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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Everything in existence consists only of oscillating energy, of energetic states that all have different frequencies or are frequencies. Nothing in the universe is static. The physical presence that we humans mistakenly perceive as solid, rigid matter is ultimately just condensed energy, a frequency that, due to its diminished movement, gives subtle mechanisms appearing physical robes. Everything is frequency, movement ever has a different structure/appearance depending on the speed (in physics, frequencies are measured with Hz - Hertz or kHz - Kilohertz: thousand oscillations per second).

Man is a subtle being/an energetic matrix!

It is exactly the same with people. Man is not a purely static mass, consisting exclusively of flesh and blood or a "random" accumulation of atoms and the like (random is only a mental result of our lower mind, which makes connections appear inexplicable, but there is no coincidence, only conscious actions and unknown facts).

energetic existenceThe human being is much more an energetic matrix, a complex frequented structure consisting of different energetic forces that shape our existence in constant interaction. Man often identifies with his own body, thinking that this represents his existence without exception and that this physical shell breathes consciousness into his spectral life. But spirit rules over matter. Vibrating energy/frequency stands above everything and is the archetype of all matter. We are not the body but mind/consciousness giving life to our physical dress. Seen in this way, not only does our body consist of vibrating energy, but our consciousness, our reality, our entire existence consists of vibrating, energetic states.

Every existence consists exclusively of energetic states

energetic primordial matrixThis subtle illustration can be applied to everything in the universe, because universes themselves are also made up of energetic convergences. The same applies to galaxies, solar systems, planets and all macro and microorganisms. At the end of the day, everything that is visible, or that is physically visible to us, has a consciousness, because not only humans consist of energetic oscillations, everything in universal existence consists of oscillating energy, of frequencies.

This essential aspect of being also makes all of creation immortal. Of course, the gross structures of our body can disintegrate, but our soul, our current energetic base, cannot cease to exist. That's why there is one Life after death". Once our physical body dies, our subtle being shifts to a completely different frequency. Seen in this way, death is just a change in frequency (you don't die, you experience and then experience another phase of life) and we experience this change fully because of our everlasting soul.

The subtle aspects of being can never cease to exist!

Toru's energyLikewise, the subtle worlds that are deeply anchored in our material existence can never cease to exist. On the contrary, this natural, energetic spectrum has always existed, exists and will always exist. These frequencies cannot be destroyed, let alone vanish into thin air. It is similar with our thoughts, of course you can change the structure or frequency of thoughts through willpower, but thoughts cannot disappear or be destroyed by external influence.

There are many catastrophes on our planet and man has only destroyed material conditions for thousands of years instead of maintaining them, but the subtle mechanisms that were behind the material facades continued to exist and have never lost their everlasting heartbeat. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Sunshine 23. April 2020, 10: 42

      I can only subscribe to what you say and due to the fact that many healers and shamans have been killed and we have lost the knowledge of our identity, we are unable
      to sense that we are in danger and that we must wake up now. There is evidence that we have received support from good beings in the universe, but also that our existence is being influenced by other extraterrestrial beings who wish to enslave us, breed and abuse us unnoticed as in the Matrix movie. You know about our subtle energy, which can be attacked very quickly when a person has no time to protect himself, fear and ignorance befuddle him.
      There was and always is a battle between evil and good.
      What if people learned that our consciousness is being poisoned by evil beings from the universe, that our illnesses and wars are caused by these evil beings, that the experiences of people who confess to paranormal events ultimately prove the existence of these confirm beings. what if technological development only serves to control us as humans, for we may only have been bred to serve as slaves to a system. What if these beings sealed themselves in all the most important areas of our lives to rule us? you can't fight what you don't recognize! If people would know that we have been destroying families and societies, raping children, starting wars, deceiving society all the time since we exist from these entities that consider us primitive and do not understand our culture and possess no creativity, hunt and kill people. Then what? Because this is the truth! They can manipulate people's consciousness and turn off people's souls and invade people's bodies like a black energy and take control. They use the nervous system as a means of transport and the blood cells as food. People can be poisoned by water and food and remain controlled because the substances they are using cannot be seen. She could communicate telepathically and make herself invisible. Unfortunately, this is not science fiction! As I said, there are bad and good beings that influence our lives. People wake up now and demand what they are entitled to: freedom, love, light, community, truth, health, knowledge! What nobody has understood, we live in parallel universes, where each of us goes through different life courses. Hence what is happening here affects other universes. We are all one unit! Duality serves to divide us and rule us from beings of darkness. there will come a time when people will learn and understand the whole truth and our history will be rewritten! I wish this to happen now!

    Sunshine 23. April 2020, 10: 42

    I can only subscribe to what you say and due to the fact that many healers and shamans have been killed and we have lost the knowledge of our identity, we are unable
    to sense that we are in danger and that we must wake up now. There is evidence that we have received support from good beings in the universe, but also that our existence is being influenced by other extraterrestrial beings who wish to enslave us, breed and abuse us unnoticed as in the Matrix movie. You know about our subtle energy, which can be attacked very quickly when a person has no time to protect himself, fear and ignorance befuddle him.
    There was and always is a battle between evil and good.
    What if people learned that our consciousness is being poisoned by evil beings from the universe, that our illnesses and wars are caused by these evil beings, that the experiences of people who confess to paranormal events ultimately prove the existence of these confirm beings. what if technological development only serves to control us as humans, for we may only have been bred to serve as slaves to a system. What if these beings sealed themselves in all the most important areas of our lives to rule us? you can't fight what you don't recognize! If people would know that we have been destroying families and societies, raping children, starting wars, deceiving society all the time since we exist from these entities that consider us primitive and do not understand our culture and possess no creativity, hunt and kill people. Then what? Because this is the truth! They can manipulate people's consciousness and turn off people's souls and invade people's bodies like a black energy and take control. They use the nervous system as a means of transport and the blood cells as food. People can be poisoned by water and food and remain controlled because the substances they are using cannot be seen. She could communicate telepathically and make herself invisible. Unfortunately, this is not science fiction! As I said, there are bad and good beings that influence our lives. People wake up now and demand what they are entitled to: freedom, love, light, community, truth, health, knowledge! What nobody has understood, we live in parallel universes, where each of us goes through different life courses. Hence what is happening here affects other universes. We are all one unit! Duality serves to divide us and rule us from beings of darkness. there will come a time when people will learn and understand the whole truth and our history will be rewritten! I wish this to happen now!
