As all of humanity is undergoing a tremendous ascension process, and in the process undergoing increasingly tumultuous processes of healing their own mind, body and spirit systems, it is also happening that some are becoming aware that they are spiritually connected to everything. Instead of following the assumption that the outside world exists only apart from a self and us ...
of Love
Within the current overarching awakening process, it is going as it has been often in depth addressed, mainly about the manifestation or development of one's own highest self-image, i.e. it's about the complete return to one's own primal ground or, to put it another way, about mastering one's own incarnation, accompanied by the maximum development of one's own light body and the associated complete ascent of one's own Spirit into the highest sphere, which puts you back into a state of true "being whole" (Physical immortality, working miracles). It is seen as the end goal of every human being (at the end of his last incarnation). ...
For countless years mankind has been going through a tremendous awakening process, i.e. a process in which we not only find ourselves and consequently become aware that we ourselves are powerful creators ...
In the current overarching process of spiritual awakening, much of humanity, in fact all of humanity, is experiencing (even if everyone achieves their own individual progress here, as a spiritual being themselves, - different themes are illuminated for everyone, even if it always comes down to the same thing, less conflict/fear, more freedom/love) ...
Since time immemorial, partnerships have been an aspect of human life that we feel receives our most attention and is also of incredible importance. Partnerships fulfill unique salvific purposes, because within ...
A strong self-love provides the basis of a life in which we not only experience abundance, peace and bliss, but also attract circumstances into our lives that are not based on lack, but on a frequency that corresponds to our self-love. Nevertheless, in today's system-driven world, only very few people have a pronounced self-love (Lack of connection to nature, hardly any knowledge of one's own primal ground - not aware of the uniqueness and specialness of one's own being), ...
Because of their own spiritual origins, every person has a plan that was created countless incarnations before and also, before an upcoming incarnation, contains corresponding new or even old tasks that have to be mastered/experienced in the coming life. This can refer to the most varied of experiences that a soul in turn has in one ...
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!