Many myths and stories surround the third eye. The third eye has been understood for centuries in various mystical writings as an organ of extrasensory perception, and is even often associated with higher perception or a higher state of consciousness. Basically, this assumption is also correct, because an open third eye ultimately increases our own mental abilities, results in increased sensitivity/sharpness and lets us walk through life more clearly. In the chakra theory, the third eye is therefore also equated with the forehead chakra and stands for wisdom, self-knowledge, perception, intuition and "supernatural knowledge".
How functional is your pineal gland
People whose third eye is open therefore usually have increased perception and, at the same time, have a much more pronounced cognitive ability - i.e. these people usually come to self-knowledge more often, sometimes even insights that could, for example, shake their own life from the ground up . In this context, this is also a reason why the third eye also stands for receiving information from higher knowledge that is bestowed upon us. If, for example, a person deals intensively with his own primal cause, suddenly develops a strong spiritual interest, regains a greater understanding of his own spirit, possibly even becomes more empathetic and identifies himself much more strongly with his own soul, then one can definitely speak of an open mind talk about the third eye or just talk about a third eye which is about to open. Finally, as far as our organs are concerned, the third eye is also associated with what is known as the pineal gland. In today's world, the pineal gland has atrophied due to self-created calcification in most people. There are various reasons for this. On the one hand, this atrophy is due to our current way of life. Diet in particular has a significant influence on our pineal gland. Chemically contaminated food, i.e. food that has been enriched with chemical additives. Sweets, soft drinks, fast food, ready meals, etc. calcify our pineal gland and in turn close our own third eye, keeping our brow chakra blocked. Basically, one could also speak here of an unnatural diet, which in turn has a very negative influence on our own pineal gland. On the other hand, our own thoughts also play a not inconsiderable role.
Negative thoughts + a resulting unnatural diet represent purest poison for our own mental + physical constitution..!!
As far as that is concerned, negative thoughts, beliefs, convictions and views are also poison for our own pineal gland (of course also for all our organs). Not only do destructive thoughts lower our own vibrational frequency, but they also limit all of our bodily functionalities. Well then, as far as the pineal gland as a whole is concerned, I can only warmly recommend the video linked below. This video takes a thorough look at the topic of the pineal gland and explains exactly why the pineal gland is essential to our own spiritual well-being. On the other hand, a small test is also made in this video, with which you can find out how your own pineal gland works. If you are interested, you should definitely watch the video. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.
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Hello everyone,
I like the picture for the text "How functional is your pineal gland" on your website (woman's head with illuminated pineal gland) very much. Would it be possible for you to tell me the source where I can buy the picture or if it is your own picture and whether I can use it?
Thank you also for providing the valuable information on your website.
Best regards
Monica Goessl