness, so many shadows and dependencies have dissolved. I'm still scared of some things inside me. Sometimes I feel such strength within me, such brightness that I feel like dying. I'll cover that immediately. But there is one thing I have learned in all this time: to trust. Also, and especially, thanks to this article. I really wish that people who are going through similar developments will persevere. Don't give up, even if you want to.

    • othmar 17. May 2020, 14: 03

      i love the way i forgive and let go and then say thank you to father spirit and mother earth

    • genovefa 2. September 2020, 14: 19

      Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. Vefa

    • Jeannette Alisha Blankensee 21. February 2021, 19: 37

      Testing people's light bodies and
      it is so much fun. I am currently in the 11th light body level and have several wonderful resources about the LK process. Thank you for this fantastic resource. Good job.
      Lovingly Alisha ‍♀️

    • Sibylla 14. June 2021, 20: 26

      Very interesting. I can perceive and confirm a lot of things about myself. But honestly, the fact that “every person” is in the light body process is not true at all. You can see that, right? There are so many dark figures in politics, “science” and business in the world who can never rise. They're stuck together like bad luck. Something like that can't come into the light. They belong to the darkness and are here for destruction. But well, in a certain sense they aren't people, they just look that way.

    • Jessica Schliederman 1. September 2022, 18: 24

      I wanted to briefly write something about the topic of the light body process! Humanity here completely ignores an important aspect! Because we live in a dual value system and that stands for the duality of positive and negative! There is therefore a great light-full side and a negative spiritual side! And unfortunately the negative spiritual side makes us live in a nasty illusion! There is no ego at all! But a spiritual portal through which all people (souls) are controlled and manipulated by negative spiritual beings! In addition, all people (souls) are afflicted with negative spiritual beings! And that from a young age. These negative spiritual beings pretend to be human to us and represent our lower nature! Spiritual mastery therefore means freeing yourself from your negative spiritual attachments! Our other selves are lower beings from the lower spiritual spheres. The supposed obsession that one feels during the master stage comes from the lower beings who can no longer satisfy their lower being with the ascendants. They then express their entire displeasure through us!... This is a very important aspect that must be taken into account! The negative association with beings of the lower spiritual spheres affects all people (souls). Unless you have a sufficiently high level of consciousness (spiritual master level) and the spiritual portal is closed! The full extent of this negative connotation is gigantic and deeply shocking. But they (still) belong to our dual value system! The dual value system represents a special type of purification for us souls, unfortunately it has been expanded into a very negative system in the last millennia!...

    • Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

      Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
      Thank you thank you thank you

    Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

    Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
    Thank you thank you thank you

    • Becci 7. April 2020, 10: 26

      Thanks for this post! Thank you for your light.
      A smile for you, which arrives with you immediately 🙂


      • Uta Naumer-Hotz 20. September 2020, 9: 01

        thanks for the knowledge

    • Kirsten 16. April 2020, 13: 24

      Your article has been with me for almost a year now and I feel the strong need to finally want to say thank you. This article has given me so much confidence and encouragement, I wish I could describe exactly how grateful I am. With this comment I would also like to venture out of cover. In the spring of 2019, a friend sent me the link to this article because she "just rediscovered it". At this point, unbeknownst to me, I was at the beginning of the light body process. I read the article with very conflicting feelings: curiosity, fear and rejection. "What nonsense," my ego shouted at me. Because I can confirm one thing: the process is intense. Really intense. Without this guide, I most likely would have given up. Because I wouldn't have understood the sometimes severe physical and psychological changes. The first phases were particularly bad because I hardly knew my body at that point. I was constantly afraid. Today I know that these inner resistances (What's the matter with me? What's happening here?) made everything worse. At some point, thanks to the article, I gave up such thoughts. I had something to read and I can confirm almost all the characteristics of the individual levels (up to the tenth). When I look back today, the whole thing actually makes sense to me: In September 2018, I no longer had the strength to live. I know what dying feels like and when there's nothing you can do about it. I came into a clinic and immediately saw my opportunity. At that time, only one thing drove me: I didn't want to continue my mother's unhappy life. Please don't get me wrong: I love her and we have a better relationship today than ever before. I immediately felt at the time that this was finally the chance to get out of this incredibly deep and black hole. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But the more I worked up (I was so often on the brink), the deeper I got to the sick roots in me, the brighter, "lighter" it became in me. Today I find that very understandable. All the high and thick protective walls inside me gradually dissolved. I hardly spared myself the 1,5 years (I didn't really have a choice either). My body went through severe changes with pain in various regions that sometimes lasted for weeks. I still have acne all over my upper body. I was exposed to some of the most unpleasant energy experiences (in public), occasionally had visions (which were true - I just had to check them to see if I wasn't having one after all) and out-of-body experiences. The moments were particularly bad when I felt like I wasn't right in my body, sometimes for days. Seeing things somehow slightly double and blurry. Horrible. I went through all of this alone because I didn't dare talk to anyone about it. Especially not with my doctor and my therapist. Anyone who has also gone through all these changes can probably guess what I am talking about. This process is really NOT a walk in the park. And unfortunately I have seen people who have lost themselves in it. Today I feel increasingly more stable within myself (i.e. my ego and my self), I go through life much more calmly and relaxed, and I deal with other people and nature much more calmly, lovingly and consciously. So much inner darkness, so many shadows and dependencies have dissolved. I'm still scared of some things inside me. Sometimes I feel such strength within me, such brightness that I feel like dying. I'll cover that immediately. But there is one thing I have learned in all this time: to trust. Also, and especially, thanks to this article. I really wish that people who are going through similar developments will persevere. Don't give up, even if you want to.

    • othmar 17. May 2020, 14: 03

      i love the way i forgive and let go and then say thank you to father spirit and mother earth

    • genovefa 2. September 2020, 14: 19

      Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. Vefa

    • Jeannette Alisha Blankensee 21. February 2021, 19: 37

      Testing people's light bodies and
      it is so much fun. I am currently in the 11th light body level and have several wonderful resources about the LK process. Thank you for this fantastic resource. Good job.
      Lovingly Alisha ‍♀️

    • Sibylla 14. June 2021, 20: 26

      Very interesting. I can perceive and confirm a lot of things about myself. But honestly, the fact that “every person” is in the light body process is not true at all. You can see that, right? There are so many dark figures in politics, “science” and business in the world who can never rise. They're stuck together like bad luck. Something like that can't come into the light. They belong to the darkness and are here for destruction. But well, in a certain sense they aren't people, they just look that way.

    • Jessica Schliederman 1. September 2022, 18: 24

      I wanted to briefly write something about the topic of the light body process! Humanity here completely ignores an important aspect! Because we live in a dual value system and that stands for the duality of positive and negative! There is therefore a great light-full side and a negative spiritual side! And unfortunately the negative spiritual side makes us live in a nasty illusion! There is no ego at all! But a spiritual portal through which all people (souls) are controlled and manipulated by negative spiritual beings! In addition, all people (souls) are afflicted with negative spiritual beings! And that from a young age. These negative spiritual beings pretend to be human to us and represent our lower nature! Spiritual mastery therefore means freeing yourself from your negative spiritual attachments! Our other selves are lower beings from the lower spiritual spheres. The supposed obsession that one feels during the master stage comes from the lower beings who can no longer satisfy their lower being with the ascendants. They then express their entire displeasure through us!... This is a very important aspect that must be taken into account! The negative association with beings of the lower spiritual spheres affects all people (souls). Unless you have a sufficiently high level of consciousness (spiritual master level) and the spiritual portal is closed! The full extent of this negative connotation is gigantic and deeply shocking. But they (still) belong to our dual value system! The dual value system represents a special type of purification for us souls, unfortunately it has been expanded into a very negative system in the last millennia!...

    • Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

      Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
      Thank you thank you thank you

    Ursula 11. December 2023, 21: 29

    Thanks for the beautiful description of the light body process. I was always able to find myself again up to and including the 9th level. Now I can visualize the goal and hope to master this life so that I reach the 12th level and can accompany and support many other souls.
    Thank you thank you thank you
