In the present time, human civilization is beginning to remember the most basic abilities of its own creative spirit. A constant unveiling takes place, i.e. the veil that was once laid over the collective spirit is about to be completely lifted. And behind that veil lies all our hidden potential. That we as creators ourselves have an almost immeasurable ...

While more and more people are finding their way back to their holy self in the current times and, whether consciously or unconsciously, more than ever follow the overarching goal of developing a life in maximum fullness and harmony, the inexhaustible power of the own creative spirit in the foreground. spirit rules over matter. We ourselves are powerful creators and we can ...

Today's daily energy on February 12, 2018 stands in particular for creative activities, i.e. for work in which our creativity is particularly in demand. At the same time, artistically inclined people can achieve extraordinary and definitely interesting things ...

For several years, more and more people have recognized the energetically dense entanglements of a system that is ultimately not interested in the development and further development of our mental state, but rather tries with all its might to keep us captive in an illusion, i.e. in an illusion world in which we in turn live a life in which we not only see ourselves as small and insignificant, yes, ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!