≡ Menus

For centuries of years an unseen force has existed on our planet, various powerful families operating behind the scenes, significantly influencing and directing the course of humanity. These elite families, in particular the Rothschild family, control the current planetary situation very specifically and rule over politics, the economy, the media and above all over our states. They control the banking system and are responsible for almost all wars on our planet (Even WW1 and WW2 were skillfully initiated and launched by these powerful entities). For a long time, these families were able to act in secret and remained completely undetected by the population. But now the tide is turning and more and more people are looking behind the veil of life. The system based on lies and half-truths begins to crumble and the true causes of the chaotic planetary situation are revealed.

The masters of the planet

rothschild-2Basically, we humans are deliberately kept captive by these rich families in an ignorant frenzy. These families have total control over the banking system, can create money out of thin air and because of this power have full control over governments, politicians, intelligence agencies and the media. In this context, we humans only represent human capital for these occultists, ignorant slaves who are not allowed to know anything about all this and are supposed to follow the system blindly. Anyone who steps out of line, people who uncover this truth or rebel against the perfidious system are then specifically denounced and exposed to ridicule, in the USA some of these people were even victims of planned attacks (see JFK). These powerful families are also responsible for the current wave of terror in the world, have deliberately created the flow of refugees in Europe and Germany, trade with IS, oppress countries that rebel against their policies and are also oppressors of groundbreaking technologies (e.g. free energy ). They cleverly control it collective reality of humanity and keep us trapped in an artificially created state of consciousness. However, humanity is currently in a completely different state special cosmic circumstances in a process of awakening and begins to question the global situation again. Humanity is becoming more sensitive and is therefore looking behind the scenes again. We are basically in a massive revolution and it is only a matter of time before this huge fabric of lies is exposed across the board...!!

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    • Mark 27. January 2020, 5: 15

      This lie has already been exposed and what are you, the author of this text, doing? There are countless websites that write about all of these facts. But that's all, nothing more is coming and these “rulers” know that, so absolutely nothing will change. People are too COWARD to do anything!!! It's enough to get your frustration off your chest, but NO ONE is ready for more!!! So sleep on and hope for help from others who don't exist. Poor creatures whose time is up and who don't deserve this planet!!!

      • Everything is energy 28. January 2020, 10: 46

        Hey, absolutely, I agree with you - well, I'll put it this way, there are still people who don't know anything about this, which is why educating people is still important, but I still agree with you. But you should also know that this article is now well old - it was written at a completely different time. And actions are being taken, believe me. You can't transfer responsibility anyway. The system only reflects unfulfilled aspects of your own being (like inside, so outside) and you yourself bear the main responsibility, as the creator yourself. Take a look here, i.e. my latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp9ags_sYVbmjdxv5gGEU8A/videos?view_as=subscriber. A lot is changing at the moment!!!! 🙂

    Everything is energy 28. January 2020, 10: 46

    Hey, absolutely, I agree with you - well, I'll put it this way, there are still people who don't know anything about this, which is why educating people is still important, but I still agree with you. But you should also know that this article is now well old - it was written at a completely different time. And actions are being taken, believe me. You can't transfer responsibility anyway. The system only reflects unfulfilled aspects of your own being (like inside, so outside) and you yourself bear the main responsibility, as the creator yourself. Take a look here, i.e. my latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp9ags_sYVbmjdxv5gGEU8A/videos?view_as=subscriber. A lot is changing at the moment!!!! 🙂

      • Mark 27. January 2020, 5: 15

        This lie has already been exposed and what are you, the author of this text, doing? There are countless websites that write about all of these facts. But that's all, nothing more is coming and these “rulers” know that, so absolutely nothing will change. People are too COWARD to do anything!!! It's enough to get your frustration off your chest, but NO ONE is ready for more!!! So sleep on and hope for help from others who don't exist. Poor creatures whose time is up and who don't deserve this planet!!!

        • Everything is energy 28. January 2020, 10: 46

          Hey, absolutely, I agree with you - well, I'll put it this way, there are still people who don't know anything about this, which is why educating people is still important, but I still agree with you. But you should also know that this article is now well old - it was written at a completely different time. And actions are being taken, believe me. You can't transfer responsibility anyway. The system only reflects unfulfilled aspects of your own being (like inside, so outside) and you yourself bear the main responsibility, as the creator yourself. Take a look here, i.e. my latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp9ags_sYVbmjdxv5gGEU8A/videos?view_as=subscriber. A lot is changing at the moment!!!! 🙂

      Everything is energy 28. January 2020, 10: 46

      Hey, absolutely, I agree with you - well, I'll put it this way, there are still people who don't know anything about this, which is why educating people is still important, but I still agree with you. But you should also know that this article is now well old - it was written at a completely different time. And actions are being taken, believe me. You can't transfer responsibility anyway. The system only reflects unfulfilled aspects of your own being (like inside, so outside) and you yourself bear the main responsibility, as the creator yourself. Take a look here, i.e. my latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp9ags_sYVbmjdxv5gGEU8A/videos?view_as=subscriber. A lot is changing at the moment!!!! 🙂
