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dual soul

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Nowadays, more and more people are conscious of their twin soul or even their twin soul due to the newly begun cosmic cycle, the newly begun platonic year. Every person has such soul partnerships, which have also existed for thousands of years. We humans have encountered our own dual or twin soul countless times in this context in past incarnations, but due to the times when low vibration frequencies dominated the planetary circumstance, the corresponding soul partners could not become aware that they are such. These relationships were mostly based on the quality of one's selfish mind. Jealousy, greed, distrust and countless other fears were usually the cause of the failure of such a relationship. However, our planet is currently experiencing a drastic increase in its own vibration frequency, which in turn means that twin souls and twin souls meet.

Dual and twin soul are not the same

Dual and twin soulsIn this context, many people believe that dual and twin souls are the same, but this is not the case. Both soul relationships are based on completely different patterns, contain completely different tasks and follow different paths. Usually a person meets his twin soul first. The twin soul enters one's own life when one has a strong inner imbalance and one is still very immature mentally/emotionally. The twin soul also feels the same way and therefore both soulmates pull themselves into their own life due to the same/similar vibrational frequency. The dual soul relationship mainly serves our own mental and spiritual development, it serves the integration of female and male parts, supports our own process of change and acts as a kind of mirror. In this respect, the twin soul always reflects its own mental state. The relationship of both twin souls was already agreed in the previous life, was made in order to be able to fully develop one's own mental potential in the coming life. In most cases, however, the twin soul is not a potential life partner, but rather a companion who serves to set you on the right path. In this context there is also the so-called twin soul process that such relationships go through.

The dual soul process serves to integrate one's own mental parts, to eliminate one's own imbalance..!! 

In the twin soul process there is always a person of the heart, i.e. a partner (usually the woman) who only gives love, acts from his heart, is loving, can deal with feelings, takes care of his partner and just lives out the happiness of the relationship want. This partner has integrated female parts, but lacks the male parts. For this reason, this partner cannot assert himself, has little self-confidence, often undermines his own heart's desires and allows himself to be completely dominated by the rational person. He longs for the love of the other partner and only encounters rejection.

The rational person has a lot of assertiveness, but he rejects the love of his partner. The person with the heart allows himself to be dominated, but is able to stand by his love..!!

The rational person, on the other hand, identifies with his own analytical mind, seems more self-confident, strong and has a lot of assertiveness. The rational person always fights against his female parts in this regard. He rarely reveals his feelings to his partner, tends to act out of his selfish mind, likes to remain in control of his partner, and prefers to stay in his safe, sane zone. He is also usually very analytical and takes the love of his soul mate for granted. He often does not appreciate the love of his partner and often acts very dismissive. He finds it difficult to open up about his feelings due to past injuries and karmic entanglements, and as the relationship progresses, he seems increasingly distant and cold. This circumstance leads to the fact that the intellectual person increasingly flees and pushes away his twin soul again and again. He does this to remain in control, not to become vulnerable.

The termination of the twin soul process

soulmate processThe heart person actually only wants to live out the beautiful love for his twin soul, but allows himself to be hurt again and again by the intellectual person and thus increasingly experiences a feeling of loneliness. He often knows that deep down inside his soulmate loves more than anything, but he increasingly doubts whether he will ever show it. The whole situation then increasingly comes to a head until the heart person understands that things cannot go on like this and that there is only one thing he can do to end this suffering and that is letting go. He no longer wants to wait for his partner's love, can no longer accept the constant rejection and hurt of his soul mate. He then understands that he has never really lived his male parts and now begins to integrate these parts back into himself. Ultimately, the heart person begins to love himself, becomes more self-confident and learns self-taught not to sell himself below value. He now knows what he really deserves and can now say no to things that are absolutely not his true nature and thus begins to reverse the balance of power. This inner change then leads to the fact that the heart person can no longer go on like this and leaves the intellectual person, the separation is initiated.

The turning point in the twin soul relationship..!!

This step is extremely important and catapults the soulmate process to a new level. As soon as the heart person leaves the rational person, goes into self-love and no longer pays him any attention, no longer gives him any energy, the rational person awakens and finally has to face his feelings. He suddenly realizes that he has lost the person he loved with all his heart. In the most painful way, he now realizes that he has pushed away what he has always longed for, and he is now trying with all his might to win his soulmate back.

The breakthrough in the twin soul process..!!

If the heart of the intellectual person triumphs over his reason, he now faces his feelings and integrates his female parts due to the separation, then this leads to a breakthrough in the twin soul process. Many people often believe that the twin soul process is over when both become aware of their twin soul and then live out this deep love in a partnership. But that is a great fallacy. The twin soul process is over when both souls go completely into self-love and grow beyond themselves due to the incredibly profound experience. Then, when both of them reintegrate their previously missing soul parts back into themselves and thus end the inner healing process (a detailed explanation of the dual soul process can be found in the article: The truth about the soulmate process)

The twin soul relationship

twin soulAs soon as the twin soul process is completed, the rational person, who has now integrated the female parts again due to the broken ego, usually falls into a hole consisting of deep depressions. In these times one usually believes that one could never be happy again and that the twin soul is the only partner one could love. One is then confronted in the most painful way with one's own lack of self-love and goes through a time full of heartache. Now it's time to let go again (What letting go really means) and to stand in the power of his own self-love again. As soon as you manage to love yourself again and accept your own situation as it is, the soulmate for whom you are ultimately destined enters your life (usually this is the twin soul, very rarely the twin soul). This is where the twin soul comes into play, which has mostly experienced similar separation suffering. The twin soul is very similar to one's own soul, a person who may have even gone through similar mental problems, 2 people who were very similar somewhere because of their past situations and above all in their previous mental imbalance. These souls have a similar energetic signature and have been waiting for countless incarnations to meet again, for their spiritual union. When the twin soul enters your life, you can assume that you will stay together for life because of the deep connection and the deep love you feel for each other.

The twin soul process unleashes the potential of being able to love a partner unconditionally again..!!

Because of the previous experience and the emptiness drawn from it, one is only able to have a relationship of love and trust with this soulmate. A functioning bond with the twin soul, such a relationship based on unconditional love, often takes place in the last incarnation (end of the reincarnation cycle). This relationship is out of this world, two soul mates who understand each other blindly, are extremely attracted to each other and understand that each other is their soul mate.

The current quantum leap into awakening is bringing more and more twin souls together..!!

Due to the current spiritual awakening, more and more twin souls are coming together and expanding because of their deep love for each other, because humanity's collective state of consciousness. With their love they accelerate the ascension of the earth into the 5th dimension and are therefore a blessing for our civilization. Ultimately, one can therefore say that dual and twin souls are not the same, but 2 completely different soul mates who have completely different tasks and goals. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Rennie 19. May 2019, 16: 42

      WOW! This is awesome! This mirrors my own experience so closely! Thank you!

      • Sarah 30. October 2019, 11: 33

        My twin soul and I met about eight years ago and immediately realized that we are ONE. For years we were just friends and he kept disappearing from my life for a few years and eventually coming back to me. Last summer when I was about to make another "mistake" he suddenly appeared at my door and the funny thing is that a few weeks before that I had a lucid dream where he was looking for me and asking for forgiveness. After that, we lost touch again for a few months. Then in winter, he stood in front of my front door again and made me a confession of love and we have been together ever since. It's not always easy because we're very similar and I see my dark side through him and then I get upset about myself 😀 but otherwise it's God's blessing and God's gift to have him in my life. LG

    • Snezana Tasic 19. May 2019, 18: 30

      Hello Yannick,
      well, I thought it all over again and came to the conclusion that it was indeed a soulmate love affair. The conclusion is obvious that the person who told me that my former partner is my twin soul actually meant the twin soul partner.

      Kind regards

    • Kerstin Haseler 28. June 2019, 23: 29

      Now I have understood the difference between my twin soul and my twin soul. Thanks. And that's exactly how I experienced it. My twin soul has made it possible for me to be a happy person again and at a rapid pace. In a good year I was allowed to change enormously positively....I was allowed to be myself again. Even if the path wasn't always easy.
      For a long time I believed that I would eventually meet my twin soul. But a quarter of a year ago I met my twin soul and it is exactly as it is written here.

    • anonymous heart person 1. November 2019, 21: 37

      I've already met & left my twin soul, unfortunately I haven't met my twin soul yet. My question to you: Is the twin soul just as “mindful”, i.e. more egotistical and narcissistic, like the dual soul? :/
      LG from a "heart person" who very much hopes for an answer

      • Yosh 14. November 2019, 22: 01

        The twin soul is ALWAYS a heart person. The rational man has no twin soul.
        Soul division origin - 2x twin souls 1x male 1x female and from each of these 1 dual soul. The twin soul is a part of your own soul with the parts that you did not want for this life. The heart person is the origin of the dual soul. That's why at least one of the two says "Wush, that's it" without having said a word, while it's the other way around with the twin soul, talk first before anything happens. The twin soul is at least 90% like you, at least that's how it is with me or us and the harmony is phenomenal. pure soul love

      • anonymous heart person 10. December 2019, 12: 34

        Thanks for your reply Yosh!
        I'm excited now and looking forward to it
        nice thank you!
        How long did it take you until you
        met your twin soul after
        Was it over with your twin soul? LG

    • saber 3. December 2019, 7: 33

      Thanks, insightful article. However, I do not believe that twin souls are meant to be the partnership for life. I met both my soulmate and my twin soul. My twin soul "broke open" me, so to speak. And then my twin soul came and caught me. We were together for 8 years and even today I can hardly imagine a better partner than him. Nevertheless I left him. My twin soul came back again and again and when I finally realized how deep this love goes, I couldn't stay with my twin soul in good conscience. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he also deserved to be loved so deeply. And I couldn't. Also, my connection to my soulmate grew stronger and even though he withdrew, I now believe that we are destined to be together in this life, even to start a family. There's a little angel just waiting for us

    • bee 16. December 2019, 20: 17

      Unfortunately, my twin soul passed away and I can't imagine that there is a love that can top this love or is just as intense. This love was just divine and we felt fused as one in our embrace. A love so deep so pure so intimate so loving so divine I wonder how to live on with the certainty that I will never be able to feel this again in my life It hurts so much to have lost this love 1!! what else is to come????? I honestly can't imagine that a twin soul can come close let alone top it !!!!!!!

    • Sabine Grabe 13. January 2020, 22: 35

      It's exactly the same for me, first I had a twin soul, now a twin soul. I was afraid there would be 2 twin souls. Are twin souls also of the same sex?

    • Nastassya 11 27. February 2020, 18: 21

      Hello everyone,
      on March 3.3.11rd, XNUMX I met my twin soul. It was this galactic encounter that no one can understand who has not experienced it themselves. We had never met before, suddenly we were dancing without a word and after a few minutes he took me in his arms and looked at me for minutes. This look went into the depths of the world, I saw my other half in him and didn't know what happened to me.
      Then 4 years of the usual odyssey followed, also because he is 20 years younger than me and just a rational person.
      After a while I was able to understand what this was about thanks to the large amount of information from books and the internet. And increasingly managed to concentrate on myself, but that wasn't enough.
      If someone here thinks that they will never meet a love like that again, then I think they are still projecting the lack of self-love onto the other person.
      A good year later I met a man beaming at me again, and for the first split seconds I thought: "Wow, I would get married immediately!" It was only after some time of the usual difficulties with a rational person that it dawned on me that I was here met my second twin soul. I had never read anywhere on the internet that there is a second twin soul.
      The encounter wasn't as bad as it was with the first twin soul - after all, I had been working on myself for 5 years - but I couldn't get this dream guy out of my head either.
      Due to a tough situation, which was like a punch in the stomach due to his "coldness", we both got separated after 2 years.
      I then concentrated on my “career”, which was beginning to be subtle, and met my twin soul there, 800 km from home.
      I could hardly look at him at the beginning of a professional conversation, I found this dream man so beautiful. But towards the end we exchanged very familiar deep looks. However, I only recognized him as a twin soul months later at the next professional meeting.
      But then back home my second twin soul suddenly appeared again, I was torn for a while and worked hard in the last few weeks why I couldn't finish the twin soul process 2%. Kinesiological testing helps me enormously.

      But twin souls remain split, just dual... Twins, on the other hand, look to a common future, I am convinced.
      Nevertheless, a total of almost 2 years have passed, during which my twin soul, like me, had to let go of many blockages and situations. Only after exactly 9 years (cycle according to Pythagoras) did I find a state of self-worth, professional value, just being happy with myself and filled with divine power.
      And only now do I believe that we can approach each other, because I'm the only one who suspects something of this bond all the time (did he recognize me?). It says on the net that when you meet the twin soul, everything happens very quickly. In my case, that's not true at all, because I haven't earned any money professionally, the 9-year cycle wasn't over yet and the twin year 2020 is probably the year in which we as life number 11 and life number 22 will be merged.
      I'll see what March 3.3.2020rd, 2011 brings, because that's when my journey started (XNUMX)...

    • Alexandra 4. April 2020, 23: 44

      Hello, I had a twin soul. It was really a hard process and in the end we separated, on/off again and again but I put up with it because I loved him very much. But I still had to separate from him for good due to strokes of fate. He died last year in January.Now I got to know my twin soul, a much lighter and more flowing energy.We confessed our love and also recognized each other as twins.... So far so good, only now he has gone into retreat. Is that part of it? How do I know what I still have to do now... I'm somehow unsettled and afraid of going through hell again like I did with my dual before. Please give a short feedback.
      LG, Alexia

    • wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

      It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

    It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

      • Rennie 19. May 2019, 16: 42

        WOW! This is awesome! This mirrors my own experience so closely! Thank you!

        • Sarah 30. October 2019, 11: 33

          My twin soul and I met about eight years ago and immediately realized that we are ONE. For years we were just friends and he kept disappearing from my life for a few years and eventually coming back to me. Last summer when I was about to make another "mistake" he suddenly appeared at my door and the funny thing is that a few weeks before that I had a lucid dream where he was looking for me and asking for forgiveness. After that, we lost touch again for a few months. Then in winter, he stood in front of my front door again and made me a confession of love and we have been together ever since. It's not always easy because we're very similar and I see my dark side through him and then I get upset about myself 😀 but otherwise it's God's blessing and God's gift to have him in my life. LG

      • Snezana Tasic 19. May 2019, 18: 30

        Hello Yannick,
        well, I thought it all over again and came to the conclusion that it was indeed a soulmate love affair. The conclusion is obvious that the person who told me that my former partner is my twin soul actually meant the twin soul partner.

        Kind regards

      • Kerstin Haseler 28. June 2019, 23: 29

        Now I have understood the difference between my twin soul and my twin soul. Thanks. And that's exactly how I experienced it. My twin soul has made it possible for me to be a happy person again and at a rapid pace. In a good year I was allowed to change enormously positively....I was allowed to be myself again. Even if the path wasn't always easy.
        For a long time I believed that I would eventually meet my twin soul. But a quarter of a year ago I met my twin soul and it is exactly as it is written here.

      • anonymous heart person 1. November 2019, 21: 37

        I've already met & left my twin soul, unfortunately I haven't met my twin soul yet. My question to you: Is the twin soul just as “mindful”, i.e. more egotistical and narcissistic, like the dual soul? :/
        LG from a "heart person" who very much hopes for an answer

        • Yosh 14. November 2019, 22: 01

          The twin soul is ALWAYS a heart person. The rational man has no twin soul.
          Soul division origin - 2x twin souls 1x male 1x female and from each of these 1 dual soul. The twin soul is a part of your own soul with the parts that you did not want for this life. The heart person is the origin of the dual soul. That's why at least one of the two says "Wush, that's it" without having said a word, while it's the other way around with the twin soul, talk first before anything happens. The twin soul is at least 90% like you, at least that's how it is with me or us and the harmony is phenomenal. pure soul love

        • anonymous heart person 10. December 2019, 12: 34

          Thanks for your reply Yosh!
          I'm excited now and looking forward to it
          nice thank you!
          How long did it take you until you
          met your twin soul after
          Was it over with your twin soul? LG

      • saber 3. December 2019, 7: 33

        Thanks, insightful article. However, I do not believe that twin souls are meant to be the partnership for life. I met both my soulmate and my twin soul. My twin soul "broke open" me, so to speak. And then my twin soul came and caught me. We were together for 8 years and even today I can hardly imagine a better partner than him. Nevertheless I left him. My twin soul came back again and again and when I finally realized how deep this love goes, I couldn't stay with my twin soul in good conscience. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he also deserved to be loved so deeply. And I couldn't. Also, my connection to my soulmate grew stronger and even though he withdrew, I now believe that we are destined to be together in this life, even to start a family. There's a little angel just waiting for us

      • bee 16. December 2019, 20: 17

        Unfortunately, my twin soul passed away and I can't imagine that there is a love that can top this love or is just as intense. This love was just divine and we felt fused as one in our embrace. A love so deep so pure so intimate so loving so divine I wonder how to live on with the certainty that I will never be able to feel this again in my life It hurts so much to have lost this love 1!! what else is to come????? I honestly can't imagine that a twin soul can come close let alone top it !!!!!!!

      • Sabine Grabe 13. January 2020, 22: 35

        It's exactly the same for me, first I had a twin soul, now a twin soul. I was afraid there would be 2 twin souls. Are twin souls also of the same sex?

      • Nastassya 11 27. February 2020, 18: 21

        Hello everyone,
        on March 3.3.11rd, XNUMX I met my twin soul. It was this galactic encounter that no one can understand who has not experienced it themselves. We had never met before, suddenly we were dancing without a word and after a few minutes he took me in his arms and looked at me for minutes. This look went into the depths of the world, I saw my other half in him and didn't know what happened to me.
        Then 4 years of the usual odyssey followed, also because he is 20 years younger than me and just a rational person.
        After a while I was able to understand what this was about thanks to the large amount of information from books and the internet. And increasingly managed to concentrate on myself, but that wasn't enough.
        If someone here thinks that they will never meet a love like that again, then I think they are still projecting the lack of self-love onto the other person.
        A good year later I met a man beaming at me again, and for the first split seconds I thought: "Wow, I would get married immediately!" It was only after some time of the usual difficulties with a rational person that it dawned on me that I was here met my second twin soul. I had never read anywhere on the internet that there is a second twin soul.
        The encounter wasn't as bad as it was with the first twin soul - after all, I had been working on myself for 5 years - but I couldn't get this dream guy out of my head either.
        Due to a tough situation, which was like a punch in the stomach due to his "coldness", we both got separated after 2 years.
        I then concentrated on my “career”, which was beginning to be subtle, and met my twin soul there, 800 km from home.
        I could hardly look at him at the beginning of a professional conversation, I found this dream man so beautiful. But towards the end we exchanged very familiar deep looks. However, I only recognized him as a twin soul months later at the next professional meeting.
        But then back home my second twin soul suddenly appeared again, I was torn for a while and worked hard in the last few weeks why I couldn't finish the twin soul process 2%. Kinesiological testing helps me enormously.

        But twin souls remain split, just dual... Twins, on the other hand, look to a common future, I am convinced.
        Nevertheless, a total of almost 2 years have passed, during which my twin soul, like me, had to let go of many blockages and situations. Only after exactly 9 years (cycle according to Pythagoras) did I find a state of self-worth, professional value, just being happy with myself and filled with divine power.
        And only now do I believe that we can approach each other, because I'm the only one who suspects something of this bond all the time (did he recognize me?). It says on the net that when you meet the twin soul, everything happens very quickly. In my case, that's not true at all, because I haven't earned any money professionally, the 9-year cycle wasn't over yet and the twin year 2020 is probably the year in which we as life number 11 and life number 22 will be merged.
        I'll see what March 3.3.2020rd, 2011 brings, because that's when my journey started (XNUMX)...

      • Alexandra 4. April 2020, 23: 44

        Hello, I had a twin soul. It was really a hard process and in the end we separated, on/off again and again but I put up with it because I loved him very much. But I still had to separate from him for good due to strokes of fate. He died last year in January.Now I got to know my twin soul, a much lighter and more flowing energy.We confessed our love and also recognized each other as twins.... So far so good, only now he has gone into retreat. Is that part of it? How do I know what I still have to do now... I'm somehow unsettled and afraid of going through hell again like I did with my dual before. Please give a short feedback.
        LG, Alexia

      • wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

        It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

      wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

      It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    • Rennie 19. May 2019, 16: 42

      WOW! This is awesome! This mirrors my own experience so closely! Thank you!

      • Sarah 30. October 2019, 11: 33

        My twin soul and I met about eight years ago and immediately realized that we are ONE. For years we were just friends and he kept disappearing from my life for a few years and eventually coming back to me. Last summer when I was about to make another "mistake" he suddenly appeared at my door and the funny thing is that a few weeks before that I had a lucid dream where he was looking for me and asking for forgiveness. After that, we lost touch again for a few months. Then in winter, he stood in front of my front door again and made me a confession of love and we have been together ever since. It's not always easy because we're very similar and I see my dark side through him and then I get upset about myself 😀 but otherwise it's God's blessing and God's gift to have him in my life. LG

    • Snezana Tasic 19. May 2019, 18: 30

      Hello Yannick,
      well, I thought it all over again and came to the conclusion that it was indeed a soulmate love affair. The conclusion is obvious that the person who told me that my former partner is my twin soul actually meant the twin soul partner.

      Kind regards

    • Kerstin Haseler 28. June 2019, 23: 29

      Now I have understood the difference between my twin soul and my twin soul. Thanks. And that's exactly how I experienced it. My twin soul has made it possible for me to be a happy person again and at a rapid pace. In a good year I was allowed to change enormously positively....I was allowed to be myself again. Even if the path wasn't always easy.
      For a long time I believed that I would eventually meet my twin soul. But a quarter of a year ago I met my twin soul and it is exactly as it is written here.

    • anonymous heart person 1. November 2019, 21: 37

      I've already met & left my twin soul, unfortunately I haven't met my twin soul yet. My question to you: Is the twin soul just as “mindful”, i.e. more egotistical and narcissistic, like the dual soul? :/
      LG from a "heart person" who very much hopes for an answer

      • Yosh 14. November 2019, 22: 01

        The twin soul is ALWAYS a heart person. The rational man has no twin soul.
        Soul division origin - 2x twin souls 1x male 1x female and from each of these 1 dual soul. The twin soul is a part of your own soul with the parts that you did not want for this life. The heart person is the origin of the dual soul. That's why at least one of the two says "Wush, that's it" without having said a word, while it's the other way around with the twin soul, talk first before anything happens. The twin soul is at least 90% like you, at least that's how it is with me or us and the harmony is phenomenal. pure soul love

      • anonymous heart person 10. December 2019, 12: 34

        Thanks for your reply Yosh!
        I'm excited now and looking forward to it
        nice thank you!
        How long did it take you until you
        met your twin soul after
        Was it over with your twin soul? LG

    • saber 3. December 2019, 7: 33

      Thanks, insightful article. However, I do not believe that twin souls are meant to be the partnership for life. I met both my soulmate and my twin soul. My twin soul "broke open" me, so to speak. And then my twin soul came and caught me. We were together for 8 years and even today I can hardly imagine a better partner than him. Nevertheless I left him. My twin soul came back again and again and when I finally realized how deep this love goes, I couldn't stay with my twin soul in good conscience. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he also deserved to be loved so deeply. And I couldn't. Also, my connection to my soulmate grew stronger and even though he withdrew, I now believe that we are destined to be together in this life, even to start a family. There's a little angel just waiting for us

    • bee 16. December 2019, 20: 17

      Unfortunately, my twin soul passed away and I can't imagine that there is a love that can top this love or is just as intense. This love was just divine and we felt fused as one in our embrace. A love so deep so pure so intimate so loving so divine I wonder how to live on with the certainty that I will never be able to feel this again in my life It hurts so much to have lost this love 1!! what else is to come????? I honestly can't imagine that a twin soul can come close let alone top it !!!!!!!

    • Sabine Grabe 13. January 2020, 22: 35

      It's exactly the same for me, first I had a twin soul, now a twin soul. I was afraid there would be 2 twin souls. Are twin souls also of the same sex?

    • Nastassya 11 27. February 2020, 18: 21

      Hello everyone,
      on March 3.3.11rd, XNUMX I met my twin soul. It was this galactic encounter that no one can understand who has not experienced it themselves. We had never met before, suddenly we were dancing without a word and after a few minutes he took me in his arms and looked at me for minutes. This look went into the depths of the world, I saw my other half in him and didn't know what happened to me.
      Then 4 years of the usual odyssey followed, also because he is 20 years younger than me and just a rational person.
      After a while I was able to understand what this was about thanks to the large amount of information from books and the internet. And increasingly managed to concentrate on myself, but that wasn't enough.
      If someone here thinks that they will never meet a love like that again, then I think they are still projecting the lack of self-love onto the other person.
      A good year later I met a man beaming at me again, and for the first split seconds I thought: "Wow, I would get married immediately!" It was only after some time of the usual difficulties with a rational person that it dawned on me that I was here met my second twin soul. I had never read anywhere on the internet that there is a second twin soul.
      The encounter wasn't as bad as it was with the first twin soul - after all, I had been working on myself for 5 years - but I couldn't get this dream guy out of my head either.
      Due to a tough situation, which was like a punch in the stomach due to his "coldness", we both got separated after 2 years.
      I then concentrated on my “career”, which was beginning to be subtle, and met my twin soul there, 800 km from home.
      I could hardly look at him at the beginning of a professional conversation, I found this dream man so beautiful. But towards the end we exchanged very familiar deep looks. However, I only recognized him as a twin soul months later at the next professional meeting.
      But then back home my second twin soul suddenly appeared again, I was torn for a while and worked hard in the last few weeks why I couldn't finish the twin soul process 2%. Kinesiological testing helps me enormously.

      But twin souls remain split, just dual... Twins, on the other hand, look to a common future, I am convinced.
      Nevertheless, a total of almost 2 years have passed, during which my twin soul, like me, had to let go of many blockages and situations. Only after exactly 9 years (cycle according to Pythagoras) did I find a state of self-worth, professional value, just being happy with myself and filled with divine power.
      And only now do I believe that we can approach each other, because I'm the only one who suspects something of this bond all the time (did he recognize me?). It says on the net that when you meet the twin soul, everything happens very quickly. In my case, that's not true at all, because I haven't earned any money professionally, the 9-year cycle wasn't over yet and the twin year 2020 is probably the year in which we as life number 11 and life number 22 will be merged.
      I'll see what March 3.3.2020rd, 2011 brings, because that's when my journey started (XNUMX)...

    • Alexandra 4. April 2020, 23: 44

      Hello, I had a twin soul. It was really a hard process and in the end we separated, on/off again and again but I put up with it because I loved him very much. But I still had to separate from him for good due to strokes of fate. He died last year in January.Now I got to know my twin soul, a much lighter and more flowing energy.We confessed our love and also recognized each other as twins.... So far so good, only now he has gone into retreat. Is that part of it? How do I know what I still have to do now... I'm somehow unsettled and afraid of going through hell again like I did with my dual before. Please give a short feedback.
      LG, Alexia

    • wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

      It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

    It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    • Rennie 19. May 2019, 16: 42

      WOW! This is awesome! This mirrors my own experience so closely! Thank you!

      • Sarah 30. October 2019, 11: 33

        My twin soul and I met about eight years ago and immediately realized that we are ONE. For years we were just friends and he kept disappearing from my life for a few years and eventually coming back to me. Last summer when I was about to make another "mistake" he suddenly appeared at my door and the funny thing is that a few weeks before that I had a lucid dream where he was looking for me and asking for forgiveness. After that, we lost touch again for a few months. Then in winter, he stood in front of my front door again and made me a confession of love and we have been together ever since. It's not always easy because we're very similar and I see my dark side through him and then I get upset about myself 😀 but otherwise it's God's blessing and God's gift to have him in my life. LG

    • Snezana Tasic 19. May 2019, 18: 30

      Hello Yannick,
      well, I thought it all over again and came to the conclusion that it was indeed a soulmate love affair. The conclusion is obvious that the person who told me that my former partner is my twin soul actually meant the twin soul partner.

      Kind regards

    • Kerstin Haseler 28. June 2019, 23: 29

      Now I have understood the difference between my twin soul and my twin soul. Thanks. And that's exactly how I experienced it. My twin soul has made it possible for me to be a happy person again and at a rapid pace. In a good year I was allowed to change enormously positively....I was allowed to be myself again. Even if the path wasn't always easy.
      For a long time I believed that I would eventually meet my twin soul. But a quarter of a year ago I met my twin soul and it is exactly as it is written here.

    • anonymous heart person 1. November 2019, 21: 37

      I've already met & left my twin soul, unfortunately I haven't met my twin soul yet. My question to you: Is the twin soul just as “mindful”, i.e. more egotistical and narcissistic, like the dual soul? :/
      LG from a "heart person" who very much hopes for an answer

      • Yosh 14. November 2019, 22: 01

        The twin soul is ALWAYS a heart person. The rational man has no twin soul.
        Soul division origin - 2x twin souls 1x male 1x female and from each of these 1 dual soul. The twin soul is a part of your own soul with the parts that you did not want for this life. The heart person is the origin of the dual soul. That's why at least one of the two says "Wush, that's it" without having said a word, while it's the other way around with the twin soul, talk first before anything happens. The twin soul is at least 90% like you, at least that's how it is with me or us and the harmony is phenomenal. pure soul love

      • anonymous heart person 10. December 2019, 12: 34

        Thanks for your reply Yosh!
        I'm excited now and looking forward to it
        nice thank you!
        How long did it take you until you
        met your twin soul after
        Was it over with your twin soul? LG

    • saber 3. December 2019, 7: 33

      Thanks, insightful article. However, I do not believe that twin souls are meant to be the partnership for life. I met both my soulmate and my twin soul. My twin soul "broke open" me, so to speak. And then my twin soul came and caught me. We were together for 8 years and even today I can hardly imagine a better partner than him. Nevertheless I left him. My twin soul came back again and again and when I finally realized how deep this love goes, I couldn't stay with my twin soul in good conscience. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he also deserved to be loved so deeply. And I couldn't. Also, my connection to my soulmate grew stronger and even though he withdrew, I now believe that we are destined to be together in this life, even to start a family. There's a little angel just waiting for us

    • bee 16. December 2019, 20: 17

      Unfortunately, my twin soul passed away and I can't imagine that there is a love that can top this love or is just as intense. This love was just divine and we felt fused as one in our embrace. A love so deep so pure so intimate so loving so divine I wonder how to live on with the certainty that I will never be able to feel this again in my life It hurts so much to have lost this love 1!! what else is to come????? I honestly can't imagine that a twin soul can come close let alone top it !!!!!!!

    • Sabine Grabe 13. January 2020, 22: 35

      It's exactly the same for me, first I had a twin soul, now a twin soul. I was afraid there would be 2 twin souls. Are twin souls also of the same sex?

    • Nastassya 11 27. February 2020, 18: 21

      Hello everyone,
      on March 3.3.11rd, XNUMX I met my twin soul. It was this galactic encounter that no one can understand who has not experienced it themselves. We had never met before, suddenly we were dancing without a word and after a few minutes he took me in his arms and looked at me for minutes. This look went into the depths of the world, I saw my other half in him and didn't know what happened to me.
      Then 4 years of the usual odyssey followed, also because he is 20 years younger than me and just a rational person.
      After a while I was able to understand what this was about thanks to the large amount of information from books and the internet. And increasingly managed to concentrate on myself, but that wasn't enough.
      If someone here thinks that they will never meet a love like that again, then I think they are still projecting the lack of self-love onto the other person.
      A good year later I met a man beaming at me again, and for the first split seconds I thought: "Wow, I would get married immediately!" It was only after some time of the usual difficulties with a rational person that it dawned on me that I was here met my second twin soul. I had never read anywhere on the internet that there is a second twin soul.
      The encounter wasn't as bad as it was with the first twin soul - after all, I had been working on myself for 5 years - but I couldn't get this dream guy out of my head either.
      Due to a tough situation, which was like a punch in the stomach due to his "coldness", we both got separated after 2 years.
      I then concentrated on my “career”, which was beginning to be subtle, and met my twin soul there, 800 km from home.
      I could hardly look at him at the beginning of a professional conversation, I found this dream man so beautiful. But towards the end we exchanged very familiar deep looks. However, I only recognized him as a twin soul months later at the next professional meeting.
      But then back home my second twin soul suddenly appeared again, I was torn for a while and worked hard in the last few weeks why I couldn't finish the twin soul process 2%. Kinesiological testing helps me enormously.

      But twin souls remain split, just dual... Twins, on the other hand, look to a common future, I am convinced.
      Nevertheless, a total of almost 2 years have passed, during which my twin soul, like me, had to let go of many blockages and situations. Only after exactly 9 years (cycle according to Pythagoras) did I find a state of self-worth, professional value, just being happy with myself and filled with divine power.
      And only now do I believe that we can approach each other, because I'm the only one who suspects something of this bond all the time (did he recognize me?). It says on the net that when you meet the twin soul, everything happens very quickly. In my case, that's not true at all, because I haven't earned any money professionally, the 9-year cycle wasn't over yet and the twin year 2020 is probably the year in which we as life number 11 and life number 22 will be merged.
      I'll see what March 3.3.2020rd, 2011 brings, because that's when my journey started (XNUMX)...

    • Alexandra 4. April 2020, 23: 44

      Hello, I had a twin soul. It was really a hard process and in the end we separated, on/off again and again but I put up with it because I loved him very much. But I still had to separate from him for good due to strokes of fate. He died last year in January.Now I got to know my twin soul, a much lighter and more flowing energy.We confessed our love and also recognized each other as twins.... So far so good, only now he has gone into retreat. Is that part of it? How do I know what I still have to do now... I'm somehow unsettled and afraid of going through hell again like I did with my dual before. Please give a short feedback.
      LG, Alexia

    • wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

      It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

    It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    • Rennie 19. May 2019, 16: 42

      WOW! This is awesome! This mirrors my own experience so closely! Thank you!

      • Sarah 30. October 2019, 11: 33

        My twin soul and I met about eight years ago and immediately realized that we are ONE. For years we were just friends and he kept disappearing from my life for a few years and eventually coming back to me. Last summer when I was about to make another "mistake" he suddenly appeared at my door and the funny thing is that a few weeks before that I had a lucid dream where he was looking for me and asking for forgiveness. After that, we lost touch again for a few months. Then in winter, he stood in front of my front door again and made me a confession of love and we have been together ever since. It's not always easy because we're very similar and I see my dark side through him and then I get upset about myself 😀 but otherwise it's God's blessing and God's gift to have him in my life. LG

    • Snezana Tasic 19. May 2019, 18: 30

      Hello Yannick,
      well, I thought it all over again and came to the conclusion that it was indeed a soulmate love affair. The conclusion is obvious that the person who told me that my former partner is my twin soul actually meant the twin soul partner.

      Kind regards

    • Kerstin Haseler 28. June 2019, 23: 29

      Now I have understood the difference between my twin soul and my twin soul. Thanks. And that's exactly how I experienced it. My twin soul has made it possible for me to be a happy person again and at a rapid pace. In a good year I was allowed to change enormously positively....I was allowed to be myself again. Even if the path wasn't always easy.
      For a long time I believed that I would eventually meet my twin soul. But a quarter of a year ago I met my twin soul and it is exactly as it is written here.

    • anonymous heart person 1. November 2019, 21: 37

      I've already met & left my twin soul, unfortunately I haven't met my twin soul yet. My question to you: Is the twin soul just as “mindful”, i.e. more egotistical and narcissistic, like the dual soul? :/
      LG from a "heart person" who very much hopes for an answer

      • Yosh 14. November 2019, 22: 01

        The twin soul is ALWAYS a heart person. The rational man has no twin soul.
        Soul division origin - 2x twin souls 1x male 1x female and from each of these 1 dual soul. The twin soul is a part of your own soul with the parts that you did not want for this life. The heart person is the origin of the dual soul. That's why at least one of the two says "Wush, that's it" without having said a word, while it's the other way around with the twin soul, talk first before anything happens. The twin soul is at least 90% like you, at least that's how it is with me or us and the harmony is phenomenal. pure soul love

      • anonymous heart person 10. December 2019, 12: 34

        Thanks for your reply Yosh!
        I'm excited now and looking forward to it
        nice thank you!
        How long did it take you until you
        met your twin soul after
        Was it over with your twin soul? LG

    • saber 3. December 2019, 7: 33

      Thanks, insightful article. However, I do not believe that twin souls are meant to be the partnership for life. I met both my soulmate and my twin soul. My twin soul "broke open" me, so to speak. And then my twin soul came and caught me. We were together for 8 years and even today I can hardly imagine a better partner than him. Nevertheless I left him. My twin soul came back again and again and when I finally realized how deep this love goes, I couldn't stay with my twin soul in good conscience. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he also deserved to be loved so deeply. And I couldn't. Also, my connection to my soulmate grew stronger and even though he withdrew, I now believe that we are destined to be together in this life, even to start a family. There's a little angel just waiting for us

    • bee 16. December 2019, 20: 17

      Unfortunately, my twin soul passed away and I can't imagine that there is a love that can top this love or is just as intense. This love was just divine and we felt fused as one in our embrace. A love so deep so pure so intimate so loving so divine I wonder how to live on with the certainty that I will never be able to feel this again in my life It hurts so much to have lost this love 1!! what else is to come????? I honestly can't imagine that a twin soul can come close let alone top it !!!!!!!

    • Sabine Grabe 13. January 2020, 22: 35

      It's exactly the same for me, first I had a twin soul, now a twin soul. I was afraid there would be 2 twin souls. Are twin souls also of the same sex?

    • Nastassya 11 27. February 2020, 18: 21

      Hello everyone,
      on March 3.3.11rd, XNUMX I met my twin soul. It was this galactic encounter that no one can understand who has not experienced it themselves. We had never met before, suddenly we were dancing without a word and after a few minutes he took me in his arms and looked at me for minutes. This look went into the depths of the world, I saw my other half in him and didn't know what happened to me.
      Then 4 years of the usual odyssey followed, also because he is 20 years younger than me and just a rational person.
      After a while I was able to understand what this was about thanks to the large amount of information from books and the internet. And increasingly managed to concentrate on myself, but that wasn't enough.
      If someone here thinks that they will never meet a love like that again, then I think they are still projecting the lack of self-love onto the other person.
      A good year later I met a man beaming at me again, and for the first split seconds I thought: "Wow, I would get married immediately!" It was only after some time of the usual difficulties with a rational person that it dawned on me that I was here met my second twin soul. I had never read anywhere on the internet that there is a second twin soul.
      The encounter wasn't as bad as it was with the first twin soul - after all, I had been working on myself for 5 years - but I couldn't get this dream guy out of my head either.
      Due to a tough situation, which was like a punch in the stomach due to his "coldness", we both got separated after 2 years.
      I then concentrated on my “career”, which was beginning to be subtle, and met my twin soul there, 800 km from home.
      I could hardly look at him at the beginning of a professional conversation, I found this dream man so beautiful. But towards the end we exchanged very familiar deep looks. However, I only recognized him as a twin soul months later at the next professional meeting.
      But then back home my second twin soul suddenly appeared again, I was torn for a while and worked hard in the last few weeks why I couldn't finish the twin soul process 2%. Kinesiological testing helps me enormously.

      But twin souls remain split, just dual... Twins, on the other hand, look to a common future, I am convinced.
      Nevertheless, a total of almost 2 years have passed, during which my twin soul, like me, had to let go of many blockages and situations. Only after exactly 9 years (cycle according to Pythagoras) did I find a state of self-worth, professional value, just being happy with myself and filled with divine power.
      And only now do I believe that we can approach each other, because I'm the only one who suspects something of this bond all the time (did he recognize me?). It says on the net that when you meet the twin soul, everything happens very quickly. In my case, that's not true at all, because I haven't earned any money professionally, the 9-year cycle wasn't over yet and the twin year 2020 is probably the year in which we as life number 11 and life number 22 will be merged.
      I'll see what March 3.3.2020rd, 2011 brings, because that's when my journey started (XNUMX)...

    • Alexandra 4. April 2020, 23: 44

      Hello, I had a twin soul. It was really a hard process and in the end we separated, on/off again and again but I put up with it because I loved him very much. But I still had to separate from him for good due to strokes of fate. He died last year in January.Now I got to know my twin soul, a much lighter and more flowing energy.We confessed our love and also recognized each other as twins.... So far so good, only now he has gone into retreat. Is that part of it? How do I know what I still have to do now... I'm somehow unsettled and afraid of going through hell again like I did with my dual before. Please give a short feedback.
      LG, Alexia

    • wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

      It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

    It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

      • Rennie 19. May 2019, 16: 42

        WOW! This is awesome! This mirrors my own experience so closely! Thank you!

        • Sarah 30. October 2019, 11: 33

          My twin soul and I met about eight years ago and immediately realized that we are ONE. For years we were just friends and he kept disappearing from my life for a few years and eventually coming back to me. Last summer when I was about to make another "mistake" he suddenly appeared at my door and the funny thing is that a few weeks before that I had a lucid dream where he was looking for me and asking for forgiveness. After that, we lost touch again for a few months. Then in winter, he stood in front of my front door again and made me a confession of love and we have been together ever since. It's not always easy because we're very similar and I see my dark side through him and then I get upset about myself 😀 but otherwise it's God's blessing and God's gift to have him in my life. LG

      • Snezana Tasic 19. May 2019, 18: 30

        Hello Yannick,
        well, I thought it all over again and came to the conclusion that it was indeed a soulmate love affair. The conclusion is obvious that the person who told me that my former partner is my twin soul actually meant the twin soul partner.

        Kind regards

      • Kerstin Haseler 28. June 2019, 23: 29

        Now I have understood the difference between my twin soul and my twin soul. Thanks. And that's exactly how I experienced it. My twin soul has made it possible for me to be a happy person again and at a rapid pace. In a good year I was allowed to change enormously positively....I was allowed to be myself again. Even if the path wasn't always easy.
        For a long time I believed that I would eventually meet my twin soul. But a quarter of a year ago I met my twin soul and it is exactly as it is written here.

      • anonymous heart person 1. November 2019, 21: 37

        I've already met & left my twin soul, unfortunately I haven't met my twin soul yet. My question to you: Is the twin soul just as “mindful”, i.e. more egotistical and narcissistic, like the dual soul? :/
        LG from a "heart person" who very much hopes for an answer

        • Yosh 14. November 2019, 22: 01

          The twin soul is ALWAYS a heart person. The rational man has no twin soul.
          Soul division origin - 2x twin souls 1x male 1x female and from each of these 1 dual soul. The twin soul is a part of your own soul with the parts that you did not want for this life. The heart person is the origin of the dual soul. That's why at least one of the two says "Wush, that's it" without having said a word, while it's the other way around with the twin soul, talk first before anything happens. The twin soul is at least 90% like you, at least that's how it is with me or us and the harmony is phenomenal. pure soul love

        • anonymous heart person 10. December 2019, 12: 34

          Thanks for your reply Yosh!
          I'm excited now and looking forward to it
          nice thank you!
          How long did it take you until you
          met your twin soul after
          Was it over with your twin soul? LG

      • saber 3. December 2019, 7: 33

        Thanks, insightful article. However, I do not believe that twin souls are meant to be the partnership for life. I met both my soulmate and my twin soul. My twin soul "broke open" me, so to speak. And then my twin soul came and caught me. We were together for 8 years and even today I can hardly imagine a better partner than him. Nevertheless I left him. My twin soul came back again and again and when I finally realized how deep this love goes, I couldn't stay with my twin soul in good conscience. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he also deserved to be loved so deeply. And I couldn't. Also, my connection to my soulmate grew stronger and even though he withdrew, I now believe that we are destined to be together in this life, even to start a family. There's a little angel just waiting for us

      • bee 16. December 2019, 20: 17

        Unfortunately, my twin soul passed away and I can't imagine that there is a love that can top this love or is just as intense. This love was just divine and we felt fused as one in our embrace. A love so deep so pure so intimate so loving so divine I wonder how to live on with the certainty that I will never be able to feel this again in my life It hurts so much to have lost this love 1!! what else is to come????? I honestly can't imagine that a twin soul can come close let alone top it !!!!!!!

      • Sabine Grabe 13. January 2020, 22: 35

        It's exactly the same for me, first I had a twin soul, now a twin soul. I was afraid there would be 2 twin souls. Are twin souls also of the same sex?

      • Nastassya 11 27. February 2020, 18: 21

        Hello everyone,
        on March 3.3.11rd, XNUMX I met my twin soul. It was this galactic encounter that no one can understand who has not experienced it themselves. We had never met before, suddenly we were dancing without a word and after a few minutes he took me in his arms and looked at me for minutes. This look went into the depths of the world, I saw my other half in him and didn't know what happened to me.
        Then 4 years of the usual odyssey followed, also because he is 20 years younger than me and just a rational person.
        After a while I was able to understand what this was about thanks to the large amount of information from books and the internet. And increasingly managed to concentrate on myself, but that wasn't enough.
        If someone here thinks that they will never meet a love like that again, then I think they are still projecting the lack of self-love onto the other person.
        A good year later I met a man beaming at me again, and for the first split seconds I thought: "Wow, I would get married immediately!" It was only after some time of the usual difficulties with a rational person that it dawned on me that I was here met my second twin soul. I had never read anywhere on the internet that there is a second twin soul.
        The encounter wasn't as bad as it was with the first twin soul - after all, I had been working on myself for 5 years - but I couldn't get this dream guy out of my head either.
        Due to a tough situation, which was like a punch in the stomach due to his "coldness", we both got separated after 2 years.
        I then concentrated on my “career”, which was beginning to be subtle, and met my twin soul there, 800 km from home.
        I could hardly look at him at the beginning of a professional conversation, I found this dream man so beautiful. But towards the end we exchanged very familiar deep looks. However, I only recognized him as a twin soul months later at the next professional meeting.
        But then back home my second twin soul suddenly appeared again, I was torn for a while and worked hard in the last few weeks why I couldn't finish the twin soul process 2%. Kinesiological testing helps me enormously.

        But twin souls remain split, just dual... Twins, on the other hand, look to a common future, I am convinced.
        Nevertheless, a total of almost 2 years have passed, during which my twin soul, like me, had to let go of many blockages and situations. Only after exactly 9 years (cycle according to Pythagoras) did I find a state of self-worth, professional value, just being happy with myself and filled with divine power.
        And only now do I believe that we can approach each other, because I'm the only one who suspects something of this bond all the time (did he recognize me?). It says on the net that when you meet the twin soul, everything happens very quickly. In my case, that's not true at all, because I haven't earned any money professionally, the 9-year cycle wasn't over yet and the twin year 2020 is probably the year in which we as life number 11 and life number 22 will be merged.
        I'll see what March 3.3.2020rd, 2011 brings, because that's when my journey started (XNUMX)...

      • Alexandra 4. April 2020, 23: 44

        Hello, I had a twin soul. It was really a hard process and in the end we separated, on/off again and again but I put up with it because I loved him very much. But I still had to separate from him for good due to strokes of fate. He died last year in January.Now I got to know my twin soul, a much lighter and more flowing energy.We confessed our love and also recognized each other as twins.... So far so good, only now he has gone into retreat. Is that part of it? How do I know what I still have to do now... I'm somehow unsettled and afraid of going through hell again like I did with my dual before. Please give a short feedback.
        LG, Alexia

      • wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

        It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

      wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

      It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

      • Rennie 19. May 2019, 16: 42

        WOW! This is awesome! This mirrors my own experience so closely! Thank you!

        • Sarah 30. October 2019, 11: 33

          My twin soul and I met about eight years ago and immediately realized that we are ONE. For years we were just friends and he kept disappearing from my life for a few years and eventually coming back to me. Last summer when I was about to make another "mistake" he suddenly appeared at my door and the funny thing is that a few weeks before that I had a lucid dream where he was looking for me and asking for forgiveness. After that, we lost touch again for a few months. Then in winter, he stood in front of my front door again and made me a confession of love and we have been together ever since. It's not always easy because we're very similar and I see my dark side through him and then I get upset about myself 😀 but otherwise it's God's blessing and God's gift to have him in my life. LG

      • Snezana Tasic 19. May 2019, 18: 30

        Hello Yannick,
        well, I thought it all over again and came to the conclusion that it was indeed a soulmate love affair. The conclusion is obvious that the person who told me that my former partner is my twin soul actually meant the twin soul partner.

        Kind regards

      • Kerstin Haseler 28. June 2019, 23: 29

        Now I have understood the difference between my twin soul and my twin soul. Thanks. And that's exactly how I experienced it. My twin soul has made it possible for me to be a happy person again and at a rapid pace. In a good year I was allowed to change enormously positively....I was allowed to be myself again. Even if the path wasn't always easy.
        For a long time I believed that I would eventually meet my twin soul. But a quarter of a year ago I met my twin soul and it is exactly as it is written here.

      • anonymous heart person 1. November 2019, 21: 37

        I've already met & left my twin soul, unfortunately I haven't met my twin soul yet. My question to you: Is the twin soul just as “mindful”, i.e. more egotistical and narcissistic, like the dual soul? :/
        LG from a "heart person" who very much hopes for an answer

        • Yosh 14. November 2019, 22: 01

          The twin soul is ALWAYS a heart person. The rational man has no twin soul.
          Soul division origin - 2x twin souls 1x male 1x female and from each of these 1 dual soul. The twin soul is a part of your own soul with the parts that you did not want for this life. The heart person is the origin of the dual soul. That's why at least one of the two says "Wush, that's it" without having said a word, while it's the other way around with the twin soul, talk first before anything happens. The twin soul is at least 90% like you, at least that's how it is with me or us and the harmony is phenomenal. pure soul love

        • anonymous heart person 10. December 2019, 12: 34

          Thanks for your reply Yosh!
          I'm excited now and looking forward to it
          nice thank you!
          How long did it take you until you
          met your twin soul after
          Was it over with your twin soul? LG

      • saber 3. December 2019, 7: 33

        Thanks, insightful article. However, I do not believe that twin souls are meant to be the partnership for life. I met both my soulmate and my twin soul. My twin soul "broke open" me, so to speak. And then my twin soul came and caught me. We were together for 8 years and even today I can hardly imagine a better partner than him. Nevertheless I left him. My twin soul came back again and again and when I finally realized how deep this love goes, I couldn't stay with my twin soul in good conscience. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he also deserved to be loved so deeply. And I couldn't. Also, my connection to my soulmate grew stronger and even though he withdrew, I now believe that we are destined to be together in this life, even to start a family. There's a little angel just waiting for us

      • bee 16. December 2019, 20: 17

        Unfortunately, my twin soul passed away and I can't imagine that there is a love that can top this love or is just as intense. This love was just divine and we felt fused as one in our embrace. A love so deep so pure so intimate so loving so divine I wonder how to live on with the certainty that I will never be able to feel this again in my life It hurts so much to have lost this love 1!! what else is to come????? I honestly can't imagine that a twin soul can come close let alone top it !!!!!!!

      • Sabine Grabe 13. January 2020, 22: 35

        It's exactly the same for me, first I had a twin soul, now a twin soul. I was afraid there would be 2 twin souls. Are twin souls also of the same sex?

      • Nastassya 11 27. February 2020, 18: 21

        Hello everyone,
        on March 3.3.11rd, XNUMX I met my twin soul. It was this galactic encounter that no one can understand who has not experienced it themselves. We had never met before, suddenly we were dancing without a word and after a few minutes he took me in his arms and looked at me for minutes. This look went into the depths of the world, I saw my other half in him and didn't know what happened to me.
        Then 4 years of the usual odyssey followed, also because he is 20 years younger than me and just a rational person.
        After a while I was able to understand what this was about thanks to the large amount of information from books and the internet. And increasingly managed to concentrate on myself, but that wasn't enough.
        If someone here thinks that they will never meet a love like that again, then I think they are still projecting the lack of self-love onto the other person.
        A good year later I met a man beaming at me again, and for the first split seconds I thought: "Wow, I would get married immediately!" It was only after some time of the usual difficulties with a rational person that it dawned on me that I was here met my second twin soul. I had never read anywhere on the internet that there is a second twin soul.
        The encounter wasn't as bad as it was with the first twin soul - after all, I had been working on myself for 5 years - but I couldn't get this dream guy out of my head either.
        Due to a tough situation, which was like a punch in the stomach due to his "coldness", we both got separated after 2 years.
        I then concentrated on my “career”, which was beginning to be subtle, and met my twin soul there, 800 km from home.
        I could hardly look at him at the beginning of a professional conversation, I found this dream man so beautiful. But towards the end we exchanged very familiar deep looks. However, I only recognized him as a twin soul months later at the next professional meeting.
        But then back home my second twin soul suddenly appeared again, I was torn for a while and worked hard in the last few weeks why I couldn't finish the twin soul process 2%. Kinesiological testing helps me enormously.

        But twin souls remain split, just dual... Twins, on the other hand, look to a common future, I am convinced.
        Nevertheless, a total of almost 2 years have passed, during which my twin soul, like me, had to let go of many blockages and situations. Only after exactly 9 years (cycle according to Pythagoras) did I find a state of self-worth, professional value, just being happy with myself and filled with divine power.
        And only now do I believe that we can approach each other, because I'm the only one who suspects something of this bond all the time (did he recognize me?). It says on the net that when you meet the twin soul, everything happens very quickly. In my case, that's not true at all, because I haven't earned any money professionally, the 9-year cycle wasn't over yet and the twin year 2020 is probably the year in which we as life number 11 and life number 22 will be merged.
        I'll see what March 3.3.2020rd, 2011 brings, because that's when my journey started (XNUMX)...

      • Alexandra 4. April 2020, 23: 44

        Hello, I had a twin soul. It was really a hard process and in the end we separated, on/off again and again but I put up with it because I loved him very much. But I still had to separate from him for good due to strokes of fate. He died last year in January.Now I got to know my twin soul, a much lighter and more flowing energy.We confessed our love and also recognized each other as twins.... So far so good, only now he has gone into retreat. Is that part of it? How do I know what I still have to do now... I'm somehow unsettled and afraid of going through hell again like I did with my dual before. Please give a short feedback.
        LG, Alexia

      • wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

        It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

      wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

      It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    • Rennie 19. May 2019, 16: 42

      WOW! This is awesome! This mirrors my own experience so closely! Thank you!

      • Sarah 30. October 2019, 11: 33

        My twin soul and I met about eight years ago and immediately realized that we are ONE. For years we were just friends and he kept disappearing from my life for a few years and eventually coming back to me. Last summer when I was about to make another "mistake" he suddenly appeared at my door and the funny thing is that a few weeks before that I had a lucid dream where he was looking for me and asking for forgiveness. After that, we lost touch again for a few months. Then in winter, he stood in front of my front door again and made me a confession of love and we have been together ever since. It's not always easy because we're very similar and I see my dark side through him and then I get upset about myself 😀 but otherwise it's God's blessing and God's gift to have him in my life. LG

    • Snezana Tasic 19. May 2019, 18: 30

      Hello Yannick,
      well, I thought it all over again and came to the conclusion that it was indeed a soulmate love affair. The conclusion is obvious that the person who told me that my former partner is my twin soul actually meant the twin soul partner.

      Kind regards

    • Kerstin Haseler 28. June 2019, 23: 29

      Now I have understood the difference between my twin soul and my twin soul. Thanks. And that's exactly how I experienced it. My twin soul has made it possible for me to be a happy person again and at a rapid pace. In a good year I was allowed to change enormously positively....I was allowed to be myself again. Even if the path wasn't always easy.
      For a long time I believed that I would eventually meet my twin soul. But a quarter of a year ago I met my twin soul and it is exactly as it is written here.

    • anonymous heart person 1. November 2019, 21: 37

      I've already met & left my twin soul, unfortunately I haven't met my twin soul yet. My question to you: Is the twin soul just as “mindful”, i.e. more egotistical and narcissistic, like the dual soul? :/
      LG from a "heart person" who very much hopes for an answer

      • Yosh 14. November 2019, 22: 01

        The twin soul is ALWAYS a heart person. The rational man has no twin soul.
        Soul division origin - 2x twin souls 1x male 1x female and from each of these 1 dual soul. The twin soul is a part of your own soul with the parts that you did not want for this life. The heart person is the origin of the dual soul. That's why at least one of the two says "Wush, that's it" without having said a word, while it's the other way around with the twin soul, talk first before anything happens. The twin soul is at least 90% like you, at least that's how it is with me or us and the harmony is phenomenal. pure soul love

      • anonymous heart person 10. December 2019, 12: 34

        Thanks for your reply Yosh!
        I'm excited now and looking forward to it
        nice thank you!
        How long did it take you until you
        met your twin soul after
        Was it over with your twin soul? LG

    • saber 3. December 2019, 7: 33

      Thanks, insightful article. However, I do not believe that twin souls are meant to be the partnership for life. I met both my soulmate and my twin soul. My twin soul "broke open" me, so to speak. And then my twin soul came and caught me. We were together for 8 years and even today I can hardly imagine a better partner than him. Nevertheless I left him. My twin soul came back again and again and when I finally realized how deep this love goes, I couldn't stay with my twin soul in good conscience. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he also deserved to be loved so deeply. And I couldn't. Also, my connection to my soulmate grew stronger and even though he withdrew, I now believe that we are destined to be together in this life, even to start a family. There's a little angel just waiting for us

    • bee 16. December 2019, 20: 17

      Unfortunately, my twin soul passed away and I can't imagine that there is a love that can top this love or is just as intense. This love was just divine and we felt fused as one in our embrace. A love so deep so pure so intimate so loving so divine I wonder how to live on with the certainty that I will never be able to feel this again in my life It hurts so much to have lost this love 1!! what else is to come????? I honestly can't imagine that a twin soul can come close let alone top it !!!!!!!

    • Sabine Grabe 13. January 2020, 22: 35

      It's exactly the same for me, first I had a twin soul, now a twin soul. I was afraid there would be 2 twin souls. Are twin souls also of the same sex?

    • Nastassya 11 27. February 2020, 18: 21

      Hello everyone,
      on March 3.3.11rd, XNUMX I met my twin soul. It was this galactic encounter that no one can understand who has not experienced it themselves. We had never met before, suddenly we were dancing without a word and after a few minutes he took me in his arms and looked at me for minutes. This look went into the depths of the world, I saw my other half in him and didn't know what happened to me.
      Then 4 years of the usual odyssey followed, also because he is 20 years younger than me and just a rational person.
      After a while I was able to understand what this was about thanks to the large amount of information from books and the internet. And increasingly managed to concentrate on myself, but that wasn't enough.
      If someone here thinks that they will never meet a love like that again, then I think they are still projecting the lack of self-love onto the other person.
      A good year later I met a man beaming at me again, and for the first split seconds I thought: "Wow, I would get married immediately!" It was only after some time of the usual difficulties with a rational person that it dawned on me that I was here met my second twin soul. I had never read anywhere on the internet that there is a second twin soul.
      The encounter wasn't as bad as it was with the first twin soul - after all, I had been working on myself for 5 years - but I couldn't get this dream guy out of my head either.
      Due to a tough situation, which was like a punch in the stomach due to his "coldness", we both got separated after 2 years.
      I then concentrated on my “career”, which was beginning to be subtle, and met my twin soul there, 800 km from home.
      I could hardly look at him at the beginning of a professional conversation, I found this dream man so beautiful. But towards the end we exchanged very familiar deep looks. However, I only recognized him as a twin soul months later at the next professional meeting.
      But then back home my second twin soul suddenly appeared again, I was torn for a while and worked hard in the last few weeks why I couldn't finish the twin soul process 2%. Kinesiological testing helps me enormously.

      But twin souls remain split, just dual... Twins, on the other hand, look to a common future, I am convinced.
      Nevertheless, a total of almost 2 years have passed, during which my twin soul, like me, had to let go of many blockages and situations. Only after exactly 9 years (cycle according to Pythagoras) did I find a state of self-worth, professional value, just being happy with myself and filled with divine power.
      And only now do I believe that we can approach each other, because I'm the only one who suspects something of this bond all the time (did he recognize me?). It says on the net that when you meet the twin soul, everything happens very quickly. In my case, that's not true at all, because I haven't earned any money professionally, the 9-year cycle wasn't over yet and the twin year 2020 is probably the year in which we as life number 11 and life number 22 will be merged.
      I'll see what March 3.3.2020rd, 2011 brings, because that's when my journey started (XNUMX)...

    • Alexandra 4. April 2020, 23: 44

      Hello, I had a twin soul. It was really a hard process and in the end we separated, on/off again and again but I put up with it because I loved him very much. But I still had to separate from him for good due to strokes of fate. He died last year in January.Now I got to know my twin soul, a much lighter and more flowing energy.We confessed our love and also recognized each other as twins.... So far so good, only now he has gone into retreat. Is that part of it? How do I know what I still have to do now... I'm somehow unsettled and afraid of going through hell again like I did with my dual before. Please give a short feedback.
      LG, Alexia

    • wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

      It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

    It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    • Rennie 19. May 2019, 16: 42

      WOW! This is awesome! This mirrors my own experience so closely! Thank you!

      • Sarah 30. October 2019, 11: 33

        My twin soul and I met about eight years ago and immediately realized that we are ONE. For years we were just friends and he kept disappearing from my life for a few years and eventually coming back to me. Last summer when I was about to make another "mistake" he suddenly appeared at my door and the funny thing is that a few weeks before that I had a lucid dream where he was looking for me and asking for forgiveness. After that, we lost touch again for a few months. Then in winter, he stood in front of my front door again and made me a confession of love and we have been together ever since. It's not always easy because we're very similar and I see my dark side through him and then I get upset about myself 😀 but otherwise it's God's blessing and God's gift to have him in my life. LG

    • Snezana Tasic 19. May 2019, 18: 30

      Hello Yannick,
      well, I thought it all over again and came to the conclusion that it was indeed a soulmate love affair. The conclusion is obvious that the person who told me that my former partner is my twin soul actually meant the twin soul partner.

      Kind regards

    • Kerstin Haseler 28. June 2019, 23: 29

      Now I have understood the difference between my twin soul and my twin soul. Thanks. And that's exactly how I experienced it. My twin soul has made it possible for me to be a happy person again and at a rapid pace. In a good year I was allowed to change enormously positively....I was allowed to be myself again. Even if the path wasn't always easy.
      For a long time I believed that I would eventually meet my twin soul. But a quarter of a year ago I met my twin soul and it is exactly as it is written here.

    • anonymous heart person 1. November 2019, 21: 37

      I've already met & left my twin soul, unfortunately I haven't met my twin soul yet. My question to you: Is the twin soul just as “mindful”, i.e. more egotistical and narcissistic, like the dual soul? :/
      LG from a "heart person" who very much hopes for an answer

      • Yosh 14. November 2019, 22: 01

        The twin soul is ALWAYS a heart person. The rational man has no twin soul.
        Soul division origin - 2x twin souls 1x male 1x female and from each of these 1 dual soul. The twin soul is a part of your own soul with the parts that you did not want for this life. The heart person is the origin of the dual soul. That's why at least one of the two says "Wush, that's it" without having said a word, while it's the other way around with the twin soul, talk first before anything happens. The twin soul is at least 90% like you, at least that's how it is with me or us and the harmony is phenomenal. pure soul love

      • anonymous heart person 10. December 2019, 12: 34

        Thanks for your reply Yosh!
        I'm excited now and looking forward to it
        nice thank you!
        How long did it take you until you
        met your twin soul after
        Was it over with your twin soul? LG

    • saber 3. December 2019, 7: 33

      Thanks, insightful article. However, I do not believe that twin souls are meant to be the partnership for life. I met both my soulmate and my twin soul. My twin soul "broke open" me, so to speak. And then my twin soul came and caught me. We were together for 8 years and even today I can hardly imagine a better partner than him. Nevertheless I left him. My twin soul came back again and again and when I finally realized how deep this love goes, I couldn't stay with my twin soul in good conscience. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he also deserved to be loved so deeply. And I couldn't. Also, my connection to my soulmate grew stronger and even though he withdrew, I now believe that we are destined to be together in this life, even to start a family. There's a little angel just waiting for us

    • bee 16. December 2019, 20: 17

      Unfortunately, my twin soul passed away and I can't imagine that there is a love that can top this love or is just as intense. This love was just divine and we felt fused as one in our embrace. A love so deep so pure so intimate so loving so divine I wonder how to live on with the certainty that I will never be able to feel this again in my life It hurts so much to have lost this love 1!! what else is to come????? I honestly can't imagine that a twin soul can come close let alone top it !!!!!!!

    • Sabine Grabe 13. January 2020, 22: 35

      It's exactly the same for me, first I had a twin soul, now a twin soul. I was afraid there would be 2 twin souls. Are twin souls also of the same sex?

    • Nastassya 11 27. February 2020, 18: 21

      Hello everyone,
      on March 3.3.11rd, XNUMX I met my twin soul. It was this galactic encounter that no one can understand who has not experienced it themselves. We had never met before, suddenly we were dancing without a word and after a few minutes he took me in his arms and looked at me for minutes. This look went into the depths of the world, I saw my other half in him and didn't know what happened to me.
      Then 4 years of the usual odyssey followed, also because he is 20 years younger than me and just a rational person.
      After a while I was able to understand what this was about thanks to the large amount of information from books and the internet. And increasingly managed to concentrate on myself, but that wasn't enough.
      If someone here thinks that they will never meet a love like that again, then I think they are still projecting the lack of self-love onto the other person.
      A good year later I met a man beaming at me again, and for the first split seconds I thought: "Wow, I would get married immediately!" It was only after some time of the usual difficulties with a rational person that it dawned on me that I was here met my second twin soul. I had never read anywhere on the internet that there is a second twin soul.
      The encounter wasn't as bad as it was with the first twin soul - after all, I had been working on myself for 5 years - but I couldn't get this dream guy out of my head either.
      Due to a tough situation, which was like a punch in the stomach due to his "coldness", we both got separated after 2 years.
      I then concentrated on my “career”, which was beginning to be subtle, and met my twin soul there, 800 km from home.
      I could hardly look at him at the beginning of a professional conversation, I found this dream man so beautiful. But towards the end we exchanged very familiar deep looks. However, I only recognized him as a twin soul months later at the next professional meeting.
      But then back home my second twin soul suddenly appeared again, I was torn for a while and worked hard in the last few weeks why I couldn't finish the twin soul process 2%. Kinesiological testing helps me enormously.

      But twin souls remain split, just dual... Twins, on the other hand, look to a common future, I am convinced.
      Nevertheless, a total of almost 2 years have passed, during which my twin soul, like me, had to let go of many blockages and situations. Only after exactly 9 years (cycle according to Pythagoras) did I find a state of self-worth, professional value, just being happy with myself and filled with divine power.
      And only now do I believe that we can approach each other, because I'm the only one who suspects something of this bond all the time (did he recognize me?). It says on the net that when you meet the twin soul, everything happens very quickly. In my case, that's not true at all, because I haven't earned any money professionally, the 9-year cycle wasn't over yet and the twin year 2020 is probably the year in which we as life number 11 and life number 22 will be merged.
      I'll see what March 3.3.2020rd, 2011 brings, because that's when my journey started (XNUMX)...

    • Alexandra 4. April 2020, 23: 44

      Hello, I had a twin soul. It was really a hard process and in the end we separated, on/off again and again but I put up with it because I loved him very much. But I still had to separate from him for good due to strokes of fate. He died last year in January.Now I got to know my twin soul, a much lighter and more flowing energy.We confessed our love and also recognized each other as twins.... So far so good, only now he has gone into retreat. Is that part of it? How do I know what I still have to do now... I'm somehow unsettled and afraid of going through hell again like I did with my dual before. Please give a short feedback.
      LG, Alexia

    • wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

      It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

    It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    • Rennie 19. May 2019, 16: 42

      WOW! This is awesome! This mirrors my own experience so closely! Thank you!

      • Sarah 30. October 2019, 11: 33

        My twin soul and I met about eight years ago and immediately realized that we are ONE. For years we were just friends and he kept disappearing from my life for a few years and eventually coming back to me. Last summer when I was about to make another "mistake" he suddenly appeared at my door and the funny thing is that a few weeks before that I had a lucid dream where he was looking for me and asking for forgiveness. After that, we lost touch again for a few months. Then in winter, he stood in front of my front door again and made me a confession of love and we have been together ever since. It's not always easy because we're very similar and I see my dark side through him and then I get upset about myself 😀 but otherwise it's God's blessing and God's gift to have him in my life. LG

    • Snezana Tasic 19. May 2019, 18: 30

      Hello Yannick,
      well, I thought it all over again and came to the conclusion that it was indeed a soulmate love affair. The conclusion is obvious that the person who told me that my former partner is my twin soul actually meant the twin soul partner.

      Kind regards

    • Kerstin Haseler 28. June 2019, 23: 29

      Now I have understood the difference between my twin soul and my twin soul. Thanks. And that's exactly how I experienced it. My twin soul has made it possible for me to be a happy person again and at a rapid pace. In a good year I was allowed to change enormously positively....I was allowed to be myself again. Even if the path wasn't always easy.
      For a long time I believed that I would eventually meet my twin soul. But a quarter of a year ago I met my twin soul and it is exactly as it is written here.

    • anonymous heart person 1. November 2019, 21: 37

      I've already met & left my twin soul, unfortunately I haven't met my twin soul yet. My question to you: Is the twin soul just as “mindful”, i.e. more egotistical and narcissistic, like the dual soul? :/
      LG from a "heart person" who very much hopes for an answer

      • Yosh 14. November 2019, 22: 01

        The twin soul is ALWAYS a heart person. The rational man has no twin soul.
        Soul division origin - 2x twin souls 1x male 1x female and from each of these 1 dual soul. The twin soul is a part of your own soul with the parts that you did not want for this life. The heart person is the origin of the dual soul. That's why at least one of the two says "Wush, that's it" without having said a word, while it's the other way around with the twin soul, talk first before anything happens. The twin soul is at least 90% like you, at least that's how it is with me or us and the harmony is phenomenal. pure soul love

      • anonymous heart person 10. December 2019, 12: 34

        Thanks for your reply Yosh!
        I'm excited now and looking forward to it
        nice thank you!
        How long did it take you until you
        met your twin soul after
        Was it over with your twin soul? LG

    • saber 3. December 2019, 7: 33

      Thanks, insightful article. However, I do not believe that twin souls are meant to be the partnership for life. I met both my soulmate and my twin soul. My twin soul "broke open" me, so to speak. And then my twin soul came and caught me. We were together for 8 years and even today I can hardly imagine a better partner than him. Nevertheless I left him. My twin soul came back again and again and when I finally realized how deep this love goes, I couldn't stay with my twin soul in good conscience. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he also deserved to be loved so deeply. And I couldn't. Also, my connection to my soulmate grew stronger and even though he withdrew, I now believe that we are destined to be together in this life, even to start a family. There's a little angel just waiting for us

    • bee 16. December 2019, 20: 17

      Unfortunately, my twin soul passed away and I can't imagine that there is a love that can top this love or is just as intense. This love was just divine and we felt fused as one in our embrace. A love so deep so pure so intimate so loving so divine I wonder how to live on with the certainty that I will never be able to feel this again in my life It hurts so much to have lost this love 1!! what else is to come????? I honestly can't imagine that a twin soul can come close let alone top it !!!!!!!

    • Sabine Grabe 13. January 2020, 22: 35

      It's exactly the same for me, first I had a twin soul, now a twin soul. I was afraid there would be 2 twin souls. Are twin souls also of the same sex?

    • Nastassya 11 27. February 2020, 18: 21

      Hello everyone,
      on March 3.3.11rd, XNUMX I met my twin soul. It was this galactic encounter that no one can understand who has not experienced it themselves. We had never met before, suddenly we were dancing without a word and after a few minutes he took me in his arms and looked at me for minutes. This look went into the depths of the world, I saw my other half in him and didn't know what happened to me.
      Then 4 years of the usual odyssey followed, also because he is 20 years younger than me and just a rational person.
      After a while I was able to understand what this was about thanks to the large amount of information from books and the internet. And increasingly managed to concentrate on myself, but that wasn't enough.
      If someone here thinks that they will never meet a love like that again, then I think they are still projecting the lack of self-love onto the other person.
      A good year later I met a man beaming at me again, and for the first split seconds I thought: "Wow, I would get married immediately!" It was only after some time of the usual difficulties with a rational person that it dawned on me that I was here met my second twin soul. I had never read anywhere on the internet that there is a second twin soul.
      The encounter wasn't as bad as it was with the first twin soul - after all, I had been working on myself for 5 years - but I couldn't get this dream guy out of my head either.
      Due to a tough situation, which was like a punch in the stomach due to his "coldness", we both got separated after 2 years.
      I then concentrated on my “career”, which was beginning to be subtle, and met my twin soul there, 800 km from home.
      I could hardly look at him at the beginning of a professional conversation, I found this dream man so beautiful. But towards the end we exchanged very familiar deep looks. However, I only recognized him as a twin soul months later at the next professional meeting.
      But then back home my second twin soul suddenly appeared again, I was torn for a while and worked hard in the last few weeks why I couldn't finish the twin soul process 2%. Kinesiological testing helps me enormously.

      But twin souls remain split, just dual... Twins, on the other hand, look to a common future, I am convinced.
      Nevertheless, a total of almost 2 years have passed, during which my twin soul, like me, had to let go of many blockages and situations. Only after exactly 9 years (cycle according to Pythagoras) did I find a state of self-worth, professional value, just being happy with myself and filled with divine power.
      And only now do I believe that we can approach each other, because I'm the only one who suspects something of this bond all the time (did he recognize me?). It says on the net that when you meet the twin soul, everything happens very quickly. In my case, that's not true at all, because I haven't earned any money professionally, the 9-year cycle wasn't over yet and the twin year 2020 is probably the year in which we as life number 11 and life number 22 will be merged.
      I'll see what March 3.3.2020rd, 2011 brings, because that's when my journey started (XNUMX)...

    • Alexandra 4. April 2020, 23: 44

      Hello, I had a twin soul. It was really a hard process and in the end we separated, on/off again and again but I put up with it because I loved him very much. But I still had to separate from him for good due to strokes of fate. He died last year in January.Now I got to know my twin soul, a much lighter and more flowing energy.We confessed our love and also recognized each other as twins.... So far so good, only now he has gone into retreat. Is that part of it? How do I know what I still have to do now... I'm somehow unsettled and afraid of going through hell again like I did with my dual before. Please give a short feedback.
      LG, Alexia

    • wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

      It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

    It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    • Rennie 19. May 2019, 16: 42

      WOW! This is awesome! This mirrors my own experience so closely! Thank you!

      • Sarah 30. October 2019, 11: 33

        My twin soul and I met about eight years ago and immediately realized that we are ONE. For years we were just friends and he kept disappearing from my life for a few years and eventually coming back to me. Last summer when I was about to make another "mistake" he suddenly appeared at my door and the funny thing is that a few weeks before that I had a lucid dream where he was looking for me and asking for forgiveness. After that, we lost touch again for a few months. Then in winter, he stood in front of my front door again and made me a confession of love and we have been together ever since. It's not always easy because we're very similar and I see my dark side through him and then I get upset about myself 😀 but otherwise it's God's blessing and God's gift to have him in my life. LG

    • Snezana Tasic 19. May 2019, 18: 30

      Hello Yannick,
      well, I thought it all over again and came to the conclusion that it was indeed a soulmate love affair. The conclusion is obvious that the person who told me that my former partner is my twin soul actually meant the twin soul partner.

      Kind regards

    • Kerstin Haseler 28. June 2019, 23: 29

      Now I have understood the difference between my twin soul and my twin soul. Thanks. And that's exactly how I experienced it. My twin soul has made it possible for me to be a happy person again and at a rapid pace. In a good year I was allowed to change enormously positively....I was allowed to be myself again. Even if the path wasn't always easy.
      For a long time I believed that I would eventually meet my twin soul. But a quarter of a year ago I met my twin soul and it is exactly as it is written here.

    • anonymous heart person 1. November 2019, 21: 37

      I've already met & left my twin soul, unfortunately I haven't met my twin soul yet. My question to you: Is the twin soul just as “mindful”, i.e. more egotistical and narcissistic, like the dual soul? :/
      LG from a "heart person" who very much hopes for an answer

      • Yosh 14. November 2019, 22: 01

        The twin soul is ALWAYS a heart person. The rational man has no twin soul.
        Soul division origin - 2x twin souls 1x male 1x female and from each of these 1 dual soul. The twin soul is a part of your own soul with the parts that you did not want for this life. The heart person is the origin of the dual soul. That's why at least one of the two says "Wush, that's it" without having said a word, while it's the other way around with the twin soul, talk first before anything happens. The twin soul is at least 90% like you, at least that's how it is with me or us and the harmony is phenomenal. pure soul love

      • anonymous heart person 10. December 2019, 12: 34

        Thanks for your reply Yosh!
        I'm excited now and looking forward to it
        nice thank you!
        How long did it take you until you
        met your twin soul after
        Was it over with your twin soul? LG

    • saber 3. December 2019, 7: 33

      Thanks, insightful article. However, I do not believe that twin souls are meant to be the partnership for life. I met both my soulmate and my twin soul. My twin soul "broke open" me, so to speak. And then my twin soul came and caught me. We were together for 8 years and even today I can hardly imagine a better partner than him. Nevertheless I left him. My twin soul came back again and again and when I finally realized how deep this love goes, I couldn't stay with my twin soul in good conscience. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he also deserved to be loved so deeply. And I couldn't. Also, my connection to my soulmate grew stronger and even though he withdrew, I now believe that we are destined to be together in this life, even to start a family. There's a little angel just waiting for us

    • bee 16. December 2019, 20: 17

      Unfortunately, my twin soul passed away and I can't imagine that there is a love that can top this love or is just as intense. This love was just divine and we felt fused as one in our embrace. A love so deep so pure so intimate so loving so divine I wonder how to live on with the certainty that I will never be able to feel this again in my life It hurts so much to have lost this love 1!! what else is to come????? I honestly can't imagine that a twin soul can come close let alone top it !!!!!!!

    • Sabine Grabe 13. January 2020, 22: 35

      It's exactly the same for me, first I had a twin soul, now a twin soul. I was afraid there would be 2 twin souls. Are twin souls also of the same sex?

    • Nastassya 11 27. February 2020, 18: 21

      Hello everyone,
      on March 3.3.11rd, XNUMX I met my twin soul. It was this galactic encounter that no one can understand who has not experienced it themselves. We had never met before, suddenly we were dancing without a word and after a few minutes he took me in his arms and looked at me for minutes. This look went into the depths of the world, I saw my other half in him and didn't know what happened to me.
      Then 4 years of the usual odyssey followed, also because he is 20 years younger than me and just a rational person.
      After a while I was able to understand what this was about thanks to the large amount of information from books and the internet. And increasingly managed to concentrate on myself, but that wasn't enough.
      If someone here thinks that they will never meet a love like that again, then I think they are still projecting the lack of self-love onto the other person.
      A good year later I met a man beaming at me again, and for the first split seconds I thought: "Wow, I would get married immediately!" It was only after some time of the usual difficulties with a rational person that it dawned on me that I was here met my second twin soul. I had never read anywhere on the internet that there is a second twin soul.
      The encounter wasn't as bad as it was with the first twin soul - after all, I had been working on myself for 5 years - but I couldn't get this dream guy out of my head either.
      Due to a tough situation, which was like a punch in the stomach due to his "coldness", we both got separated after 2 years.
      I then concentrated on my “career”, which was beginning to be subtle, and met my twin soul there, 800 km from home.
      I could hardly look at him at the beginning of a professional conversation, I found this dream man so beautiful. But towards the end we exchanged very familiar deep looks. However, I only recognized him as a twin soul months later at the next professional meeting.
      But then back home my second twin soul suddenly appeared again, I was torn for a while and worked hard in the last few weeks why I couldn't finish the twin soul process 2%. Kinesiological testing helps me enormously.

      But twin souls remain split, just dual... Twins, on the other hand, look to a common future, I am convinced.
      Nevertheless, a total of almost 2 years have passed, during which my twin soul, like me, had to let go of many blockages and situations. Only after exactly 9 years (cycle according to Pythagoras) did I find a state of self-worth, professional value, just being happy with myself and filled with divine power.
      And only now do I believe that we can approach each other, because I'm the only one who suspects something of this bond all the time (did he recognize me?). It says on the net that when you meet the twin soul, everything happens very quickly. In my case, that's not true at all, because I haven't earned any money professionally, the 9-year cycle wasn't over yet and the twin year 2020 is probably the year in which we as life number 11 and life number 22 will be merged.
      I'll see what March 3.3.2020rd, 2011 brings, because that's when my journey started (XNUMX)...

    • Alexandra 4. April 2020, 23: 44

      Hello, I had a twin soul. It was really a hard process and in the end we separated, on/off again and again but I put up with it because I loved him very much. But I still had to separate from him for good due to strokes of fate. He died last year in January.Now I got to know my twin soul, a much lighter and more flowing energy.We confessed our love and also recognized each other as twins.... So far so good, only now he has gone into retreat. Is that part of it? How do I know what I still have to do now... I'm somehow unsettled and afraid of going through hell again like I did with my dual before. Please give a short feedback.
      LG, Alexia

    • wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

      It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

    It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    • Rennie 19. May 2019, 16: 42

      WOW! This is awesome! This mirrors my own experience so closely! Thank you!

      • Sarah 30. October 2019, 11: 33

        My twin soul and I met about eight years ago and immediately realized that we are ONE. For years we were just friends and he kept disappearing from my life for a few years and eventually coming back to me. Last summer when I was about to make another "mistake" he suddenly appeared at my door and the funny thing is that a few weeks before that I had a lucid dream where he was looking for me and asking for forgiveness. After that, we lost touch again for a few months. Then in winter, he stood in front of my front door again and made me a confession of love and we have been together ever since. It's not always easy because we're very similar and I see my dark side through him and then I get upset about myself 😀 but otherwise it's God's blessing and God's gift to have him in my life. LG

    • Snezana Tasic 19. May 2019, 18: 30

      Hello Yannick,
      well, I thought it all over again and came to the conclusion that it was indeed a soulmate love affair. The conclusion is obvious that the person who told me that my former partner is my twin soul actually meant the twin soul partner.

      Kind regards

    • Kerstin Haseler 28. June 2019, 23: 29

      Now I have understood the difference between my twin soul and my twin soul. Thanks. And that's exactly how I experienced it. My twin soul has made it possible for me to be a happy person again and at a rapid pace. In a good year I was allowed to change enormously positively....I was allowed to be myself again. Even if the path wasn't always easy.
      For a long time I believed that I would eventually meet my twin soul. But a quarter of a year ago I met my twin soul and it is exactly as it is written here.

    • anonymous heart person 1. November 2019, 21: 37

      I've already met & left my twin soul, unfortunately I haven't met my twin soul yet. My question to you: Is the twin soul just as “mindful”, i.e. more egotistical and narcissistic, like the dual soul? :/
      LG from a "heart person" who very much hopes for an answer

      • Yosh 14. November 2019, 22: 01

        The twin soul is ALWAYS a heart person. The rational man has no twin soul.
        Soul division origin - 2x twin souls 1x male 1x female and from each of these 1 dual soul. The twin soul is a part of your own soul with the parts that you did not want for this life. The heart person is the origin of the dual soul. That's why at least one of the two says "Wush, that's it" without having said a word, while it's the other way around with the twin soul, talk first before anything happens. The twin soul is at least 90% like you, at least that's how it is with me or us and the harmony is phenomenal. pure soul love

      • anonymous heart person 10. December 2019, 12: 34

        Thanks for your reply Yosh!
        I'm excited now and looking forward to it
        nice thank you!
        How long did it take you until you
        met your twin soul after
        Was it over with your twin soul? LG

    • saber 3. December 2019, 7: 33

      Thanks, insightful article. However, I do not believe that twin souls are meant to be the partnership for life. I met both my soulmate and my twin soul. My twin soul "broke open" me, so to speak. And then my twin soul came and caught me. We were together for 8 years and even today I can hardly imagine a better partner than him. Nevertheless I left him. My twin soul came back again and again and when I finally realized how deep this love goes, I couldn't stay with my twin soul in good conscience. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he also deserved to be loved so deeply. And I couldn't. Also, my connection to my soulmate grew stronger and even though he withdrew, I now believe that we are destined to be together in this life, even to start a family. There's a little angel just waiting for us

    • bee 16. December 2019, 20: 17

      Unfortunately, my twin soul passed away and I can't imagine that there is a love that can top this love or is just as intense. This love was just divine and we felt fused as one in our embrace. A love so deep so pure so intimate so loving so divine I wonder how to live on with the certainty that I will never be able to feel this again in my life It hurts so much to have lost this love 1!! what else is to come????? I honestly can't imagine that a twin soul can come close let alone top it !!!!!!!

    • Sabine Grabe 13. January 2020, 22: 35

      It's exactly the same for me, first I had a twin soul, now a twin soul. I was afraid there would be 2 twin souls. Are twin souls also of the same sex?

    • Nastassya 11 27. February 2020, 18: 21

      Hello everyone,
      on March 3.3.11rd, XNUMX I met my twin soul. It was this galactic encounter that no one can understand who has not experienced it themselves. We had never met before, suddenly we were dancing without a word and after a few minutes he took me in his arms and looked at me for minutes. This look went into the depths of the world, I saw my other half in him and didn't know what happened to me.
      Then 4 years of the usual odyssey followed, also because he is 20 years younger than me and just a rational person.
      After a while I was able to understand what this was about thanks to the large amount of information from books and the internet. And increasingly managed to concentrate on myself, but that wasn't enough.
      If someone here thinks that they will never meet a love like that again, then I think they are still projecting the lack of self-love onto the other person.
      A good year later I met a man beaming at me again, and for the first split seconds I thought: "Wow, I would get married immediately!" It was only after some time of the usual difficulties with a rational person that it dawned on me that I was here met my second twin soul. I had never read anywhere on the internet that there is a second twin soul.
      The encounter wasn't as bad as it was with the first twin soul - after all, I had been working on myself for 5 years - but I couldn't get this dream guy out of my head either.
      Due to a tough situation, which was like a punch in the stomach due to his "coldness", we both got separated after 2 years.
      I then concentrated on my “career”, which was beginning to be subtle, and met my twin soul there, 800 km from home.
      I could hardly look at him at the beginning of a professional conversation, I found this dream man so beautiful. But towards the end we exchanged very familiar deep looks. However, I only recognized him as a twin soul months later at the next professional meeting.
      But then back home my second twin soul suddenly appeared again, I was torn for a while and worked hard in the last few weeks why I couldn't finish the twin soul process 2%. Kinesiological testing helps me enormously.

      But twin souls remain split, just dual... Twins, on the other hand, look to a common future, I am convinced.
      Nevertheless, a total of almost 2 years have passed, during which my twin soul, like me, had to let go of many blockages and situations. Only after exactly 9 years (cycle according to Pythagoras) did I find a state of self-worth, professional value, just being happy with myself and filled with divine power.
      And only now do I believe that we can approach each other, because I'm the only one who suspects something of this bond all the time (did he recognize me?). It says on the net that when you meet the twin soul, everything happens very quickly. In my case, that's not true at all, because I haven't earned any money professionally, the 9-year cycle wasn't over yet and the twin year 2020 is probably the year in which we as life number 11 and life number 22 will be merged.
      I'll see what March 3.3.2020rd, 2011 brings, because that's when my journey started (XNUMX)...

    • Alexandra 4. April 2020, 23: 44

      Hello, I had a twin soul. It was really a hard process and in the end we separated, on/off again and again but I put up with it because I loved him very much. But I still had to separate from him for good due to strokes of fate. He died last year in January.Now I got to know my twin soul, a much lighter and more flowing energy.We confessed our love and also recognized each other as twins.... So far so good, only now he has gone into retreat. Is that part of it? How do I know what I still have to do now... I'm somehow unsettled and afraid of going through hell again like I did with my dual before. Please give a short feedback.
      LG, Alexia

    • wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

      It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

    It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    • Rennie 19. May 2019, 16: 42

      WOW! This is awesome! This mirrors my own experience so closely! Thank you!

      • Sarah 30. October 2019, 11: 33

        My twin soul and I met about eight years ago and immediately realized that we are ONE. For years we were just friends and he kept disappearing from my life for a few years and eventually coming back to me. Last summer when I was about to make another "mistake" he suddenly appeared at my door and the funny thing is that a few weeks before that I had a lucid dream where he was looking for me and asking for forgiveness. After that, we lost touch again for a few months. Then in winter, he stood in front of my front door again and made me a confession of love and we have been together ever since. It's not always easy because we're very similar and I see my dark side through him and then I get upset about myself 😀 but otherwise it's God's blessing and God's gift to have him in my life. LG

    • Snezana Tasic 19. May 2019, 18: 30

      Hello Yannick,
      well, I thought it all over again and came to the conclusion that it was indeed a soulmate love affair. The conclusion is obvious that the person who told me that my former partner is my twin soul actually meant the twin soul partner.

      Kind regards

    • Kerstin Haseler 28. June 2019, 23: 29

      Now I have understood the difference between my twin soul and my twin soul. Thanks. And that's exactly how I experienced it. My twin soul has made it possible for me to be a happy person again and at a rapid pace. In a good year I was allowed to change enormously positively....I was allowed to be myself again. Even if the path wasn't always easy.
      For a long time I believed that I would eventually meet my twin soul. But a quarter of a year ago I met my twin soul and it is exactly as it is written here.

    • anonymous heart person 1. November 2019, 21: 37

      I've already met & left my twin soul, unfortunately I haven't met my twin soul yet. My question to you: Is the twin soul just as “mindful”, i.e. more egotistical and narcissistic, like the dual soul? :/
      LG from a "heart person" who very much hopes for an answer

      • Yosh 14. November 2019, 22: 01

        The twin soul is ALWAYS a heart person. The rational man has no twin soul.
        Soul division origin - 2x twin souls 1x male 1x female and from each of these 1 dual soul. The twin soul is a part of your own soul with the parts that you did not want for this life. The heart person is the origin of the dual soul. That's why at least one of the two says "Wush, that's it" without having said a word, while it's the other way around with the twin soul, talk first before anything happens. The twin soul is at least 90% like you, at least that's how it is with me or us and the harmony is phenomenal. pure soul love

      • anonymous heart person 10. December 2019, 12: 34

        Thanks for your reply Yosh!
        I'm excited now and looking forward to it
        nice thank you!
        How long did it take you until you
        met your twin soul after
        Was it over with your twin soul? LG

    • saber 3. December 2019, 7: 33

      Thanks, insightful article. However, I do not believe that twin souls are meant to be the partnership for life. I met both my soulmate and my twin soul. My twin soul "broke open" me, so to speak. And then my twin soul came and caught me. We were together for 8 years and even today I can hardly imagine a better partner than him. Nevertheless I left him. My twin soul came back again and again and when I finally realized how deep this love goes, I couldn't stay with my twin soul in good conscience. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he also deserved to be loved so deeply. And I couldn't. Also, my connection to my soulmate grew stronger and even though he withdrew, I now believe that we are destined to be together in this life, even to start a family. There's a little angel just waiting for us

    • bee 16. December 2019, 20: 17

      Unfortunately, my twin soul passed away and I can't imagine that there is a love that can top this love or is just as intense. This love was just divine and we felt fused as one in our embrace. A love so deep so pure so intimate so loving so divine I wonder how to live on with the certainty that I will never be able to feel this again in my life It hurts so much to have lost this love 1!! what else is to come????? I honestly can't imagine that a twin soul can come close let alone top it !!!!!!!

    • Sabine Grabe 13. January 2020, 22: 35

      It's exactly the same for me, first I had a twin soul, now a twin soul. I was afraid there would be 2 twin souls. Are twin souls also of the same sex?

    • Nastassya 11 27. February 2020, 18: 21

      Hello everyone,
      on March 3.3.11rd, XNUMX I met my twin soul. It was this galactic encounter that no one can understand who has not experienced it themselves. We had never met before, suddenly we were dancing without a word and after a few minutes he took me in his arms and looked at me for minutes. This look went into the depths of the world, I saw my other half in him and didn't know what happened to me.
      Then 4 years of the usual odyssey followed, also because he is 20 years younger than me and just a rational person.
      After a while I was able to understand what this was about thanks to the large amount of information from books and the internet. And increasingly managed to concentrate on myself, but that wasn't enough.
      If someone here thinks that they will never meet a love like that again, then I think they are still projecting the lack of self-love onto the other person.
      A good year later I met a man beaming at me again, and for the first split seconds I thought: "Wow, I would get married immediately!" It was only after some time of the usual difficulties with a rational person that it dawned on me that I was here met my second twin soul. I had never read anywhere on the internet that there is a second twin soul.
      The encounter wasn't as bad as it was with the first twin soul - after all, I had been working on myself for 5 years - but I couldn't get this dream guy out of my head either.
      Due to a tough situation, which was like a punch in the stomach due to his "coldness", we both got separated after 2 years.
      I then concentrated on my “career”, which was beginning to be subtle, and met my twin soul there, 800 km from home.
      I could hardly look at him at the beginning of a professional conversation, I found this dream man so beautiful. But towards the end we exchanged very familiar deep looks. However, I only recognized him as a twin soul months later at the next professional meeting.
      But then back home my second twin soul suddenly appeared again, I was torn for a while and worked hard in the last few weeks why I couldn't finish the twin soul process 2%. Kinesiological testing helps me enormously.

      But twin souls remain split, just dual... Twins, on the other hand, look to a common future, I am convinced.
      Nevertheless, a total of almost 2 years have passed, during which my twin soul, like me, had to let go of many blockages and situations. Only after exactly 9 years (cycle according to Pythagoras) did I find a state of self-worth, professional value, just being happy with myself and filled with divine power.
      And only now do I believe that we can approach each other, because I'm the only one who suspects something of this bond all the time (did he recognize me?). It says on the net that when you meet the twin soul, everything happens very quickly. In my case, that's not true at all, because I haven't earned any money professionally, the 9-year cycle wasn't over yet and the twin year 2020 is probably the year in which we as life number 11 and life number 22 will be merged.
      I'll see what March 3.3.2020rd, 2011 brings, because that's when my journey started (XNUMX)...

    • Alexandra 4. April 2020, 23: 44

      Hello, I had a twin soul. It was really a hard process and in the end we separated, on/off again and again but I put up with it because I loved him very much. But I still had to separate from him for good due to strokes of fate. He died last year in January.Now I got to know my twin soul, a much lighter and more flowing energy.We confessed our love and also recognized each other as twins.... So far so good, only now he has gone into retreat. Is that part of it? How do I know what I still have to do now... I'm somehow unsettled and afraid of going through hell again like I did with my dual before. Please give a short feedback.
      LG, Alexia

    • wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

      It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.

    wilko 17. February 2023, 15: 29

    It was the same for me... I've known the twin soul for 7 years, I'm the releaser, after working together for more than a year (job) I changed my identity from female to male, I was afraid of being rejected by her all these years and I am haven't come to her for a long time. Now she moved away last year and I had to let her go. But did very well. A few months later, I met my twin soul. We have become friends 🙂 Feels very good.
