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As mentioned many times in my writings, nothing happens by chance. Since all circumstances are of a spiritual nature and also arise from spirit, consequently spirit is also the cause of every circumstance. It is similar with our life, which at the end of the day is not a random product, but a result of our own creative spirit. We as source in which all experiences are born, are responsible for our life circumstances (and yes, of course there are precarious life circumstances that can make it difficult to understand this principle, but even serious situations are ultimately due to our soul plan and are also experienced within our mind and born).

Everything has a special reason

Everything has a special reasonWell, events are therefore often labeled as coincidences if they cannot be explained to oneself, but it is important to understand that every encounter carries a certain meaning and also a corresponding meaning. Nothing happens by chance and even supposedly "small" situations reflect something and want to draw our attention to something. There could also be a wide variety of encounters. For example, various encounters with people, for example when you meet an old acquaintance after ages, or even everyday interpersonal encounters. Two people's paths never cross by accident, no matter how insignificant or even mundane an encounter may be (this saying can be applied to anything, even places). The same is true with animals. Whether it comes down to corresponding interactions or to animals, which in turn often come into our perception, a meaning can always be attributed to it, even if it may not be revealed to us at the appropriate moments (since we are the creators of our inner space are, only we ourselves can bring corresponding reasons or even the specialness of an encounter to life - we can do that, but we don't have to - we can interpret circumstances intuitively, analyze them rationally or completely ignore them - everything is born in us) . When it comes to animals, which often come into your own perception, people like to speak of power animals and these power animals point you to aspects of your own inner space, whether consciously or unconsciously (the animals then symbolize fulfilled or even unfulfilled aspects). . Of course, this fact is often ignored. As in my latest video about your own creative expression explains, the world is very analytical, scientific and EGO-oriented (“magical” bonds and modes of action are not given any space and as a result our imagination is limited), which is why the specificity or even reasons for such encounters are declared insignificant and groundless. A magic that reigns not only within our minds, but also on a collective informational/mental level, linking all of existence together, but can always be grasped.

Being subject to chance begins when you seek a part of yourself outside. – Seneca..!!

Well then, last but not least, this principle of meaning can be applied to any circumstance. In this context, different number combinations and pairs are particularly noteworthy, because many people often see corresponding numbers on different days, for example they look at a digital clock and see the time: 19:19 and above all over and over again. Incidentally, many people report such an experience (I have also had this experience very often myself - especially even in the last few days & weeks - I think it's in right now high energy times a phenomenon that can be experienced amplified). Ultimately, this does not happen by chance either, and the corresponding numbers then draw our attention to something. The page we are one.org explains it like this:

"There are no coincidences! As soon as we perceive number combinations such as 11:11, 11:10, 11:12 or 11:11:11, 11.11.1, be it the digital numbers of an electric clock, telephone numbers, license plates or anywhere else, this is NOT a coincidence. The combinations of numbers mentioned are extremely powerful indicators of a message from the spiritual world.”

These numbers are also assigned the most diverse meanings (I will also write a separate article on this - then when I have a more comprehensive picture of the corresponding meanings - there is also exciting reading that I will buy myself). At the end of the day it is therefore also very exciting when you can have corresponding experiences yourself and above all, especially in relation to your own life/own creation, recognize and feel a meaning or, to put it another way, the magic of an encounter. Of course, something like this shouldn't happen out of hand, meaning we shouldn't necessarily rack our brains about such an encounter and try to attribute any reason to it. Of course you can also do that (all are experiences) or even find out about some circumstances afterwards (this happened to me once when I was confronted with one and the same animal species, within my perception, over and over again for weeks became). Nevertheless, for me this refers to pure compulsive behavior. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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