Humanity is currently at a crossroads. There is a large number of people who deal more and more with their own true source and as a result gain a greater connection to their deep holy being day by day. The main focus is on becoming aware of the importance of one's own existence. Many realize that they are more than just a material appearance ...
A wide variety of beliefs are anchored in the subconscious of every person. Each of these beliefs has different origins. On the one hand, such beliefs or convictions/inner truths arise through upbringing and on the other hand through various experiences that we collect in life. However, our own beliefs have an enormous influence on our own vibration frequency, because beliefs form part of our own reality. Thoughts that are repeatedly transported into our daily consciousness and then lived out by us. However, negative beliefs ultimately block the development of our own happiness. They ensure that we always look at certain things from a negative perspective and this in turn reduces our own vibration frequency. ...
In recent years, the new beginning of a so-called cosmic cycle has changed the collective state of consciousness. Since that time (beginning December 21, 2012 – Age of Aquarius) humanity has experienced a permanent expansion of its own state of consciousness. The world is changing and more and more people are dealing with their own origin for this reason. Questions about the meaning of life, about life after death, about the existence of God are increasingly coming to the fore and answers are being sought intensively. ...
Negative thoughts and belief patterns are commonplace in our world today. Many people allow themselves to be dominated by such long-term mental patterns and thereby prevent their own happiness. It often goes so far that some negative belief patterns that are deeply rooted in our own subconscious can cause more harm than one might imagine. Apart from the fact that such negative thoughts or belief patterns can lower our own vibration frequency in the long term, they also weaken our own physical condition, put a strain on our psyche and limit our own mental/emotional abilities. ...
In the course of life, the most diverse thoughts and beliefs are integrated into a person's subconscious. There are positive beliefs, i.e. beliefs that vibrate at a high frequency, enrich our own lives and are just as useful for our fellow human beings. On the other hand, there are negative beliefs, i.e. beliefs that vibrate at a low frequency, limit our own mental abilities and at the same time indirectly harm our fellow human beings. In this context, these low-vibrating thoughts/beliefs not only affect our own mind, but they also have a very lasting effect on our own physical condition. ...
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!