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Negative thoughts and belief patterns are commonplace in our world today. Many people allow themselves to be dominated by such long-term mental patterns and thereby prevent their own happiness. It often goes so far that some negative belief patterns that are deeply rooted in our own subconscious can cause more harm than one might imagine. Apart from the fact that such negative thoughts or belief patterns can lower our own vibration frequency in the long term, they also weaken our own physical condition, put a strain on our psyche and limit our own mental/emotional abilities. ...

I decided to create this article because a friend recently drew my attention to an acquaintance on his friends list who kept writing how much he hated everyone else. When he told me about it, irritated, I pointed out to him that this cry for love was just an expression of his lack of self-love. Ultimately, every human being just wants to be loved, wants to experience a feeling of security and charity. ...

The month of December has so far been a very harmonious and, above all, energetic month for most people. The cosmic radiation was constantly high, many people were able to deal with their own primal cause and old mental and karmic problems/entanglements could be worked through. That's exactly how this month served our personal spiritual development. Things that may still have weighed on us or were no longer associated with our own spirit, with our own vibration frequency, sometimes experienced a drastic change. ...

The moon is currently in a waxing phase and in line with this, another portal day will reach us tomorrow. Admittedly, we've got a lot of portal days this month. From December 20.12th to 29.12th alone, 9 portal days will take place in a row. However, this month is not a grueling one vibrationally, or rather not a dramatic month, so speak up ...

After the very trying year 2016 and especially the last stormy months (especially August, September, October), December is a time of recovery, a time of inner peace and truth. This time is accompanied by a supporting cosmic radiation, which not only drives our own mental process, but also allows us to recognize our deepest desires and dreams. The signs are good and this month we can therefore make a difference. Our spiritual power of manifestation will reach new heights and the realization of our own deeply hidden heart's desires will experience a real upswing. ...

The term light worker or light warrior is currently becoming more and more popular and the term appears frequently, especially in spiritual circles. People who have increasingly dealt with spiritual topics, especially in recent years, could not avoid this term in this context. But even outsiders who have only had vague contact with these topics have often become aware of this term. The word lightworker is heavily mystified and some people imagine it to be something completely abstract. However, this phenomenon is absolutely not uncommon. ...

From an energetic point of view, the current times are very demanding and many transformation processes run in the background. These inflowing transforming energies also lead to negative thoughts anchored in the subconscious increasingly coming to light. Due to this circumstance, some people often feel left alone, let themselves be dominated by fears and experience heart pain of various intensities. ...