≡ Menus


Human history must be rewritten, that much is certain. More and more people are now becoming aware that the history of mankind presented to us has been taken completely out of context, that true historical events have been completely distorted in the interests of powerful families. A story of disinformation that ultimately serves mind control. If mankind knew what really happened in the past centuries and millennia, if they knew, for example, the true causes/triggers of the first two world wars, if they knew that thousands of years ago advanced cultures populated our planet or even that we represented powerful authorities only represent human capital, then a revolution would take place tomorrow. ...

Sacred geometry, also known as hermetic geometry, deals with the subtle primary principles of our existence and embodies the infinity of our being. Because of its perfectionistic and coherent arrangement, sacred geometry also illustrates in a simple way that everything in existence is interconnected. Ultimately, we are all just an expression of a spiritual force, an expression of consciousness, which in turn consists of energy. Deep down, every human being consists of these energetic states; they are ultimately responsible for the fact that we are connected to one another on an immaterial level. ...

The golden ratio belongs exactly like that flower of Life or the platonic bodies of sacred geometry and, like these symbols, represents an image of omnipresent creation. Aside from the universal laws and other cosmic principles, creation is also expressed in other areas. The divine symbolism in this context has existed for thousands of years and has appeared again and again in different ways. Sacred geometry also designates mathematical and geometric phenomena that can be represented in a perfectionist order, symbols that represent an image of the harmonious ground. For this reason, sacred geometry also embodies the principles of subtle convergence. ...

The fractal geometry of nature is a geometry that refers to forms and patterns occurring in nature that can be mapped in infinity. They are abstract patterns made up of smaller and larger patterns. Forms that are almost identical in their structural design and can be continued indefinitely. They are patterns that, due to their infinite representation, represent an image of the ubiquitous natural order. ...

Sacred Geometry, also known as Hermetic Geometry, deals with the immaterial fundamental principles of our existence. Because of our dualitarian existence, polaritarian states always exist. Whether man - woman, hot - cold, big - small, dualitarian structures can be found everywhere. Consequently, in addition to the coarseness, there is also a subtlety. Sacred geometry deals closely with this subtle presence. All of existence is based on these sacred geometric patterns. ...