Today's daily energy on April 19, 2018 is mainly shaped by the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Gemini. On the other hand, we only reach a single lunar constellation, which is why there is very little going on in the starry sky overall. Only the declining one Saturn and the Sun/Uranus conjunction from yesterday still have an influence on us.
Still influenced by the Gemini Moon

Otherwise we could come again stronger electromagnetic influences calculate, but that shouldn't surprise us at the moment, because that's been the case for a few weeks (stronger impulses attributed to solar winds etc.). Nevertheless, the lunar influences will predominate, which is why we - like yesterday Daily Energy Article explained, very communicative and inquisitive. At the same time, we could also be responsive and alert due to the “Gemini Moon”. New experiences and impressions are also in the foreground, Which is why today is ideal for going out or creating completely new living conditions (something that I'm currently making a lot of use of and experiencing). Clearing up your own inner conflicts and letting go of old, sustainable life patterns would therefore be highly recommended, although this is generally recommended at any time. Due to the strong electromagnetic impulses, we are currently in a strong transformation phase, which is why we are confronted with shadowy circumstances in a precarious way, but we can clear them up in a special way. Through these strong impulses, our planet increases its frequency, which also calls on us humans to increase our own frequency state. But if we have to struggle with inner conflicts (sustainable living conditions etc. that put a strain on our state of being), then we prevent the manifestation of a high frequency state/state of consciousness. For this reason, the current phase is worth its weight in gold, because due to the strong energies, we can lay the foundations for a new, more liberated life.
Today's daily energetic influences are made up, on the one hand, of strong cosmic radiation/electromagnetic impulses and, on the other hand, of the Gemini Moon, which is why communication, thirst for knowledge, but also the resolution of one's own conflicts can be in the foreground..!!
Well, apart from the strong electromagnetic impulses and the moon in the zodiac sign Gemini, a square (disharmonic angular relationship - 16°) between the moon and Neptune reaches us at 10:90 p.m., which could make us dreamy, but also temporarily oversensitive could be self-deceptive. Nevertheless, it should be said that the pure influences of the Gemini Moon and also the strong impulses predominate. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.
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