The term duality has recently been used again and again by a wide variety of people. However, many are still unclear as to what the term duality actually means, what it is all about and to what extent it shapes our daily lives. The word duality comes from the Latin (dualis) and literally means duality or containing two. Basically, duality means a world which in turn is divided into 2 poles, duals. Hot - cold, man - woman, love - hate, male - female, soul - ego, good - bad, etc. But in the end it's not quite that simple. There is far more to duality than that, and in this article I will go into more detail about it.
The creation of a dualitarian world
Dualitarian states have existed since the beginning of our existence. Mankind has always acted out of dualistic patterns and divided happenings, events, people and thoughts into positive or negative states. This game of duality is maintained by several factors. On the one hand duality emerges from our consciousness. The whole life of a person, everything that one can imagine, every action committed and everything that will happen is ultimately only a result of one's own consciousness and the thoughts that arise from it. You meet up with a friend only because you first had the thought of that scenario. You imagined meeting this person and then you realized that thought by committing the action. Everything comes from thoughts. A person's entire life is merely a product of their own imagination, a mental projection of their own consciousness. Consciousness is essentially space-timeless and polarity-free, which is why consciousness expands every second and is constantly expanding with new experiences, which in turn can be called up in the form of our thoughts. Duality in this context arises from our consciousness as we use our own imagination to divide things into good or bad, positive or negative. But consciousness is not inherently a dualistic state. Consciousness is neither male nor female, cannot age and is merely a tool we use to experience life. Nevertheless, we experience a dualistic world every day, evaluate events and classify them as good or bad. There are several reasons for this. We humans are in a constant struggle between the soul and the egoistic mind. The soul is responsible for generating positive thoughts and actions and the ego generates negative, energetically dense states. Our soul therefore divides into positive states and the ego into negative states. One's own consciousness, one's own train of thought, is always directed by one of these poles. Either you use your consciousness to create a positive reality (soul), or you create a negative, energetically dense reality (ego).
The ending of dualitarian states
This change, which in this context is also often seen as an inner struggle, ultimately leads to us dividing people into negative or positive events again and again. The ego is just the part of a human being that leads us to create a negative reality. All negative emotions, be they pain, sadness, fear, anger, hate, and the like, spring from this mind. In the current Age of Aquarius, however, people are again beginning to dissolve their egoistic minds in order to be able to create an exclusively positive reality. This circumstance ultimately leads to the fact that at some point we drop all our judgments and no longer evaluate things, no longer divide things into good or bad. Over time, one discards such thinking and finds one's own inner true self again, which means that one looks at the world exclusively from positive eyes. One no longer divides into good and bad, positive or negative, because on the whole one only sees the positive, higher, divine aspect. One then recognizes that the entire existence in itself is only a space-timeless, polarity-free expression. All immaterial and material states are basically just an expression of an overarching consciousness. Every person has a part of this consciousness and expresses their own life through it. Of course, in this sense there are, for example, male and female expressions, positive and negative parts, but since everything originates from a state without polarity, the basic basis of all life has no duality.
2 different poles that are one in their entirety!
Look at women and men, as different as they may be, at the end of the day they are just a product of a structure that has no duality at its core, an expression of a totally neutral consciousness. Two opposites that together form a whole. It's like a coin, both sides are different, yet both sides form the whole, one coin. This knowledge is also important in order to be able to break through one's own reincarnation cycle or to get closer to this goal. At some point you put down all self-imposed blockages and programming, put yourself in the position of a silent observer and only see the divine spark in the entire existence, in every encounter and in every person.
One no longer judges in this sense, discards all judgments and sees the world as it is, as an expression of a gigantic consciousness that individualizes itself through incarnation, experiences itself in order to be able to master the duality of life again. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.
But duality isn't a bad thing, is it, if we understand the two sides as one? And I believe that the ego also has its place in it, just like everything in the world has its place. If I want to give up the fight, then I should stop fighting. So also stop fighting my ego and include it in my overall being just like the wish that others are doing well. Without the ability to differentiate, I can't really give people anything, one needs it like the other. That's my belief, other beliefs are allowed, but that feels the most peaceful to me personally. Not after a fight.