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Everything is energy

life after death

Is there a life after death? What happens to our soul or our spiritual presence when our physical structures disintegrate and death occurs? The Russian researcher Konstantin Korotkov has dealt extensively with these and similar questions in the past and a few years ago he managed to create unique and rare recordings on the basis of his research work. Because Korotkov photographed a dying person with a bioelectrographic ...

life after death

Why are so many people currently dealing with spiritual, high-vibrational topics? A few years ago this was not the case! At that time, these topics were ridiculed by many people, dismissed as nonsense. But currently, many people feel magically drawn to these topics. There is also a good reason for this and I would like to share it with you in this text explain in more detail. The first time I came into contact with such topics ...

life after death

Sebastian Kneipp once said that nature is the best pharmacy. Many people, especially conventional doctors, often smile at such statements and prefer to place their trust in conventional medicine. What exactly is behind the statement by Mr. Kneipp? Does nature really offer natural remedies? Can you really heal your body or protect it from various diseases with natural practices and foods? why ...

life after death

We all possess the same intellect, the same special abilities and possibilities. But many people are not aware of this and feel inferior or inferior to a person with a high "intelligence quotient", someone who has acquired a lot of knowledge in his life. But how can it be that a person is more intelligent than you. We all have a brain, our own reality, thoughts and consciousness. We all own the same ...

life after death

More and more people are currently using superfoods and that's a good thing! Our planet Gaia has a fascinating and vibrant nature. Many medicinal plants and beneficial herbs have been forgotten over the centuries, but the situation is currently changing again and the trend is increasingly towards a healthy lifestyle and natural nutrition. But what exactly are superfoods and do we really need them? As superfoods are only allowed ...

life after death

Have you ever had that unfamiliar feeling at certain moments in life, as if the whole universe revolved around you? This feeling feels foreign and yet is somehow very familiar. This feeling has accompanied most people their entire lives, but only very few have been able to understand this silhouette of life. Most people only deal with this oddity for a short time, and in most cases ...

life after death

Many people only believe in what they see, in the 3-dimensionality of life or, due to the inseparable space-time, in the 4-dimensionality. These limited thought patterns deny us access to a world that is beyond our imagination. Because when we free our mind, we recognize that deep in the gross material matter only atoms, electrons, protons and other energetic particles exist. We can see these particles with the naked eye ...