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Who or what are you actually in life. What is the real ground of one's own existence? Are you just a random assemblage of molecules and atoms that shape your life, are you a fleshy mass made up of blood, muscles, bones, are you made up of immaterial or material structures?! And what about consciousness or the soul. Both are immaterial structures that shape our current life and are responsible for our current condition. ...

Things happen every day in the world that we humans often cannot understand. Often we just shake our heads and bewilderment spreads across our faces. But everything that happens has an important background. Nothing is left to chance, everything that happens arises exclusively from conscious actions. There are many relevant events and hidden knowledge that is deliberately withheld from us. In the following section ...

What exactly is the meaning of life? There is probably no question that a person often asks himself in the course of his life. This question usually remains unanswered, but there are always people who believe they have found an answer to this question. If you ask these people about the meaning of life, different views will be revealed, for example living, starting a family, procreating or simply leading a fulfilling life. But what is ...

The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) consists of chemical building blocks, energies and is the carrier of the entire genetic information of living cells and organisms. According to our science, we only have 2 strands of DNA and other genetic material is dismissed as genetic garbage, "junk DNA". But our entire foundation, our entire genetic potential, is hidden precisely in these other strands. Currently there is a worldwide, planetary energetic increase ...

Everything in existence consists only of oscillating energy, of energetic states that all have different frequencies or are frequencies. Nothing in the universe is static. The physical presence that we humans mistakenly perceive as solid, rigid matter is ultimately just condensed energy, a frequency that, due to its diminished movement, gives subtle mechanisms appearing physical robes. Everything is frequency, movement ever ...

The principle of harmony or balance is another universal law that states that everything in existence strives for harmonious states, for balance. Harmony is the basic basis of life and every form of life aims to legitimize harmony in one's own spirit in order to create a positive and peaceful reality. Whether the universe, humans, animals, plants or even atoms, everything strives towards a perfectionist, harmonious order. ...

Sacred Geometry, also known as Hermetic Geometry, deals with the immaterial fundamental principles of our existence. Because of our dualitarian existence, polaritarian states always exist. Whether man - woman, hot - cold, big - small, dualitarian structures can be found everywhere. Consequently, in addition to the coarseness, there is also a subtlety. Sacred geometry deals closely with this subtle presence. All of existence is based on these sacred geometric patterns. ...