More and more people are now becoming aware of the fact that there is a significant connection between our own inner drive, i.e. our own life energy and our current willpower. The more we overcome ourselves and, above all, the more developed our own willpower is, which is largely achieved through self-overcoming, especially through overcoming our own dependencies ...

In today's world, so many people strive for a state of consciousness that is governed by vital energy and creative impulses, rather than by lethargic moods and unsatisfied passions. There are a variety of ways to experience a more pronounced “life drive” again. An extremely powerful possibility is often excepted ...

As I have often mentioned in my articles, we humans are subject We often have our own mental problems, i.e. we allow ourselves to be dominated by our own long-term behavior and thought processes, suffer from negative habits, and sometimes even from negative convictions and beliefs (for example: “I can't do it”, “I can't do that”, “I am nothing). worth”) and in the same way we allow ourselves to be controlled again and again by our own problems or even mental inconsistencies/fears. ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!