For a few days and weeks there has been an energetic situation that really has it all. We are constantly receiving strong influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency, which favors very special moods and states of transformation. ...

This article is about a very explosive topic that has been mentioned more and more lately, at least the topic is being taken up more and more often by free media and countless website operators or people in general. This is such a precarious topic that it ...

This rather short article is about a video that explains exactly why we humans have been in slavery for our lifetime and, above all, why penetrating/recognizing this illusory world/slavery is a problem for many people. The fact is that we humans live in an illusory world that was built around our minds. Because of conditioned beliefs, beliefs, and inherited worldviews, we hold to a deeply exploitative and ...

In this article I go back to a topic that I addressed on my Facebook page last night and that is the progressive internet censorship. In this context, various system-critical content has been deleted or punished for a few months, yes, basically even for a few years. ...

The increasingly important spiritual awakening of human civilization has become unstoppable for several years. More and more people are achieving life-changing self-knowledge and, as a result, experiencing a complete realignment of their own mental state. Your own original or learned/conditioned beliefs, convictions, ...

In today's world, more and more people are becoming aware that the chaos on our planet, i.e. the warlike and plundered planetary circumstance, is not the result of chance, but was brought about by greedy and satanically oriented families (Rothschilds and co.). This is not meant to be blame, it is much more a fact that has lingered in secret for centuries, ...

The world has been changing for some time. A massive spiritual and spiritual development is taking place, which will ultimately lead to a completely new planetary circumstance. In this context, the balance of power was upset thousands of years ago, but now a time is dawning in which this imbalance will slowly but surely disappear. In this regard, we are currently experiencing a phase in which the spiritual awakening of humanity is taking on greater proportions than ever before. ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!