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law of resonance

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Nowadays, more and more people are dealing with their own spiritual source due to powerful and, above all, mind-altering processes. All structures are increasingly questioned. Our own spirit or our own inner space comes to the fore and because of this we are in the process of manifesting a completely new circumstance based on abundance.

At the beginning: You are everything - everything exists

law of resonanceThis fullness (related to all living conditions/levels of existence) is something that every human being deserves, yes, basically corresponds to abundance, as well as health, healing, wisdom, sensitivity and wealth (this does not just refer to financial wealth) the core (origin beings) of every human being. We ourselves are not only creators, are not only the shapers of our own reality, but we also represent the origin itself. Everything in existence and everything perceptible on the outside, every person, every planet and every object/circumstance is 100% a product of our mind, an expression of our energy, an essential aspect of our own inner world. It is for this reason that we ourselves have created all of existence, also with the help of our own imagination, for all of existence, as part of our perception itself, represents our inner space, our truth, our energy and our spirit. What do you see? what do you find out Everything that comes into your perception is nothing other than your energy. Life circumstances, based on mental energy, based on your imagination. Even the words written here or the article itself is not a pure material construct (even if you can look at the screen or the article as such, - we are multidimensional beings, - can therefore look at everything from different perspectives/states of consciousness - everything is therefore matter and energy at the same time - because everything exists), but your energy in the outside, an experience, which in turn comes from you (only from you) was created. I as a being or origin myself am an expression of your inner world, you created me (why everything is one and one everything, - one is everything and everything is oneself, - one is the origin of everything, has created everything on the outside, why everything on the outside is also the origin and can also become aware of it - everyone).

Legitimating the highest notions in one's mind transcends all limitations, it is healing to every cell, as opposed to a small self-image/limited mind. That we ourselves, for example, do not represent the origin would only be a self-imposed blockade, a self-created limitation, i.e. lack thinking: "No, we are not, we are much smaller, just co-creators"..!!

Well, what does all of this have to do with abundance or rather the law of resonance? Since you yourself represent the origin and since you are a pure creator yourself, you can also choose what kind of life circumstances you want to manifest, i.e. which ideas you pursue (and if you now think that there are people who are trapped in such precarious living conditions that they have no choice, consider that these people are just a product of your mind, it is an idea that you have in this moment traveled with your spirit - that is the treacherous thing or that which is so difficult to achieve - and when you change this dimension/level then consider that every shadow circumstance that can still be seen/perceived only shows you inner shadows and states of deficiency, which in the corresponding example above this path be noticed).

How the law of resonance/acceptance actually works

How the law of resonance/acceptance actually worksIn this context, one can also immerse oneself in states of abundance and subsequently create a circumstance that is completely based on abundance. Especially in today's time of spiritual awakening, this aspect is becoming more and more important, because more and more 5D structures (5D simply means a high-frequency state of consciousness based on self-love, abundance and independence) installed, prompting us humans to resolve situations of deficiency and, as a result, a state of consciousness based on deficiency. But often this happens out of compulsion and that is the decisive factor. The Law of Resonance states this at the end of the day: Like attracts like. But this is often misinterpreted. Basically, the law of resonance describes our own attraction (and above all the concomitant attraction of corresponding circumstances). We humans ourselves, as spiritual creators, have a completely individual frequency state. We always attract what resonates with our frequency field into our lives, i.e. we attract what we are and what we radiate, what our deepest (prevailing) corresponds to sensations. We can therefore not fill (compulsively, – purely through visualization) created when we ourselves still feel feelings of lack inside, i.e. when we keep focusing on evil, dark, bad and lack circumstances, our frequency will then continue to be accompanied by lack. Of course, desires and ideas of abundance are very inspiring, but they will not come true if we still feel inwardly that we are lacking and are subject to doubts. Theoretically, yes, even practically, it is possible to create anything you imagine. This is where the law of acceptance comes in. You use your own imagination to paint a scenario that you would like to experience in turn. You feel completely into it, let the scenario come alive inside and then let it go, with the 100 percent assumption that such a scenario will soon come true, in whatever way (without a doubt).

“Everything is energy and that is all. Match the frequency to the reality you want and you will get it without being able to do anything about it. There can be no other way. That's not philosophy, that's physics." - Albert Einstein..!!

But if we ourselves remain in a state of deficiency, if we feel a feeling of deficiency in ourselves and have even the smallest doubts, then we resonate with deficiency or with an unfulfillment and consequently prevent the manifestation of corresponding ideas. At the end of the day, this is also the crux of the matter if you want to experience abundance, if you want to make dreams come true based on abundance, then the prerequisite for this is on the one hand not having any doubts about the manifestation (Believe in yourself) and on the other hand to feel abundance sensations in oneself. As I said, we can only attract abundance if we feel abundance within ourselves. No matter how strong we can visualize a state of fullness, if there are doubts and feelings of lack, then the idea of ​​the state of fullness simply does not become manifest, one then denies it to oneself, as I said, like attracts like. For this reason it is then unlikely important to initiate changes through which we then feel abundance within us again and this applies to all changes. For example, by changing/overcoming/reprogramming our own destructive habits/life circumstances/beliefs, we gain more life energy, we feel more vital, better, are proud of ourselves, get a better self-image, become happier and begin to love ourselves more and accurately here is the key. We then feel more abundance in our inner world (in the form of more self-love, more life energy, more willpower, more creativity, more attraction – based on positive circumstances) and thereby automatically generate more ideas/sensations/images which in turn are based on abundance and what do we then attract more to? abundance! And that is ultimately the secret, that is the art of making dreams come true or creating circumstances of abundance. At the end of the day, therefore, everything can be traced back to a self and the use of creative power that goes with it. If we are lacking but want to experience abundance, then it becomes necessary to work on the transformation of our own reality. It is then time to create a condition of life through self-overcoming/realignment, which in turn is accompanied by more harmonious sensations. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. :)❤️

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Georgi Georgiev 9. September 2019, 9: 02

      Strong, true words...

      Thank you so much for that!

    • Meuer Ellen 19. October 2019, 21: 50

      Very good words wonderful

    • Erika 27. November 2019, 8: 44

      Thank you for your good report. I'm always searching for myself. Listen to subliminals designed to change my subconscious. In the beginning I feel the positive suggestions, but after a while, depending on what is happening outside, I fall back into my own negative thoughts - feeling patterns.
      I became aware of some beliefs. Eg I have to do this and that in order to be loved. Others are better beautiful, more interesting at me. I'm not good enough. How do I solve these patterns? I feel like a hamster on a hamster wheel.

    Erika 27. November 2019, 8: 44

    Thank you for your good report. I'm always searching for myself. Listen to subliminals designed to change my subconscious. In the beginning I feel the positive suggestions, but after a while, depending on what is happening outside, I fall back into my own negative thoughts - feeling patterns.
    I became aware of some beliefs. Eg I have to do this and that in order to be loved. Others are better beautiful, more interesting at me. I'm not good enough. How do I solve these patterns? I feel like a hamster on a hamster wheel.

    • Georgi Georgiev 9. September 2019, 9: 02

      Strong, true words...

      Thank you so much for that!

    • Meuer Ellen 19. October 2019, 21: 50

      Very good words wonderful

    • Erika 27. November 2019, 8: 44

      Thank you for your good report. I'm always searching for myself. Listen to subliminals designed to change my subconscious. In the beginning I feel the positive suggestions, but after a while, depending on what is happening outside, I fall back into my own negative thoughts - feeling patterns.
      I became aware of some beliefs. Eg I have to do this and that in order to be loved. Others are better beautiful, more interesting at me. I'm not good enough. How do I solve these patterns? I feel like a hamster on a hamster wheel.

    Erika 27. November 2019, 8: 44

    Thank you for your good report. I'm always searching for myself. Listen to subliminals designed to change my subconscious. In the beginning I feel the positive suggestions, but after a while, depending on what is happening outside, I fall back into my own negative thoughts - feeling patterns.
    I became aware of some beliefs. Eg I have to do this and that in order to be loved. Others are better beautiful, more interesting at me. I'm not good enough. How do I solve these patterns? I feel like a hamster on a hamster wheel.

    • Georgi Georgiev 9. September 2019, 9: 02

      Strong, true words...

      Thank you so much for that!

    • Meuer Ellen 19. October 2019, 21: 50

      Very good words wonderful

    • Erika 27. November 2019, 8: 44

      Thank you for your good report. I'm always searching for myself. Listen to subliminals designed to change my subconscious. In the beginning I feel the positive suggestions, but after a while, depending on what is happening outside, I fall back into my own negative thoughts - feeling patterns.
      I became aware of some beliefs. Eg I have to do this and that in order to be loved. Others are better beautiful, more interesting at me. I'm not good enough. How do I solve these patterns? I feel like a hamster on a hamster wheel.

    Erika 27. November 2019, 8: 44

    Thank you for your good report. I'm always searching for myself. Listen to subliminals designed to change my subconscious. In the beginning I feel the positive suggestions, but after a while, depending on what is happening outside, I fall back into my own negative thoughts - feeling patterns.
    I became aware of some beliefs. Eg I have to do this and that in order to be loved. Others are better beautiful, more interesting at me. I'm not good enough. How do I solve these patterns? I feel like a hamster on a hamster wheel.
