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Today's daily energy on April 22, 2018 is mainly shaped by five different star constellations. On the other hand, at least in the evening, the influences of the moon still have an effect on us, namely at 19:08 p.m ...

Today's daily energy on April 21, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by the moon in the zodiac sign Cancer and on the other hand by three different lunar constellations. The influences of the “Cancer Moon” will be particularly present, even if us ...

As already mentioned several times on "Everything is energy", we have been receiving strong electromagnetic impulses for a few months/weeks & overall strong influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency. The influences were extremely strong on some days, but flattened out a little on other days. Nevertheless, there was generally a very strong situation in terms of frequency ...

Today's daily energy on April 20, 2018 is mainly characterized by strong energetic influences, because it is a portal day (days predicted by the Maya on which increased cosmic radiation reaches us). Due to the portal day and the strong energies associated with it, we could either feel very energetic, dynamic and bright as a result, or rather depressed. What will happen hangs ...

Today's daily energy on April 19, 2018 is mainly shaped by the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Gemini. On the other hand, we only reach a single lunar constellation, which is why there is very little going on in the starry sky overall. Only the declining one ...

Today's daily energy on April 18, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by the Moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Gemini at 14:02 p.m. and on the other hand by Saturn, which went retrograde again that night at 03:46 a.m. (until April 6th). .September 2018). Otherwise we also reach three different star constellations, which overall are quite harmonious in nature. Nevertheless, it should be said that mainly ...

Today's daily energy on April 16, 2018 is shaped by various influences. In particular, the influences of the new moon (beginning in the zodiac sign Aries - at 03:56 a.m.) have an impact on us, causing new life circumstances or even decisions, thought patterns, behavior, etc. Move to the front. Since it is also a new moon in the zodiac sign Aries, our feelings could also be in the ...