While more and more people are finding their way back to their holy self in the current times and, whether consciously or unconsciously, more than ever follow the overarching goal of developing a life in maximum fullness and harmony, the inexhaustible power of the own creative spirit in the foreground. spirit rules over matter. We ourselves are powerful creators and we can ...

Today's daily energy on April 06, 2018 is accompanied on the one hand by a harmonious moon constellation and on the other hand by the moon itself, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Capricorn at 20:01 p.m. For this reason, from tonight or tomorrow, our sense of duty will be in the foreground. Likewise, through the "Capricorn Moon" we could be much more serious, ...

Tomorrow it's that time again and another full moon is reaching us, to be precise it's the fourth full moon this year and the second this month. For this reason it is also referred to as a “blue moon”. This means a second full moon within a month. The last "blue moon" reached us in this context on January 31, 2018 and before that on July 31, 2015, i.e. it is an event that in itself is not too common ...

Today's daily energy on March 28, 2018 is shaped by different lunar constellations. Especially in the morning, two pleasant and harmonious constellations reach us, through which our feeling of love cannot be developed, but also our mind is sharpened. ...

"You can't just wish for a better life. You have to go out and create it yourself”. This special quote contains a lot of truth and makes it clear that a better, more harmonious or even more successful life does not just happen to us, but is much more the result of our actions. Of course you can wish for a better life or dream of a different life situation, that's out of the question. ...

Today's daily energy on February 28, 2018 gives us influences that make us strong-willed and courageous as a whole. Our zest for life is also in the foreground and we could actively work on the design/redesign of our lives, because active action is particularly supported by a constellation. ...

Today's daily energy on February 14, 2018 is still shaped by the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius, which is why a desire for freedom as well as a penchant for pleasure and entertainment are in the foreground. On the other hand, other harmonious influences affect us, which is why we could also be very open to new life circumstances ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!