Within the current overarching awakening process, it is going as it has been often in depth addressed, mainly about the manifestation or development of one's own highest self-image, i.e. it's about the complete return to one's own primal ground or, to put it another way, about mastering one's own incarnation, accompanied by the maximum development of one's own light body and the associated complete ascent of one's own Spirit into the highest sphere, which puts you back into a state of true "being whole" (Physical immortality, working miracles). It is seen as the end goal of every human being (at the end of his last incarnation). ...
Self love
A strong self-love provides the basis of a life in which we not only experience abundance, peace and bliss, but also attract circumstances into our lives that are not based on lack, but on a frequency that corresponds to our self-love. Nevertheless, in today's system-driven world, only very few people have a pronounced self-love (Lack of connection to nature, hardly any knowledge of one's own primal ground - not aware of the uniqueness and specialness of one's own being), ...
As mentioned several times in some of my articles, self-love is a source of life energy that few people tap into today. In this context, due to the sham system and an associated overactivity of our own EGO mind, in combination with the associated disharmonious conditioning, we tend to the ...
As I have often mentioned in my texts, every person has an individual vibration frequency, to be precise, even the state of consciousness of a person, from which, as is well known, his or her reality arises, has its own vibration frequency. Here one also likes to speak of an energetic state, which in turn can increase or decrease its own frequency. Negative thoughts decrease our own frequency, the result is a densification of our own energetic body, which is a burden that is in turn shifted onto our own physical body. Positive thoughts increase our own frequency, resulting in a ...
Self-love, a topic that more and more people are currently dealing with. One should not equate self-love with arrogance, egotism or even narcissism, the opposite is even the case. Self-love is essential for one's thriving, for realizing a state of consciousness from which a positive reality emerges. People who don't love themselves, have little self-confidence, ...
Love is the basis of all healing. Above all, our own self-love is a crucial factor when it comes to our health. The more we love, accept and accept ourselves in this context, the more positive it will be for our own physical and mental constitution. At the same time, a strong self-love leads to a much better access to our fellow human beings and to our social environment in general. As inside, so outside. Our own self-love is then immediately transferred to our external world. The result is that firstly we look at life again from a positive state of consciousness and secondly, through this effect, we draw everything into our lives that gives us a good feeling. ...
In this high-frequency age, more and more people meet their soul mates or become aware of their soul mates, whom they have met again and again for countless incarnations. On the one hand, people encounter their twin soul again, a complex process that is usually associated with a great deal of suffering, and as a rule they then encounter their twin soul. I explain the differences between the two soul connections in detail in this article: "Why twin souls and twin souls are not the same (twin soul process - truth - soul mate)". ...
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!