≡ Menus


After countless years, I came across a video again that I saw for the first time about 4 years ago. At that time I was not at all familiar with spirituality, nor was I aware of the creative/thought/mental abilities of my own state of consciousness and therefore tried to fit exclusively into socially prescribed conventions. Seen in this way, I acted exclusively from a conditioned and inherited world view, without even being remotely aware of it. For this reason, I didn't know anything about world politics. ...

For several years, many people have found themselves in a so-called process of spiritual awakening. In this context, the power of one's own spirit, one's own state of consciousness, comes to the fore again and people recognize their own creative potential. They become aware of their own mental abilities again and realize that they are creators of their own reality. At the same time, humanity as a whole is also becoming more sensitive, more spiritual and dealing with its own soul much more intensively. In this regard, it is also gradually being resolved ...

For thousands of years we humans have been in a war between the light and the dark (a war between our ego and the soul, between low and high frequencies, between lies and truth). Most people groped in the dark for centuries and were not aware of this fact in any way. In the meantime, however, this circumstance is changing again, simply for the reason that more and more people, due to very special cosmic circumstances, are investigating their own primal ground again and as a result come into contact with the knowledge about this war. This war does not mean war in the conventional sense, but it is much more a spiritual/mental/subtle war, which is about the containment of the collective state of consciousness, the containment of our mental + spiritual potential. Mankind has also been kept in an ignorant frenzy on this for countless generations. ...

The human history we are taught must be wrong, there is no doubt about it. Countless past relics and buildings keep reminding us that thousands of years ago, no simple, prehistoric peoples existed, but that countless, forgotten advanced cultures populated our planet. In this context, these high cultures possessed an extremely developed state of consciousness and were very aware of their true origin. They understood life, saw through the immaterial cosmos and knew that they themselves were the creators of their own circumstances. ...

Some time ago, vaccinations were part of the norm and very few people doubted their supposedly disease-preventing effects. doctors and co. had learned that vaccinations cause active or passive immunization against certain pathogens. But in the meantime the situation has changed enormously and people are always understanding that vaccinations do not cause immunization, but instead cause enormous damage to their own bodies. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want to hear about it, because vaccinations bring the companies listed on the stock exchange ...