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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Many may not realize it, but our air is polluted every day by a dangerous cocktail of chemicals. The phenomenon is called chemtrail and is widely propagated under the alias "geo-engineering" to combat climate change. To achieve this goal, tons of chemicals are sprayed into our air every day. Supposedly, the sunlight is reflected back into space in order to reduce global warming. But behind the chemtrails is far more than combating climate change. These highly toxic chemicals affect our consciousness and massively damage our organism.

Highly toxic chemicals to affect our consciousness

If you look at the sky then you will find that it has changed enormously in the last few decades. More and more often you can see elongated, white stripes in the sky which, in contrast to contrails, remain visible in the sky for several hours. Instead of disappearing, these streaks are spreading and darkening our skies. These streaks are chemtrails, chemical streaks that have been sprayed into our air around the world for several decades. Chemtrails consist of highly toxic chemicals that all change our consciousness and damage our organism. On the one hand, the very dangerous light metal aluminum is found in the chemtrails. Aluminum damages our central nervous system and is increasingly associated with breast cancer and Alzheimer's.

ChemtrailsNot for nothing will many vaccination preparations enriched with this light metal. Furthermore, mercury oxide is a component of chemtrails. Mercury oxide is a toxic substance that irritates our respiratory system and contributes to kidney disease. In addition, the mercury oxide is absorbed through our skin and leads to unsightly skin rashes. The chemical element barium in the form of barium salts is also found in chemtrails. Barium salts have a circulatory disruptive effect and also have neurotoxic properties. These 3 chemicals are just a fraction of the chemicals found in chemtrails.

Titanium, tungsten, polymer fiber fibres, cobalt, strontium die, dioxins and malathion are also in this chemical cocktail. Tons of these chemicals are being sprayed into our atmosphere every day, polluting our ecosystem and our health. The following video explains again in a simple way what exactly chemtrails are, what they do and why they are sprayed.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Tatyana Möbius 15. December 2019, 13: 49

      Whether on purpose, you can argue. You need less fuel, thanks to the (two-chain and urea-chain) aluminum mixtures.

    • Tatyana Möbius 15. December 2019, 14: 18

      Very well explained, thank you

    Tatyana Möbius 15. December 2019, 14: 18

    Very well explained, thank you

    • Tatyana Möbius 15. December 2019, 13: 49

      Whether on purpose, you can argue. You need less fuel, thanks to the (two-chain and urea-chain) aluminum mixtures.

    • Tatyana Möbius 15. December 2019, 14: 18

      Very well explained, thank you

    Tatyana Möbius 15. December 2019, 14: 18

    Very well explained, thank you
